Euro Cup 2016-Guess and Win

Discussion in 'Activities' started by ProviingAPoint, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Nice free kick from bale
  2. ... I may have been a tad optimistic

  3. Yessssss daddy star gonna bring his second point home boyz
  4. Good luck forthe next match
  5. 2-1 croatia

  6. No winner????? I predicted england correct!

    I just edited for saying grizzy gg @wales match??

    My last edit on that post was more than 1 hour before the match started, that counts right? Else i cri
  7. 2-1 turkey
  8. Ty for giving me the point mate!

    For this one i'd say Croatia winning 2-1
  9. Croatia 3 - 1 Turkey
  10. According with media russians had won lololol. I've seen the english girls (those who like to call themselves hoolies) running.
  11. Poland 1-0 north ireland lol, in time
  12. 4-1 germany
  13. Germany 2-0 Ukraine
  14. Germ 3-0 ukraine
  15. I haz 4 points
  16. Spain 2 - 0 Czech Republic
  17. Ireland 1 vs 1 Sweden
    Belgium 2 vs 1 Italy