Estoic wars won by hansels

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Hyla-geo, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. My build imo is the best one for war. I can attack/spy effectively. Or maybe i've just gotten so accustomed to my build that i've perfected it's imperfections ;)
  2. I've perfected mine lol.
  3. Hansels have plenty of weaknesses. Don't equate us to tower builds. You don't need a special attack to harm us. It's called ATTACKING US. And then scout bombing. Simple, and an easy way to accumulate plunder.
  4. Wow... Acc umulate

    Ok I'm gonna kill a puppy by questioning the devs on this one...

    Please fix that filter. Just because those 3 letters that say 'come' are in order inside a word does not mean that whole word should be filtered
  5. You're just butt sore..
  6. Wir Krieg was defeated by Tlal0can not by 3 bil but by 32 bil- check history and math
  7.  The hansel and pure spy
  8. Our clan beat a hansel clan. Easy to attack, about bomb to death. Problem solved.
  9. Scouts kill spies.
  10. Jass999 u wrote mau must b hiding behid a rock lmao, u must c that we smashed the last ee war against all hansels. We hve lost ee war do to inactivity but he is correct they took away our towers for defense lets even the playground now for u cry babies who complain they dnt get enough attention being they r hansels.
  11. Hansel power
  12. We recently beat the tlal0can in war who were very spy heavy. We gave them their first loss. They were a very tough clan and as general of that war, it was very tough to call out targets because so many of then had similar names. That was honestly more of a challenge than beating the clan of spies. As stated before, attack heavy to earn plunder, scout bomb to ko. Check our war history. Proof is in the pudding. Happy hunting. ;-)
  13. Enter estoc clan ranked below 5 in clan. Depending on organization of opponent you can last the first wave easy if you sit and absorb fail hits. This is dependent on them actually being fail hits. Then just as you almost knocked out crystal. Then strike while everyone low! Or if very few inc from start, wait 5-10 minutes after war start an use only half of spies or half of attack. Sit and absorb the inc created from opponents reporting and then ass the inc destroying both troop and spies. Bam! Knockout! Always leave one bar full preferably spies because harder to zero that then troop. Taddaaaaa. You're a winner, you get chicken dinner. Nomnomnom
  14. I say hybrid is best build for estoc