Event issues and solution

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. I didn't read all those pages, I'm still sleepy.

    But i realized something, that i am the one reading into this way too much.

    You can argue with us about how "unfair" the game is, but that's only us. We can completely agree with you and support your idea. But that doesn't change much at this point. Go argue with the devs. They made the game.

    Devs don't care about smalls or even retaining newer players, get that straight. They simply do NOT care.

    LB is where it's at for them, that's the cash cow.

  2. Never have I said that I don't want new players in the game. I just think that there should be a fair speed of growth for all players.

    I myself, would not have enjoyed the game if I easily could have got the same amount of gold at the start of the game as the bigger players do. What I like about games is being able to grow little by little, and in that way become bigger. It wouldn't be fun if I could get big in no time.
  3. Chocolate answer the last part and stop skipping that part with every answer. How is that scenario fair.

    Two stop twisting the argument. I have not once suggested the gold payout per action should be the same.
    Just event items I. A limited time event. Bit I get that you need to feel more important than others.
    That's why you try so hard to shoot an idea down that would balance one aspect of the game.

    And you haven't claimed that smalls aren't welcome.
    Yet you state their money should buy them less. They should earn far less
    They should get smaller prizes from events for the same amount of actions and possibly even spending the same or more real money than larger players.
    They should have to hit smaller epic battles earning less gold

    At every turn you say they deserve less. And worst you continually derail this thread saying its about the gold.
    Which for the last time to you it isn't. It's about event items.
    Allowing actions to have an equal worth in just one small aspect.
    If you are scared that a smaller player can spend more than you or put more effort into the game during two weeks than you then tough. They deserve the event prize more than you.

    The problem is you don't want to have to compete on an even footing with other players
    And that is your very selfish problem.
    This proposal balances for probably the first time ever since its release just one minor aspect of the game.
    And that has two people in particular trying to sabotage it out of fear and greed.

    Ashton. The idea was sent to the devs via email were it received some positive response.
    Whether they implement any aspect or just try to balance the drops the issues that were raised were ones I am not even sure they were aware of.
    Getting forum support form other players or constructive feedback is essential to garnering an equal value setting in events.
    Unfortunately as I stated. Two players especially are intent on not letting others have their say.
    Chocolate and kezzer have made their objections well known. Enough for me to unfortunately now have a negative opinion of players I once took note of in forums.

    Now I would like this forum to progress and not argue over the same continual argument of my money is worth more than yours. And that people stop obsessing on a change that is not even proposed ( ie that the value of gold is changed).
  4. How does this balance anything besides spending money getting you the best rewards. All you encourage is max crystalling every day with glitch builds.

    Just because a top build can do it in 3 days doesn't mean its then impossible for anyone else to do it. Top tiers are manageable hitting lower tier ebs as well.

    This is not a small aspect as you say it is. Events make up a huge chunk of gameplay in the current system.

    As for the change not being proposed, that's exactly what you're doing. What you are proposing directly leads on to that change. You can't have one without the other under your current proposal.

    Lets also not forget that your proposal also does not fit in with the current tier reward system either. 15k tier rewards a good eq piece, which if your proposal was to be implemented would end up with a ton of small accounts with equipment stats bigger than they themselves are.

    That is in no way fair or balanced.

    You say it isn't about the gold but that's just not true. That's exactly what it is about. Event items have a direct correlation and equivalence with the gold return after event, so they are one and the same issue.
  5. @ op
    Ssssh! Gold bars are included for the rewards on the events on the next few months. :lol:
    Calm down, -pat- -pat- -pat-
    With those walls of text, you should volunteer for writing the story of the next event promo.
    Patience, my friend, you will grow soon. ;)
  6. And that is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the silver bar payout you get from events. Events have become a huge part of the game, it's not just a limited time promo. It happens almost all the time. If the events weren't as frequent as they are, I could have agreed with you.

    When we see at how much money different size players spend, we have to see on the TOTAL amount of money spent. We cannot just see on the money/time that have been spent in that single event. With that logic, epic battles should also only be about activity and the time/money spent in that epic battle. It is not fair for bigger players that have spent a lot of time (and maybe money) over the years to be outbeaten by a much smaller account that has just been there for a small amount of time.

    I'm not saying that small players deserve less. But it is unfair if the smaller players should be able to grow a lot faster than the bigger players can. Isn't it?

    The reason I'm talking about gold is that gold is rewarded in the events. If you collect 15k event items, you are rewarded with 2,000 silver bars, which is 4.5 trillions of gold.

    I'll ask you to please keep this on topic. We are discussing this matter and not persons. Everyone who wants should be welcome to join the discussion, as long as it's relevant and on topic! :)
  7. It's capitalism!

    The rich keeps getting richer where the poor gets nothing but left overs.
  8. The bigger players have already grown at points in the game when growth was far easier.
    When it was just lowlands that was hardly hard to compete. Some players reset each day earning free quest xtals. So not a valid argument.
    Silver bars do not detract from the gold you earn every action, 100's of millions more per action. Why do the build complete need more sliver bars when they are build complete than the people still growing.
    Those silver bars don't buy a lot these days. Even with twenty events the newest player winning 15k or equivalent level every event would take 1-2 years to grow to a very large size.
    And yes. At all stages you are saying their money is worth less. And you still have not answered my very simple question to you.
    If a player does 1000 actions per day for 2 weeks and spends $100 on the game why do they deserve less than a player that spent nothing on the event and was only very active for 3 days ?

    Past spending means nothing. You do not walk into tesco/ Walmart and demand free baked beans because last week you brought some.
    You spent that money on the day and got your reward the extra gold at the time. Tough. That's when you chose to spend it.
    It does not entitle you to more free prizes everyday at the expense of new players being ripped off.
    if you want 15000 event items each event. Put the extra actions in. Spend the same as the new and highly active players. They can earn the silver bars with activity and spending. Why shouldn't you with this new system. Why should you get a free ride every event?
  9. Events are usually two weeks long. There are 52 weeks in a year. That means approximately, at most, there will be 26 events a year. Let's assume a small to mid sized account manages 15k every promo by being super active and xtaling. That works out to 52k silver bars which equal 117T. It currently costs 500T to BC. By the time that year is over and they've earnt the 117T plus eb pay outs, they probably wouldn't even be 3/4 of the way to BC. By that stage, there'll be another set of lands it'll probably cost 1Q to BC.

    It's not as big of as an advantage as what everyone thinks. If you put in the time to be super active (and let's face it, spend) you should stand to get the best rewards. Irrespective of whether you played for 5 years or whatever.

    BC accounts will still be the biggest in the game. They'll still have the best stats. They'll still be on the LB. They'll still have a tonne of BFA. They'll still be strong. They'll still be getting part of the best rewards. NONE of that changes by changing the event set up.

    You know what the difference becomes? Activity is encouraged across all clans. Players don't clan hop for HTE and LOTL and ASoF. Players have the incentive to be more active. They have the incentive to grow. They have the incentive to spend.

    BC accounts don't lose anything for being BC by this change.

    If players have the ability to earn 15k with every event for over a year on this proposal, they would be a high CS with in a year without it any way. The difference is one keeps it fair for everyone.
  10. Tell me where in the Oracle you see an option to buy event items?

    I see options to buy nobility and xtals.

    Once again you are buying something similar in terms of fuel. Do you go to a gas station and demand more fuel because you have a less efficient car than someone else?
  11. Should we also limit how players can BC in one year by spending heaps? That's not fair, right? I mean I've been playing for 5 years, why should they get an easier go of it? The effort I put in in 5 years...*poof* gone. :(

    The answer is a simple one. This is an almost 7 year old game. If growth today was the same pace as when I started out, there's no way the game could survive. It's not plausible. KaW needs new players and we need to keep them. I don't believe devs are geared towards retaining new players (evidently) but that's another matter. This game will die one day, but I believe it will die a lot sooner without new players. It is easy to grow as a new player (if they knowledge to do so which most of them don't) but don't you think it would push them to be super active, even more so, if they know the more active they were, the better they could do? More people might participate in wars and PvP. Clans would get stronger. But the big accounts, will always be the big accounts.

    I'll quote this again because it's probably the best response I've seen.

  12. No support. Big stat players are big for a reason, they earned it. Small or newer players don't need more advantages, they need to bust a hump, grow, and strive to succeed.
  13. I personally see smaller builds then me getting more drops then I do hitting the same eb as me. The main issue is kaw is like the real world, the rich get richer(the bigs) n the poor just stay poor(the littles)
  14. Kezzer tell me why I shouldn't be able to have equipment bigger players are getting for less effort?

    I dropped around 40 xtals for the pvp event and got #1, which gave me 10K items and put me at 105 for event, I've been hitting HTE at least 19 hours a day and dropping 24 xtals a day yet I can't even keep my spot, I have dropped to #290 in 4 days....
  15. You're completely idiotic...at what point was growth easier?! When you had to buy all your ll? Nope when there were no ebs? Nope when there was no hte or b2b events with a big payload of gold? Nope before lower tier prices got slashed? Nope. Oh what about when HF and abyss only had 5 levels and each ug was 2x as much and you had to save longer? Nope growth has NEVER BEEN EASIER
  16. Thats because you're not doing drop trains....theres a method of using 1 or 2 xtals per eb and you get a few thousand drops per day.....which is what the top 10 used to do until super clans were able to speed run asof and lotl

  17. And we resort to the name calling because the argument of having a build complete kingdom much earlier own than new players never gave anyone a huge advantage.
    We also never had events back then. Nor did buildings cost trillions.
    And after losing my mochi and 7 other accounts over the years. Yes it was easier then. Builds were far smaller. Xtals could be obtained from back to back resets that could be done rapidly earning a massive amount of free xtals resulting in free gold. There were always ways to grow. .
    That's not an option now. No reset bonuses that can be abused. All xtals are paid for.
    Now I'm sorry that back then you couldn't do 7 complete builds a day. Sorry you didn't exploit the xtals from resets. Or did you? I wish I had especially on this account. But alas.
    But I'm sure your argument is relevant because buildings costing trillions are easier to obtain than completing lowlands back in the day.
    Then I'm sure no one ever banked their gold after being build complete at each new land so they when new lands came out they could build complete instantly.
    All the while the game getting larger. More expensive, requiring more effort and real money.
    Sure trains are the answer. Players should pay for everything. That's your logic.
    And yet the whole point is. That some players are having to pay for 15000event tokens. And yet others are basically gifted them for free with far less effort.
  18. So to sum that all up....you want it easy...you don't want any sort of challenge what so ever...what you fail to understand is the top fixed tier is almost like a default reward for big builds while the top 100-10 are the challenge....the top 10 rewards are rather big with the sods and chests and insanely strong eq....for a smaller account getting 4.5t chests and eq that relative to most other accounts their size is just over powered....its proportionally the same....15k is meant to be a challenge to small builds while its meant for big builds to compete for the top 100 50 and 10 spots....its an EVENT that unlike most competions is full of consolation prizes.....the 15k tier is worth the same to a big build as the 7.5k tier is to a small build and the top 100 50 and 10 are worth the same to a big build as the 15k is to a small build....understand the scale as for trillions of upgrades being easy yes they are every 24hrs of full activity I average a little over 1t in gold....tell me when has that type of income without spending ever been possible before? Hm? Even with exploits that this game had when it was new that type of gold scaled back then wasn't possible
  19. The xtals you gained from doing resets back then didn't make up for the lost time you could have been growing. Also I lost an account myself which had all reset bonuses and it's not relevent to this topic so I didn't bring it up.

    As has been said growth is far easier now that it ever has been. If you struggle to grow now as a small player then something is wrong. Either you aren't active enough or you aren't aware of how best to take part in events.

    Also funnily enough I don't see where it says that purchases in the oracle should provide the same event drops and gold.

    Nope just says you get a regen here which if I remember correctly you do and wow look if you look in your oracle you should get the same offer :eek:

    This one again doesn't say anything about drops either :eek:

    Please understand that I want to help small players grow seeing as I help them out on a regular basis I just don't agree with your method. Making events based purely on actions is a bad idea. War is already tiered so it's split pretty fairly for your size and PvP item drops are already in favor of smaller players. There is no perfect way to balance it but this wouldn't fix the issue it would just make it worse overall and wouldn't promote growth.
  20. Thank you for pointing out that the developers have clearly overlooked the huge fundamental changes in the game since it was first introduced.
    Thank you for proving that as a feature as my model for event shows the crystals and nobility regens could be retooled to play a substantially greater role in events over just builds and epic battles that are rigged to suit build complete.
    Thank you for showing that if I spend $99:99 I could get far better value for my expense in events if that equated directly to better drops based on actions performed as opposed to those freeloading bigs that currently don't have to make such purchases and thus at this time do nothing to help maintain the game.
    Surely a system that better reflects the input of a player both in physical actions and money spent during an event determining the event rewards is of far more importance in encouraging spending during these events.
    As opposed to past spending that has already given the dividend of huge amounts of extra gold earnt throughout the time playing the game.
    The players spending during these events, those most active deserve the top slots.
    Not those who freeload.
    You are quite correct in pointing out that the developers have overlooked this aspect of the game, an aspect that could be used to encourage many more players to see an instant value in event rewards and thus encourage players to spend more during events.

    Actually that was the point of my thread. But you finally got there. Even if you didn't realise it. Congrats kezzer