Estoic wars won by hansels

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Hyla-geo, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Adapt to the game, dont try to make game to adapt to your build.
  2. No.

    My build is a hansel buster  I unload troops for over 45m a hit, then scout bomb them to 0 easy peasy. People wander why I come #1 in EE over HLBC attack builds..
  4. You cleraly said "i think this have to be even out slightly". I think i can read dude. Instead telling us to read first post again why dont you do it. And if u didnt mean to put that there then next time reread ur post so it says exactly what u want it to say.
  5. Hansel week in EE war lol.
  6. Hansel busters are quite effective.
    I think an entire clan of attack builds would win vs an entire clan of hansels.
    Hansels need other hansels to effectively use their troops to make big $. Otherwise hansels are just good for pinning people. Theyre a support build that works great with the help of attack builds.
  7. Hansels r yummy...
  8. That guys always attacking me
  9. The Wolfie guy not silent killer lol
  10. All I have to say is NOOOOOO!!! Isn't ET won by plunder if I am right. I want you to show me where hansels were in the top 5 in plunder and had higher KO average than attack!!

    Don't be naive. Hansels are good but they DO NOT win wars. As stated before it takes good balance to win. We have also had an attack heavy build roll over hansel heavy clans multiple times. Theory busted!!
    And no hansel beats a HLBC attack build in plunder rank. I want to see that also (directed at whoever said it):).
  11. My build is good because I make the same as a HLBC hansel, I don't stick up on DP as when people hit me they will be instantly put off because of the tiny amount of plunder they get. I will never be a main target unless the player who calls out on the other side knows me personally and what my build is. Meanwhile, I can KO HLBC with assass and get tons of plunder.
  12. It is won by plunder but you can't get none from hansels especislly once they've pinned yoi
  13. I was versing TLAL0CAN (Omets) with my clan, majority of us attack builds.

    As you know, these guys haven't lost and are incredibly difficult as most of them being hansels and all have very similar names.

    I gave everyone a target, and everyone would unload troops straight off the bat then fail steal to SKO. Now, at this point we where about 15b up which was allot at our clan size. Not to mention they had 10 more members which was a huge advantage.

    The problem with this is it requires full activity to pull of this tactic, and since your carrying a large amount of plunder you can't afford to be KO'd and must SKO. But eventually 2 of my guys Internet went really slow, and they started being unable to SKO and where leaking 300m a KO. And eventually they caught us up and we lost by 3b.
  14. Sounds like you would have easily won had the matching been a little better.
    They were at a huge advantage with 10 extra people, yet they only won by 3b. Very close war.
  15. An att clan would lose due to being easilu pinnable to a hansel, plus i believe hansels give little plunder to attacker so u might get more for large att but its naf once ur pinned n timed by hansel clan they will win even if not a huge amount gained from each att
  16. Front-

    I beat HLBC in plunder AND in KO's usually. Last war I got 15, and a few before that I got 20 KO's. and these are all in pretty strong clans where I'm usually at the very bottom of roaster.
  17. Dro-

    Omets had 10 extra people. We where at a MAJOR disadvantage.
  18. Oh sorry, I thought you said WE had 10 extra. Nvm
  19. KO's can rack up quick with luck or just tracking time well