This is actually an interesting thread with good ideas. I'm for the point system myself, but that's just preference. The LB/GH clans could be fixed by rebalancing the algorithm to take into account the internal distribution of the CS. That's something only the Devs can do. But then... is that fair? To make wars fairer we should really have a different way of calculating the amount of troops/spies lost for every action. Let me see if I can explain better. If a GH scouts a large build - assuming a successful action - you'll have something like 600 spies expended on one side to kill 12,000 on the other. Now, that seems a tad unrealistic. In war if you show up with a company and meet an armoured division guess what happens. I would see it a fairer and better way to organize EE if we had a more realistic % of troops/spies lost per action. Your GH spies are successful in scouting a large build, ok but you cannot kill more that xN (say 4 times of 3 times) the amount of spies you use and viceversa. If a large build attacks with 2,000 troops the small one loses only 53? I think this would make the use of smaller builds more strategic, they would still pay very well against large ones, but you would have to coordinate their attacks with larger builds. They would still pay poorly for large players to hit, but you could take them down faster. I also have a sense that it may open up rosters to more builds and make them a bit more balanced.
There is something KaW players can do. Mercilessly strip opposing GH's until they are hidden behind the DTW system before matchups
Lol Elegance, as long as I don't piss people off I'm allowed to my own devices. That would be awesome Ash, but then people would complain that war is less video game and more strategic.
I'm not a whiner. But something needs to be done to make ee a better fit for ev1. Last 4 matchups were against lb I was too small to hit and gh I was too big to hit. I have been turned off on the whole game because of this. I'm not an eb fairy and fighting in wars I can't win and wasting money is a no go for me. Those of us that don't have the funds to grow at maximum speed for seals in a hte clan will never get ahead in this game. I'm never going to be lb as new lands will always come out. New ways to grow faster will always keep those of us not able to afford it from being able to compete in wars with those matchups. So what was once fun has lost it's joy for me. Happy kawing. I'm guessing I will be moving onto another game soon.
I believe I posted my support for this Idea in the other thread. I see no reason that the Devs could not run this system in the back ground of season 3 and publish the results each war. I for one would be interested in seeing if the two (gold and points) results ended in different outcomes or closer wars for the points system over the gold systems.
YES It would give us hybrids and duel builds more of a place in wars besides being meatshields Support.