Humans naturally seek out conflict. It's just what we do. Humans will never be at peace. I doubt it's even physically optional to be honest.
There's justification behind that hate. Hatred is a spawn of fear. Fear is the main goal of terrorism. So of course a hatred of Islamic people has resulted from the attacks, just like how leftist call republicans racist, capitalist scum bags, just like how rightists call democrats tree hugging morons, just like how many Christians are immediately vilified for being openly Christian, and so on. All of these hates came from the acts of a few horrible people. Rarely is a group judged by the actions of the majority, only the controversial minority gets attention from media outlets, so naturally idiots represent most movements, parties, and religions. So to sit behind your thread and call patriotism inherently idiotic, or vilify people for being rightfully afraid of a group of people after several attacks by extremists within that group, makes you ignorant to what's going on around you. Is extremism bad? Absolutely. Should we do our best to not hate entire groups based off the actions of minorities. Absolutely? Should be condescendingly vilify those who are skeptical or afraid? No we shouldn't. That's all I'm saying.
Let me get this straight... Someone saying they want to kick someone out of their country and someone going in to a bar and killing a bunch of people is the same thing? Yep, makes sense to me. Leaving the muslim faith is punishable by death. Leaving the christian faith is punishable by.. well nothing. Seems to me like the religions are pretty similar on that front. Islam allows a man to force himself upon non muslim women and keep them as sex slaves. Christianity well... doesn't allow any of that. Seems like these religions are so close that well... it's hard to tell the difference between them. Oh wait... no its not.
Christians, Muslims.... Plumbers, It doesn't matter. The ones we call "extremist" would be just as intolerant of others no matter what belief they have clung to. It could be as stupid as "hamburgers" vs "hot dogs". As long as the person (extremist) feels there is a rival to their social alignment and an audience to encourage his need to prove his devotion, this person will convince themselves they are just for the extreme actions they are planning to take. There is no working together. People are wired to be competitive. To oppose, or encroach upon the validity of another groups shared customs litter our history with acts of insanity. The sad truth is this world is filled to the brim and over flowing with these people. Most probably dont even realise that they are the ones encouraging it.
The problem starts at home with your children? If only it was that simple, you know its not, I said this I the religion thread. People need conflict son, hate is in our nature, and we ain't holding hands and singing. You want a change? Force it, when you have that kind of power let me know what you gonna do with it
This reminds of watchtower, where in the end they killed millions to save billions. It would be hard but I'd do it, The end justifies the means is a true statement
"To sacrifice a few to save the many" sounds logical and ethical until someone starts deciding who will be the sacrificed. Political figures, free pass. Science, Engineering, and other specialized occupations, safe. Members of powerful families, safe. Yada yada ect... Its pretty easy to see who will be the sacrificed. Logic is a cruel *****. Edit: almost forgot. Good looking women, safe.
Take an honest man a put in a position of influence and power? Nah, thats how you lose honest people.