estories of a vully junter episode 1

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. I was gonna do 1 for my time in thailand but i think im gonna skip it cux nothing really happened. Howeber, my last thread in the series " estories of a vully junter: california lovin'" is gunna b gud
  2. What the hell is a vully junter anyways
  3. U have too much time in ur hands terra. U could start liftin instead
  4. I lift all the time brah

  5. I'm curious as to your contribution to forums, that would be deemed forum worthy? Or do you just leech off other, more popular forum users? I've just never seen a thread from you before, or a constructive comment. You seem to spend all your forum time jumping on bandwagons. #sheep
  6. I guess creative writing classes are paying off for you
  7. Sounds like a bunch of crap to me. Why don't you spam this on your FaceBook page and leave us in peace?
  8. Salty for VK #Salty4VK 
  9. Or u can just skip clicking on my thread.
  10. This all happened whgen i was like 7 btw