
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Noodle, Jul 25, 2016.

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  1. Uuuuuhhhhhh I don't know what I did wrong! It shows : but I didn't type any...
  2. Loooock dus pleerrasez
  3. This is why no one likes you.
  4. Go back to the Sarlacc pit boba and this thread should be locked
  5. Never! Also yes, yes it should but Roni's got locked instead! :lol:
  6. If this isn't locked by midnight tonight PST I'll start a petition to have me as a mod, and I'll attempt to run for president.
  7. Pls no lock
  8. Noodle for mod. ATA is slacking if this doesn't happen.
  9. This is why no-one likes you. Nub
  10. [i forget the love BBCode emoji] missed you bb
  11. This is why no one likes you.[/quote]
    Go back to the Sarlacc pit boba and this thread should be locked[/quote]
    Never! Also yes, yes it should but Roni's got locked instead! :lol:[/quote]
  12. My thread got locked because suptis2 is a sneaky and sly grasser .As soon as mine or any body's thread is becoming popular and getting attention .suptis gets intensely jealous and quicky runs to get the thread locked.Here they are caught in the act trying to grovvel on twinkys wall and brag about getting my thread locked. [​IMG]
  13. Why hasn't this been locked even the thread I made because this hasn't been lock has been locked
  14. the mods are mocking you with a no lock.
  15. I will not be mocked!
  16. hey don't look at me. i'm not mocking you. it's the mods.

    listen to the voices in your head. make them pay. :twisted:
  17. /lock or I'm coming to Canada!
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