Every suggestion is welcome

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by renamed504, May 22, 2016.

  1. WalkTheMoon
  2. Moon_sun_moonie
  3. lmfao that was expected ken 

    Awww thanks honey!! Great ideas! Thank you :)

    lmfao where's Todd tho
  4. Wow you put so much effort in these ideas, thank you  I like the muffin one hihi.

    that's a cool one, thanks snoopy!

    Aw that one is cute! Thank you!

    Thanks everyone!

    I got so many ideas from you guys, thank you very much :) it's awesome how y'all put so much effort in helping me rather than telling me to come up with my own ideas, I just needed some new inspiration lol.

    It'll definitely be something from these ideas, maybe combined or maybe just that one idea :)

    So thank you all for helping me, I kindly ask the mods to lock this thread as I've got enough ideas to work with now :)
  5. O_MooNiaC_O
  6. Awww... im too late
  7. aww lol you two are not too late :) I didn't expect many more ideas tbh. Idk mod you decide if u wanna lock or not lol.

    I still haven't made up my mind but today I'll be changing my name 
  8. Moonslave4ken
  9. hahaha love iT 
  10. lol some are pretty interesting, some are just plain naughty lmfao
  11. Nice name tbh
  12. yea I like it too! Keeping it in mind, keeping em all in mind :)
  13. -CaribbeanMoon-
    Throw off them TZ trackers lol
  14. lmfao maybe I should 
  15. Hey mods, don't lock this thread yet, wanna thank the person whom's suggestion I'll pick :D
  16. lol a bit overused don't ya think?