Fairy Tales Are Fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AZ___aZTeC-KiNG-DooM___TEC, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. I guess it's a smart idea to play dumb & avoid embarassment.

    Just bad. Couldn't beat me 4 clans vs 1, GL with AWP. Btw cute how so many Aztec have over 100 actions in your last HTE while AWP destroyed your sub clan.

    Constantly claiming you get no INC while pinning on HTE.

    Just swing away at them EBs baddies.
  2. RlZ Pinned after unloading so many fails on someone potless and half your size. Why is Aztec so bad?
  3. pind you before i was pind :lol: im not Aztec im Rlz fool. the same size and same person who was pinning you before ;) your bfe/mith do help you in pvp... js since you obvi didnt think about it. size dont matter you should know fool :ugeek:
  4. You never pinned me you unloaded on me while I was afk and I came back in the middle of it and pinned you. Almost all of your inc was failed and you have been pinned and zs ever since. Anyone can test atk/sct on both of us to see. Same as last time I own you.
  5. Better get more failtecs to come help you.
  6. Aztec please stop talking to this fail, build dropping, inactive going, troll. He lost all his cred when he said 4 clans vs 1. When he got hit by us it was only about .... hmmm I think its was 8-10 Aztecs (not even a whole clan) we only had 2 clans at that point.

    Anyways after you reply to this, please stay off thread unless its about awp vs aztec. Please and thank you : )
  7. Notice how this nobody scrub "DOOM" who calls in his ragtag brokedown band of bads known as Aztec to OSW against 1 person to defend his internet girlfriend since he can't fight his battles himself keeps telling the noobs in Aztec to stop responding to me when hes the only one doing it besides RlZ who has been pinned since the first failed INC?
  8. Change it to 3 vs 1 since one of your clans already got tyrannosaraus rekt.
  9. I put Rlz to sleeping Lmfao. Only reason he's pinned or whatever you say. Your boring grow some Mr sh. All you ever are.
  10. No I put him to sleep.

    Didn't your master tell you that you are not allowed to post here?

    Also RlZ is awake cause I noticed he cast WoC, he's just playing dead so I leave him alone. Not gonna happen.
  11. He's my alt. I like casting WoC fool. Anywho I'm out :)
  12. 
  13. Sora who are you? You claim that all of Aztec was on you, but I been in Aztec all my kaw life. I've never heard of you. Your too tiny to be hit by almost everyone in Aztec. Unless you dropped build or reset changed names etc. which if that's the case then I see why your booty sore. This thread seems to be filled with quite a few people who started stuff with us and then got beat down so they asked for cf. and still haven't gotten over it. AWP seems to be full of those. Just ask eruption. He tried pulling this same bs not that long ago with a now defunct clan who claimed they were going to do the samething awp claims and at the end asked for cf. Aztec been here for a while now. Been part of some pretty big osws. At the end of them we usually have a few who were once enemies and gave us the most inc during those osws (Tigs you still owe me for all me pots you burned) join us and become our brothers and sisters. All these "wins" awp claims to have are from our small sub clans. They mess with our smalls because well inspite of all these propaganda gimmicks they have, that's all they can do. Awp you warned us you were coming, well did you get a flat tire on the way? Cause we're still waiting. Hurry up and change that flat tire though because meanwhile,your clans starting to look pretty naked and builds are dropping over there like you just been hit with a massive earthquake. An AZTEC earthquake! Sweeeeeeet!

    P.s for the dude earlier in this thread asking for ss, proof or more of an explanation, this is the only one I'll give. We don't bully anyone but we will defend our fam till the end always because that's what we want and we do what we want
  14. You don't know your own clan very well then. My main was BR0KENSW0RD and I did EE wars with Articles of Confederation during S3. I was war commander there and mid season a nameless player joined (Doom's internet girlfriend). Despite our constant wins (We ended the season with everyone including most guests getting rancor 50 and achieved a 27ish win streak) she always felt the need to question all of my calls during war which caused obvious problems. She would also constantly spam sexual things in cc, send provocative pictures in that 3rd party app, and brag about how attractive she was. After S3 ended we began chaos wars again and I decided I had enough of her crap so I left AoC and made a new clan The Arcadian Empire. I only invited people in for the wars I felt like doing, I was pretty burnt out. It was kinda my retirement home. One day in CC we were talking about why I left AoC which obviously got us on the topic of that person who will not be named. I laughed about how she calls herself "sexy" and throws herself at every nerd on the internet. Some friend/guests who were there for that war wanted to know what she looked like so I told them to check out the kaw fb page where she posted her in game name revealing her own idenity. At that time there was a guest who was an old AoC member. He SS'd people laughing about her and sent it to her. She then decided to try to farm me along with her friend and internet boyfriend. I kept the 3 of them pinned most of the time which got her even more angry so Aztec scrubs decided 3 vs 1 was not enough.

    Did all of Aztec get involved to defend this poor girl? No. Her and Doom were butthurt that people laughed at her. I wasn't trying to bully her and making fun of her in pm or her wall in attempt to hurt her irl. I was joking in my own CC with friends and showed them a public post where she herself included her in game name revealing her own idenity. All actions have consequences right? NP I had been wanting to 1 vs 1 her for a while. Her internet boyfriend jumping in? NP I'd expect someone to defend their girl even if it's an internet relationship. Her friend jumping in? Pretty cowardice to 3 vs 1 but okay sure. All of Aztec jumping in when she wasn't even part of Aztec? Pure cowardice. Doom admitted defeat when he had to call 4 clans onto 1 person he couldn't handle 3 vs 1.

    Aztec knew I was an easy target. They THOUGHT I was someone they could easily bully because I just started the game that year and knew only EE wars. They moved 47 members into a clan called Insurgence or something like that and added their Aztec crap on CP along with my name. Over the next few months I got inc from all Aztec clans including the one they made dedicated to me. They performed a very public failed strip on me where they took only my alts and I reset them all on em (all of my allies were alts). After a while I destroyed the new clan they made by persistantly fighting back and not giving in. Whether they got bored, realized they had nothing to gain and only time/regens to lose, whatever the case was I never cf'd and spent weeks logging in just to unload on these would be bullies. Also if you look back on the failed strip thread you can see Hades in my pm asking for a cf in a war that was 4 clans vs 1 player lmao. Just bad and embarassing.

    So yeah thats what it was all about and no I never asked for a cf. In fact I'm still pinning RlZ as I post this since he wanted to get it started again. Poor noob has been pinned since his first failed inc yesterday.
  15. Double post, sorry.
  16. Now we see the same patern with Aztec looking for easy targets trying to bully AWP. Once again you noobs thought sheer numbers is how to win a war. Once again one of your subclans has already been destroyed. Once again you make claims that you get no inc.

    You are too dumb to realize ofc you get a reduced amount of inc since you guys have 4 times the people keep them pinned (if they are even being kept pinned). I don't know AWP's longterm plan but I see it as very strategic to take out your little subs first since they are the least experienced and most likely to cry and run.

    You wouldn't know since you only fight wars where you have an overwhelming advantage but by taking out your easy subs first they are reducing their long term inc and setting a more level playing field where they will be more capable of fighting your main clan, clan vs clan instead of 4 clans vs 1.
  17. well there's another 420b stripped lol
  18. Yup you definitely got all 420b... Oh wait you just funded some upgrades 
  19. I was gonna ask you to leave the thread, but since I made the mistake of calling it fairy tales are fun, technically you are on topic.

    Anyways since I'm sure broke will continue blabbering his non sense here, I'll request lock to the thread and let him go bore up some other thread.

    Lock please
  20. Yup. Go run to your eGirlfriend.

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