I don't think ATA will accept your food stamps, Narcissist but you never know... BTW, i Have full rights to voice my opinion.. You don't like it, no one asks you to read it. But, I have to say, that this game is poorly programmed as it should not be possible to reach end game situation (BC) in less than a year.
Heres a ? 4 ya... if u got all that extra gold since ur bc... how come ur not even on the top lb? maybe #1 of having the most allies or what not... Im just wondering...
Can we request a weekend promo event? Everything in this game starts to feel really long. This would help some players attitude towards KaW
ATA won't accept your food stamps, Narcissist. But TR1 will if you ask nice enough (since he's a grocery store cashier).
A two week advanced notice on Season 5 would be preferred, so we can plan accordingly. Also, the war schedule isn't even correct anymore since Daylight Savings started.