@TR1 You can complete the end objective of any game extremely fast if you are willing to spend enough money.
What about milestones? Can we add milestones to these future events? Dumbest move was placing tops last pvp event which screwed some of us working class players.
I wouldnt mind kaw if u brang back the building tokens golden 200% and the 100% spell. Id like to win theses items with my REWARDS
You created this brand new feature, but couldn't do something such as share existing features across platforms, android still doesn't have a blocked list which assists in easy links to attack targets or hire allies without notifying those on the receiving end, and being able to remove people you had no idea was even blocked
It would be nice if the button actually worked. it just crashes my game. as an future fyi, try to test on all platforms before releasing a change that affects everyone.
Im sorry, but this is a test for the new payout system. the testing for the event page should have been before the release (and i assumed it had been) since its release could have affected everyone. then there is the whole issue of me being required to ask someone else to check the lb and post what everyone else is at, and someone else having to go out of their way to do so. its inconvenient, its annoying, its poorly implemented, and tbph, if a certain os cant view it, it should be terminated from the support list on the store.