Event issues and solution

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____NIGHTWING_____, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. The Idea
    To change events to paying one event token per action. ( to clarify one token in this context means one item that we have to hunt for. Ie rope or grappling hook. Each event would require hunting just one item).

    Actions included would be attack, assa, steal and scout.

    Currently event rewards are dropped based on size and the size of the epic battle.
    The larger your account the easier it is to succeed in these events.
    1 they can hit lotl and asof b2b in rapid succession.
    2 they can run these events for free making the max tiers with no real expense.
    I literally know players that have hit lotl and asof b2 for 3 days and got to 15,000 the top set tier with zero xtals just getting max drops based on size and the speed of the ebs.

    Why this is so unfair on the community.
    1 the biggest players get the best rewards.
    Not necessarily the most deserving system because of the following reason.
    The lb can run these ebs as easily as an average clan can run an AFF.
    They obviously have massive appeal to clans that let in jumpers.
    Now where this is the most detrimental is simple.
    The pressure on the community is to run lotl and asof b2b for the highest event drops. This destroys small and mid players.
    Just during this event minimum stats for lotl and asof have changed in clans I have visited from 50mcs through 70-80-100mcs.
    That is a massive amount of players excluded from the only epic battles that give them a shot at the top tier rewards.

    Now yes you can argue that players set those limits.
    But the devs linked the top drops to those epic battles. They require 2 of those epic battles a day to get the top set tier prizes (not the top 500 spots). For most clans to compete. They have no choice but to put the stats up to run two a day.
    This means dropping loyal smaller members or having their bigs leave for other clans that can run the required events.

    That is destroying smaller non lb clans and completely destroying the game for many small to mid players.
    To explain this further. At the moment mids and smalls run to the largest clans they can for event drops.
    With this system the gold stays the same. Size accounts for that as always.
    But, and it's a big but.
    It won't matter if a clan runs ten ebs a day or one.
    It doesn't matter if people jump for faster ebs, because all that counts is their daily actions.
    It won't stop big clans running asof and lotl for gold.
    But it does stop people needing to beg for those epics just to get tokens.
    It means people can't compete wherever they are. Whatever eb they are involved in.

    Add to that scenario
    Any player may do 700 actions a day. Yet only limited players will gain the top rewards for those actions.
    Mids and smalls are essentially forced to pay be it in xtals or hte pay to play ebs to gain the same prize level that other players obtain for FREE in 3 days. 
    This is my largest complaint with this system. Why should any player have to pay for something other players are given for free during a limited time promo?

    The largest players get the largest gold already. They have earnt that right in normal aspects of the game. Or paid for it.
    But when a limited time event comes along and prizes are directly linked to
    The largest epic battle
    The size of the build
    And how much someone can spend
    Then there is a very serious issue. As this does two things.
    One the smalls to mids have to pay for the 15,000 level prizes or work massively harder than larger accounts that can gain that prizes for free in 3 days.

    So the when have issue two ( excluding the resentment of paying customers getting less than free playing customers).
    Only the lb or the extreme competitive chase the top 500 slots. They deserve the level they pay for. That's fair enough. The new system would reward their spending giving them the max top 500 prizes that they actually compete and earn.
    But the main failing in this system is. Many I have spoken to actually spend a set amount.
    Many don't spend at all. And yet many of them still gain the top prizes purely on size.
    Why should players that can regularly gain top prizes, buy xtals if they can gain top prizes for free?
    The answer is they don't.

    This current system essentially rigs the top prizes. Those ones were only the top 500 or less can get.
    Remember these events are limited time offers.
    So those free playing bigs that are getting 1000 more silver bars than you are paying for are getting them for free.
    Only the very pinnacle of the lb that chase the very top prizes competitively spend to get there. And their money their xtals, have a far higher event item reward than yours or mine.

    So no matter what a small or mid does. They will never be able to compete in events.
    Those at the top can ride for free whilst others like "yes" myself actually despise paying to get something that they get for free.
    Why should I pay for something other players get for free ?
    And more importantly why should you?

    Solution 

    So the fix is actually very easy. 
    One attack, steal, assa or scout be it eb or pvp earns one event token.
    Item stages are excluded solely because they can be exploited massively.

    Why would this help us

    Because from the start of the event it puts everyone at the same level for a limited time promo.

    It means that ACTIVITY and only activity determines the prize levels. On set tiers.

    Big or small or mid. No matter. All actions and all xtals hold the same event value.
    It means we know exactly how many actions we need to put in a day to reach each event tier.
    But primarily it gives all our money the same value for the duration of events. In event tokens at least. Not gold.

    Why would this help devs

    Those 3 day free rides become a thing of the past. Players have to be competitive.
    Players like myself and many others would be more inclined to spend if we know we can actually get a true value for our real money purchase. ( ie a set amount of actions / event items for each xtal )

    A predicted response here based on past dev response to similar concern would be to say that smalls do not need to spend as they can grow and in years ( yeah years to come ) grow to a size where they can compete for the equipment and silver bars a year or two down the line )
    Simple answer to that. " so you are telling me not to compete in events and that you don't want my money ? Not sure that makes good business sense, nor does it encourage player retention.
    Just as now giving some players something that many of us have to pay for the same thing for free is not great business or encouraging to keeping players interested.

    Why it would balance the game.

    Because it means that the build complete players or at least very large players now free loading off lotl and asof have to put actions at a set rate into the event, the same as every other player. If they want the top prizes. They have to xtal like the rest of us.
    Want the top spot. Spend the most or never sleep.
    But set tiers become achievable for everyone. And that makes the events worthwhile for everyone.

    The careful balance that needs to happen here is that prize tiers need to be set based on actions and possible actions.

    My personal suggestion should be that tier 13 should be attainable for 12-14 full offloads a day. But that is better judged by those with full access to average player offloads per day.
    This gives plenty of scope for mass activity promoting playing the game. As well as limited but realistic spending by most accounts.
    Lack of spending can be compensated for with huge activity. And vice versa.
    Leaving those who normally spend to the extreme chasing the top ( 500 ) slots.

    Why it would benefit clans

    This is the biggest plus.
    It means that any clan at any level of build can keep its members at home. They don't have to run off to try and get an lotl or asof at other clans.
    They don't have to run specific epic battles at all.
    They can even war, osw or run any epic battle as they like.
    It simply doesn't matter what you run. Only the actions that a player puts in to the event count.
    1 action = 1 event token.
    So each player is responsible for their own level of prizes.
    Each clan no longer has to try and struggle to run huge epics at insane speeds or have the members poached by other clans.
    Loyalty will actually be possible staying at home will become a viable option for everyone.

    How it would affect players.

    The best part personally . You can potentially do what you like. From pvp even if its opt in to any epic in any clan. You can stay at home with friends. You can meet and greet. You can help other people. You literally are only limited by the number of actions that you can make a day.

    Yes the lb will still spend the most. The same as they currently do. They will get the top prizes as they currently do ( though they may have to work a little harder between themselves for them ). But for every other player.
    Your real life time that you put in will have a set value during events.
    Your real life money will have a set value ( tokens ) in events dictated by how many actions the xtals give you.

    A tril in silver bars means very little to a build complete player in relation to what it would mean to a mid or small player growing. Give them targets they can attain through hard work and reward them.

    What about exploits?

    The only exploit I have left out on purpose. By allowing items to be used a player for example could sit in a clan running the reckoning b2b and raking in items and tokens.
    By excluding tokens from item stages. This kills that exploit.

    Keeping pvp opt in also means that you cannot just pin an opponent an entire event unless they opt in and accept that risk, though without opt in it would open events up to an osw aspect never before seen.

    Alt farming who cares. Set actions means you still have to put the time or money in to gain each tier. If someone wants to stop their alt gaining tiers hitting them. That's their loss. It's no worse than hitting an eb.
    But it stops people farming osf for free extra rewards that they could not otherwise attain.

    1 action ( excluding items ) equals 1 event token.
    Make events fair for all.
    Make all real money spending on events have a set value in regards to event run during limited times.


    After reading this post on page 18 I have to agree that this is an excellent possible first fix for event rewards.
    It does not achieve quite the same thing. But it's the only other proposal that comes close.

    Currently asof /lotl pay essentially double the drops compared to AFF.
    The haunting ranges from 80 for decent smalls actions to 300 for a bigs actions. But about half of the drops of an AFF.

    Which means that there are currently two options sacrifice plunder and hit smaller ebs in which case the prize isn't worth while due to the fact you have lost the prize value in actions plunder loss. So that negates any incentive.

    But player activity would have to be 2-8 times higher than those currently obtaining free level 13 prizes. To attain the same prizes.
    That is unfair to me.

    So certainly increasing the drops for all epics down from the top tier of ebs would have a positive effect on all smaller accounts rewarding their activity and expense far more than the current system does.
    Changing the drops up to compensate for that huge difference in activity required would potentially add extra incentive to compete and pay for smaller players.

    I certainly hope the developers consider balancing the eb item drops. Because this would balance the activity of players and to a smaller extent the cash value of in app purchases.

    There are many players that cannot war for various reasons. Balancing the drops as a first try would make the game more appealing to all players.

    Coml3y's proposal is certainly an easier system to trial

    It would not totally have the same affect as the proposed system. But it would be a good start point to test over the current system, where from my perspective and that of others I have spoken to there is little incentive to spend real money ( especially since finding out some free to play players can reach top tiers in 3 days due to size alone and easily within the two weeks).
    It also takes nothing away from those who currently can achieve free top levels.
    I still feel my proposal is the more fair. But this suggestion could come close without causing as much resentment from those who feel they would lose out under a revised system.
  2. Support!!!!
  3. No support.

    Small players shouldn't be able to compete on the same level as a bc player. It's also very easy to exploit 1 action is 1 token. Get a level 1 elven temple and level 1 unkari ice tree and boom you already have an advantage over everyone else.

    The current system in place rewards growth which is a huge part of the game. A small player coming into the game and immediately getting top tier rewards would be ridiculous. They already get hundreds of silver bars for free. 100 event items gives you 75 silver bars. That's really easy to get and is a huge amount for a small player.
  4. I agree with Kezzer, no support.
  5. Unfortunately exactly the response I expected from some.
    Keep the small small. They don't deserve to compete with the bigs. Even during limited time promos.
    Why should they compete or pay for prizes when you are getting 1000 -2000 silver bars to their 100.
    Exactly the player attitude that is wrong with the game.
    You may as well tell all small players to stop spending on the game and stop playing.
    Obviously their money isn't good enough. Nor are they judging by the condescending attitude.
    Or, is it you just don't want to give up the free ride and have to compete on an even level for event rewards. Either way. Exactly what's wrong. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. I qouted what I read. The big reason nothing you said would work is because ATA will never limit how much we can spend.
  7. Of course 1 day old accounts shouldn't be able to compete with bigger 5 years old accounts. That makes no sense. Bigger players have put a lot more effort into their accounts, and that should be rewarded.

    And let's say a 5mil cs player (player A) gets x amount of silver bars. A 100 mil cs player (player B) get the same amount of silver bars. When they upgrade, both get a cs increase of 5 mil cs. Player A would have doubled their cs (100%), while player B would have had an increase of 5%. Wouldn't that the unfair? The smaller player will grow a lot faster than the bigger player.
  8. Explain to me, why is it a fair solution that a small player receives equipment of the same power as a much larger player? If a small player receives a piece of equipment (lets say 50m attack and spy attack and 25m def and spy def) then that piece of equipment is pretty damn powerful. In terms of cs that provides an increase of 3m cs. That's a huge jump for a small player. If a large players of 100m cs receives that piece of equipment it's still a nice jump but it's nowhere near on the same scale. To make this even more in favor of small players if a large player already has a piece of equipment in that slot they can only count the increase from the previous piece.

    In terms of the gold i see no reason why a small account can't easily reach 1000 items. They could reach higher if they are active but I will use 1000 for the example. This tier provides 500 silver bars. That provides a total of 1.125t. That's a lot for a small player.
    A large player should be able to get to 10k if semi active like I used for the small player however for this comparison I will use the larger amount which actually makes my example harder on the larger players. 15k items provides 2000 silver bars. This provides 4.5t. I know you are thinking how is it fair for them to get 4 times more gold just for being larger. It's simple really. The cost of upgrading and such is so much harder for players who are larger that the smaller player has the advantage in terms of growth from event rewards.

    I support helping out new players but making them earn just as much as a large player not only makes growth pointless it also ruins the balance of the game. A small player isn't being screwed over by these events trust me. They are getting a huge boost that used to take players months.
  9. Kaw is pay to win, it always has been and always will be.. Certain leaderboarders were the reason we have these events, and now that the Devs make money no matter what garbage they put out, the events will never stop..

    It's super easy to get the top tier rewards.. Just decide how much it's worth to you..

    Also having a tonne of disposable income helps..
  10. Abyss building = 40b

    Lowland building = 3b

    Its in proportion...

    No support otherwise noobs like me would grow to fast.
  11. I think we should just pentouple all the event rewards and add Sods and xtals to every tier!
  12. Lets say that you go into a shop and spend 5 gold pieces and get 5 magic beans.
    Now lets say I go Into the same shop and spend 5 gold pieces and get 1 magic bean. Is that fair.
    Apply that to any real life cost. And tough time spent playing a game does not make your money worth any more than anyone else's.
    if a player spends x amount on the game. They deserve equal treatment.
    You already out earn them on gold.
    This is just event tokens. And yet during a limited time promo you still want to be worth more than someone else.
    One players money or time is more important than mine and other players?
    How is that fair?
    But fine. Lets just say we advise all new players not to spend any real money on the game until they are what? Build complete. Because only then do they get value for money?
    How is that a good business model?
    And how do we retain new players whilst telling them this? Or justify that to other players.
  13. IF it was like this, of course it would not have been fair. But the difference here is that a bigger player has spent a lot of money and time compared to what a smaller player has. It would be unfair if they should get the same, when the time/money spent is different.
  14. I don't feel like reading a story today.
  15. They do not get the same. They get the same event tokens for the same actions. During a limited time two week promotion.

    They do not get the same gold per hit.
    They do not get the same increase in stats that gold with every action allows them to purchase.
    They do not get the same advantage in buying and over pricing allies.
    Game time in means they earn more gold. They get rewarded for their time and money with gold.
    During these events which are effectively shop sales in the magic bean shop, anyone can walk in and purchase goods at a sale price.

    That's how businesses make money. By selling things of value. Not by telling people they have to pay for something worth less than their other customers get.
    Not by saying you cannot shop here during this sale because you haven't shopped here before.
    Not by giving some customers free magic beans because they brought something the week or year before
  16. K read the short version I liked the moth and fang events they were truly fair. I support your thread.
  17. Ok let's put this into a real life situation for you.

    You and another person work for the same company. You both have the same degree and work in the same field. They have more experience than you and therefore they are able to complete more challenging work while you are still doing easy stuff in comparison.

    In this example who do you think gets paid more? It's the guy who does the harder work.

    In kaw terms a larger player has more experience (higher stats) so can do harder work (bigger ebs) so therefore earns more money (more gold and event items)
  18. Yes lets put this in a real scenario.
    In those jobs they both get paid hopefully their value.
    They do not pay to go to work.
    An build complete player now can do an lotl and asof rotation with no xtals and make 15,000 event tokens in 3 days. I won't name the players I know who have done this. But it's fact.
    Then players smaller come along and have to hit smaller epics earning less gold. They cannot hit lotl either at all or as often.
    They do not earn as much gold per action. They earn far less. But to compete in a game. They must pay. Over two weeks to attain the same prize as the build complete player that did not pay and did only 3 days effort to attain 15,000.
    So one player is contributing to the upkeep of kaw. One is paying their salaries. One is helping keep this game viable.
    One is freeloading now based on past history.
    Again where is the incentive for new players to spend money on the game.
    We do not earn money for playing the game. We earn gold.
    And you cannot accept that in just one aspect of the game allowing all players to attain value for money, real money that they spend playing a game should earn them equal amounts to other players.

    If you want more people spending money. Give them an incentive. That includes build complete players. Why should some get something for free while others pay?
    Would you go to work if you were not being paid? No.
    Then why should people spend their money on here if they don't get the same value ? At least in this one small aspect of the game.
    Event tokens.

    Ps. Please tell me how much experience I need to press an attack or assa button. As those are the only actions required in lotl and asof. Not really that complicated. Any one big enough can do it.

    And please explain why competing at a fair level in an event is such an undesirable element?