Exposed noob who wants my head

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RenamedJack, Jan 18, 2016.

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  1. Says the noob who started last years PiMD crusade, hows that going btw champ? :lol:

  2. This moron bobba-fett has been dumb for 5 years...ive farmed him on more than one occasion over the reason to expect anything to change now
  3. Haven't had much time for pimd. I'll get back to the crusade. You do know it was quite a popular thread meant for entertainment purposes?
  4. Boba said I couldn't be a clan farmer.
    Already made 2 bigs leave.

    Look at me now daddy.
  5. I'm not ibobbafett, two different people living on two separate continents. But hey I won't tell you how to think, I'll just leave that little tidbit of information and you can do whatever you want with it.
  6. PIMD crusade was incredibly cringeworthy and a copied idea. Basically the reason your clan got destroyed.
  7. Never said you couldn't, I just questioned your ability to finish what you start and compared it to pipe's inability to keep members which you've taken a small step to proving. Kudos to you but you aren't finished yet.
  8. Unfortunately I can't hit the smalls, but the bugs are piling out. Looks like you'll have to have a clan of SH Pipe.
  9. I told those members to leave :roll:
    Boba you are poorly informed. I lost 50 members due to Anarchy kicking them. Boba what have you achieved?
  10. Copied? From who? It was meant to be cringeworthy. That was half the fun you idiot.
  11. My Noob dream of being a member of iG, ZAFT and KotFE and being in osw for most of my game play. Why do you think I make people upset with me? Boredom, well yea a little.
  12. You told them to leave. Same thing noob, they're gone and now there's not much left in my hit range. Bad luck on the clan pal.
  13. I wish someone wanted my head. I've felt awfully lonely. I've missed the firm,yet tender touch of a KaW warrior *Kisses*
  14. This whole thread is like the 4 of you bickering back and forth :lol:

    Anywho.. Been a minute Boba, how you doing bro?
  15. Old foggies bicker the best.
  16. Bored with this dead horse beating osw, hbu?

    Forums isn't full of great content so I make my own fun, walking that line between bored guy and forum troll.
  17. Quit reminding me I'm nearing 30!
  18. o_O

    What was it like riding a dinosaur to school?
  19. Pretty awesome, but then they all died and turned into gasoline for these cars after the wheel and combustion engine was invented way back in 1995 
  20. He's almost 3x your size and crying about you. Hats off to you, op.
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