Nice idea, but too many different chests and things to buy. Keep it simple, take out the stupid plunder sack thing, and you'll have my support
Lol. The crews are black hand, gold hand, and orange hand.... Jenni: Hey I have a great idea! Let's complete disregard the ENTIRE theme of the event just so I can feel important. Otherwise decent idea.
Generally I'm all for PvP n wars n support any real improvement's or additions that r other than EB only oriented. Drop the clan hands reference n replace with another idea n I gladly SUPPORT Maybe the Krakens n Leviathans etc
The idea seems very enjoyable and pretty balanced. The amount of effort is commendable as well, as I have no further questions. Good luck getting this off the ground OP.
I remember i came across a player who had 1000% plunder bonus………they wasted it on warbeast a normal warbeast…… Anyway Very Well thought out Much support Knowing the devs they probably wont take the event as you put it however i think since they are listening now more than ever they will take much of it and reinstate it