Damn it, didn't see skipped line and messed that one up, lol Still a good read, as different from all the whining, spam, or ideas ppl think devs will implement.
English puns and semantics are funny. These were funny when Plato and Homer, Seneca and Cicero, Chaucer and Shakespeare, Hawthorne and Melville, Wilde and Swift, Hope, Burns, Youngman, Rivers, Burle, Skeleton, Carlin, Wright, and Seinfeld, etc plagiarized them to begin with.
Why do you recite at a play? But play at a recital? TELL MEEEE NOOOOWWWWW!! If 90% of accidents happen in the home. Where do 90% of the homeless accidents happen?
Why is it called kingdoms at war when everything is build and created to support epic battles :shock:
Why do we ship by truck...and send cargo by truck? Why is quicksand....slow? If we can make amends...can we make one amend?
Why does your alarm go off...by coming on? Fat chance and slim chance are the same thing...but wise man and wise guy are opposites?
If you choke a smurf...what color does it turn? How much deeper would the ocean be if there weren't any sponges in it?
Why boxing rings are square? If 4 out 5 dentists recommend...what does the 5th dentists know that the other 4 don't?
Idioms.thefreedictionary.com. hmmm, there is a nuance to slim chance vs fat chance, in as much as 'fat chance' tends to be pessimistic and 'slim chance' tends to be opptomistic. But both can be used negatively or positively and ultimately both mean the odds or percentage of desired result, whether negative or positive are low or small. I.e. you have a fat chance and a slim chance of getting a SOD from a coffer in kaw.
However, there Is a 100% chance that humans who get into intellectual typing discussions about colloquialisms, idioms, puns, witticisms, semantics and clever turns of phrase with cows, are crazy and should find something else to do.
Fat chance is used usually sarcastically as saying there's a HUGE chance of something happening (when really there isn't). Slim chance means that the odds are against you. Not much of a chance.