Mainly support. Only gripe is that two of the teams are clans that exist. That can easily be changed though
In response to the no Mith payout supporters, I have to stand strong with the mith payouts. You lot are fully eqed players, so sit in matches against players with little to no BFE. It would be nice to have the players you face get a little eq. I know y'all like dominating others, so I'm sorry my mith payout idea puts your panties in a bunch.
I do support mithril payout. At the end of the day getting mithril via a pvp event is still "a hard way" to get it. But if its about getting little peace of equipment in order to compete in ee wars, that's not necessarily needed. There's primal wars for that.
Primals are by far the easiest wars to exploit, and stack a roster for. Many clans start a clean/kicked clan, find another person advertising they are doing war, then find warriors to match that clan, with a little bit hire stats. Without BFA and BFE there's not much to exploiting a primal. All you need is a calculator.