Well currently with this system I've been in wars were my team ko'd apponent and sat in them while war and stil lose so I dunno if that's an issue.... Strategy comes into play to get kos and u take a hit for doing a strat like that. Just playing devils advocate there. I just like strategy durring war aka when to crystal who to target and how and with what sit high self ko I mean real strategy
Great idea. Clan makes a total of 2,000 points, you personally made 120, and let's say 1,500 mith was handed out because of you winning. You should make 90 mith, more or less (depending on how many KO's you got)
Actually i say it promotes huge lb type builds. That way they can try to pull more fails. Nobody wants less capable builds who pull no attack fails and leak all over the place even off of smaller builds due to the plundering amount.
you forget the most impt factor ... you still war against same kind of ppl ... they ALWAYS will find a way ...
That solution means I can send a statless alt into a clan, get a match against a clan with another statless alt in it, plunder off him (making 200m a hit) and be LLBC by the time the war is over.
Ancienne I realize people will always find a way, but this system helps shut down some recent complaints. If more come up we adjust and revamp.
I mean could lower the amount and start at 100 mill down to 1 mill at 1% just figured this way u could earn a small profit at same time
It shouldn't be, since when is war in real life profitable? It is by far the opposite. And an account with stats like: 400/200/150/150. Could grow huge in one war if the other side has the same idea.
Interesting points but if I may interject. What about hansels. See hansels I believe would be hurt by station and your system if implemented due to te fact they have low troops and rely on scout/assassin and using the hansel mech and towers to stay up.... In wich I believe is necessary due to big atk builds and med atk builds just see gold signs when looking at hansel and hansel mech. Yea I realize I'm throwing monkey renches
No blasting ideas, just critiques I like what you're suggesting bud but I'd prefer (personally) a lower number, maybe 30m per hit and drop to 22m by last hit. I don't see war in KaW as being profitable