Event reward list!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. I got another building token! Wow!

    2tokens &1, 1000% bonus!!!

    I'm so lucky!!!
  2. I got 10 Spirit Beards...
  3. Camrano2 got the new banner in a free stocking
  4. Got the 1000% plunder bonus
  5. 1000% earlier along with a 50% from the rum sack or whatever
  6. I've gotten 1 500 percent today
  7. You've been granted Blizz-herd Plunder - 1000% (1) from FLyiNg_CrAp's Spirit Plunder Sack! Be sure to give them your thanks!

    2.1b a hit
  8. Camrano2 Blue banner
  9. I got an xtal
  10. 195% plunder, 10 aqua, 2 xtals,
  11. A building token aqua and 100% r my best
  12. 20 Puddings yesterday between alt and me
  13. I've won 5 Aqua.
  14. 5 inferno, 50%