Fan Fiction Improvement

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Beorn, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. I wish dbo would stop ostracizing us.
  2. I wish you would stay gone
  3. Maybe if people like dbo that " have a horrible life dealing with such losers like us " so to speak, were to just take a gun and shoot themselves, this world would be a better place
  4. are you suggesting that I KILL myself?
  5. Allow me to say the ToU-abiding translation to this:

    D_bo, can you tone down your level of being-a-dick-iness just a little? It's making KaW unenjoyable for others.
  6. @cheese

    do you honestly think I care about other players enjoyment of kaw?
  7. glad that's settled.

    I'm here for my enjoyment. not yours.
  8. Huzzah, I'm going to rate you guys outa 10 :D

    but first direct me to a good quality story.
  9. ^The Legend of KaW - Cheese's Version.

    Leave feedback in the appropriate thread.
  10. @cheese that stpry's kinda hard to find

    @dbo ur if u think our stories suck, u should at least respect our attempts...
  11. some of the attempts are worthy of respect. but not most
  12. Fan fucktion would be nice if people stopped posting **** from when they were 8 years old.
  13. Lol Fan ****-tion, best post this place has ever had
  14. Legend of KaW - Feather's Version, too. We are doing a joint story, just different versions.
  15. featherduster can't write for crap though. his stories look like they were written by a robot
  16. They do? You know, d_bo, you actually pushed me to write better at first. Then I realized something. You have no empathy, so it's pointless to write a story when you can't connect on any level at all with it.