Event reward list!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. 10 beards and 10% bonus
  2. Clan "Knock Out" cr 49 glass warrior has green banner.
  3. I got 5 whole aqua... Yaaaaaaay 
  4. 5 people just got 500% in my clan
  5. 1 person just got 500% in my clan and about 15 got 200%
  6. 10% bonus️
  7. *2 sacks later* 100% bonus and then a 200% bonus :) And opened a stocking and received 5 more aqua
  8. bump 10 beards
  9. Bah! Humbug.... 10 puddings... :|
  10. I got a 25% bonus from stocking!
  11. I picked up a fat sack today
  12. Got that bomb ass dank ass rank ass skank ass from up north dude. Some purp scurp
  13. Yee bruh
  14. Support
  15. I got 200% plunder bonus
  16. Tiffany got red atk banner
  17. Some blue banner dropped?
  18. Best I got was an XTAL, 100% and pudding
  19. Jad01 -500% plunder bonus
  20. Yesterday I got a building token that I used to upgrade my hatchery and today I got a 100% rum spell :p