EVENT: Pirate's Of The Abyss (PvP Event)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IVIONSTEJZ__TTV, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Correction HtE only....
    Now thats boring 

    Idk about a PvP event using clan names
  2. Skull ring is a winner.

    Nice work on the thread and event proposal.
  3. I too commend Ops work n effort
    Lookin forward to PvP/S5 anytime soon
  4. If you're lucky there will be rewards for sideline cheerleaders like you
  5. Maybe a lollipop for statless alts with more posts than actions. Can u say TROLL?
  6. Didn't read. But I saw a lot of reoccurring booty so definite support :lol:
  7. Support nice idea jennie
  8. Nice idea, but too many different chests and things to buy. Keep it simple, take out the stupid plunder sack thing, and you'll have my support
  9. I like this event idea. You have my support :)
  10. ~.~
  11. Lol. The crews are black hand, gold hand, and orange hand....

    Jenni: Hey I have a great idea! Let's complete disregard the ENTIRE theme of the event just so I can feel important.

    Otherwise decent idea.
  12. Generally I'm all for PvP n wars n support any real improvement's or additions that r other than EB only oriented.
    Drop the clan hands reference n replace with another idea n I gladly SUPPORT
    Maybe the Krakens n Leviathans etc
  13. The idea seems very enjoyable and pretty balanced. The amount of effort is commendable as well, as I have no further questions. Good luck getting this off the ground OP.
  14. I foresee an overflow of butt pirates in the not too distant future if this happened.
  15. Support!
    Brilliant 
  16. I want cosplay as well JENNI before I support this.

  17. I wanna be a pirate!

    *you are a pirate.wav*


    Support :D
  18. Shut up you tool. You're a joke. Run along to another thread to post count farm you imbecile
  19. I remember i came across a player who had 1000% plunder bonus………they wasted it on warbeast a normal warbeast……

    Anyway Very Well thought out Much support
    Knowing the devs they probably wont take the event as you put it however i think since they are listening now more than ever they will take much of it and reinstate it