22 excel players have left . Their help have left pots are running low failed an eb
Death Dealer, Again you are trying to telling porkies. Don't you ever know how to ever state the true facts. First you claimed to get 250 billion from me and now 22 players leaving Excel....You are just being plain silly. Now look at the real facts. Excel is a young eb clan. Would we have 22 members leaving and still whipped you? I suppose you guys can't stand to see the truth that a young eb clan stood up to you especially since you think that a young eb clan is an easy target to bully. Did the truth hurt your ego? Is that why you broke cease fire that biscuit requested for? I suppose liars never keep their word. Listen, real warriors do not need to lie but I suppose that is too much to expect from people like you and biscuit.
Papa...Uhh...amongst the trash talking...I think biscuit accepted and one side broke the CF. Which is the source of the trashing...
This entire thread has descended into the absurd. And for what? A fight over who asked for the CF? I mean you folks are just asking to be trolled by the forumers.
Summary of this thread: Excel requested a cf. tsc didn't accept a cf. garbage rhetoric ensued. Look at the top ten in each clan for true results
Lmao Stacy. Too bad you can only 10% of your attacks and 2% of your steals. Timurlline, you just an idiot, I didn't say your allies personally. Better bone up on your reading and comprehension skills. Where did all your guys help go? Bye bye . Why do you have me blocked anyway Tim?
And none of the members from excel would leave a link on my wall. Posting your own walls like cowards. Excel can be summed up in 2 words. sucks ****
I read this thread from beginning to end... let me see if i got this right. Excel requests cf, mrbiscuit accepts cf cf is broken due to continued trash talk mrbiscuit declares war is back on then theres a bunch more trash talk with one another, some claim they're stripping, others claim theyre not being stripped... this whole issue is just funnier 'n hell.
Osw didn't start with The Strippers Club. Thats just where Death Dealer ran to for help when he had to disband War Mercs.