Fairy Tales Are Fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AZ___aZTeC-KiNG-DooM___TEC, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. I'm sorry but every time I think of what AWP looks like I think of this
  2. lAztec baddies trash talked AWP for making a solid thread with evidence/ss & here they are with their own thread filled with nothing but noob tears.
  3. Oh lookie here it's broken sword the fool we destroyed a while ago. Him and his alt Damocles. Dw broken sword I got you. Tryin to start your destruction again:) hey dw we'll send you inactive for another few months
  5. I'm not an alt genius. I'm in an OSW as well, but go on, keep sending scouts
  6. Yeah the guy who your weak alliance thought they could bully alliance vs one and failed misrebly. I should necro rez the thread where Hades asked to run from the osw even with your alliance behind him. Wannabe tough guys will always be just that; wannabes.

    Grats on backing down after only a few months of 4 clans vs 1 player.
  7. You went inactive Lmfao we stopped after your clan you and your alts were striped and you were left by your help all alone all for being stupid and doing stupid things which we don't wanna bring up and ruin your reputation. So leave and don't start another fight you will lose.
  8. My clan only had members in it during EE wars who left right after the war ended. You attempted to threaten them and got laughed at. The only allies that were stripped were my own alts who in the thread involving the failed strip were all shown to be reset on you (gj? lmao). Thread also shows I was active during your "strip" and reset them as soon as I let you take the last one. Grats on the loss though lulz. Keep chest pumping alliance vs 1. You still backed down eventually while I kept hitting. Just bad.
  9. Also all I did was direct people to view the kaw official facebook page where some hideous yet self proclaimed "sexy" girl could be seen. Not my fault you virgins go nuts over girls on the internet.
  10. Still the same Lmfao great at trash talk no actions done
  11. While you have been on this thread trash talking we have killed your subclan.
  12. lol'd irl.
  13.  here another person aztec tried to bully.

  14. We didn't bully anyone. We just destroyed an idiot who didn't think of the consequences like awp didn't think. Any family protects each other your stupid to think otherwise fool.
  15. Wasn't broke sword farmed by several clans, for trying to shame someone in real life over a war game app? But were bullies for helping?

    Aztec please ignore broke so he can't post any of his nonsense here.

    In another note respect to infinity, actually kept me pinned a couple hours.
  16. Bigmack started crying in my pm when I hit him after some of those 350% bonus Htes... Then he did all he could to drag you bunch of cronies into this. If you back Mack it's actually fine. Youll just fall alongside each other. :)

  17. Slightly more dark. And yes, I love the hacktivism scene and that's one of the reasons I joined.

  18. This respect goes both ways
    It's easy to sit on someone, but it's a lot harder to cause some damage back while in pin. Respect
  19. No your promiscuous e-girlfriend kept spamming how attractive she was so I simply directed people to the kaw facebook page where she posted so people can judge for themselves.

    Since you couldn't white knight your internet girlfriend alone you decided being the scrub Aztecian that you are to call an alliance vs 1. Much to your dismay 2 of your clan members ran from an alliance vs 1 war and the rest stopped hitting after a few months and many noob tears on my wall.

    Also to the baddie that posted an ss of my alt. You must not understand the mith gain at that size.

    As you can see your crappy wannabe thug Aztec alliance couldn't even break 1 player. Weak EB noobs trying to OSW. Cute.
  20. You may have the wrong person, I didn't even know said player until after you started talking trash on us. That's the only reason I personally hit you.
    Anyways back to osw talk or start your own broke thread.
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