Estoic wars won by hansels

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Hyla-geo, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. EE wars are won by activity 99% of the time
  2. Omg hansels are so unfair. They should be banned from the game. It's not fair they cant be attack by everyone. 
  3. Yes, get a clan of fully active 30-40 members and I gurantee you will never loose.

    I used 2 fail bombers, 0 stats pretty much. Or 400/400/150/150 and managed to get a total of 8 KO's. get a few fail bombers in your clan and it annoys the **** out of hansels.
  4. Oh god no, please no val
  5. @ ITO. please tell me the name of clan you did that at. I want to see the results:)

    @Hyla. We have not missed a single ET war yet as a clan, We have an attack heavy roster 100% of the time (minus a special exception last week) and have NEVER been beat by a hansel heavy clan yet:). Just saying
  6. @oli. True that friend!!
  7. Homedawg


    The fail bombers are coming!!!
  8. Front,

    Halo 4
    Wir Krieg (look through a few of history)
    And _overlord_'s clan (Deathmatch, barcoded)
  9. :lol: op why dont you get a couple of failbombers? They piss me off more than anything else.
  10. I didn't say it was impossible. And as i orginally post activity and numbers win best
  11. [​IMG]
    It probably helps that this build can hit 3m-3.5m defence 
  12. Their is really no advantage as a hancil bro.
    First off its very hard to find constant attack targets to pin troops, leaving yourself vulnerable to leaking if not quicker than the opposition on attacks.
    Second, it's very easy to pin a spy builds spy's. If your using every pot, every scout, you'll be surprised how fast you can pin a hancil.
    It's all about being as quick as u can, all war and good team work.
  13. Oh my god!! Dev will say, we all will turn to 5mil attk/def, 0.5mil spy attk/def, all ally bfa set to 0 during Estoc war  Then we will back to own build after the war lolz
  14. run away the secret is out hansels rule!
    keep warring bud. you will figure out how to deal with them.
  15. Why are so many attack builds so scared to scout? I don't understand that. Yes, a hansel is a good war build. There's ways to pin every build now, including tower builds finally! There's a benefit and downfall to every kind of build, that's the decision you make when you build. If you're that afraid of a hansel put up spy defense or convert!
  16. That's why actually understanding the mechanics of this game is important if you intend to war instead of just hitting blind.
  17. My build imo is the best one to have during war. I can attack/spy effectively. Or maybe i've just gotten so use to my build that i've perfected it's imperfections ;)