Estoc Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. I wasn't there for that war? Look
  2. Yes I know you weren't there. I looked before I posted. Just wanted you to be aware that the clan you are warring with did the worst abuse of the ff button I have ever seen. I can't think of one good reason to press ff button with 15 minutes remaining in a war other than to screw the other team out of mith.
  3. Take the whipping and don't be a crybaby. I'm in the middle of getting killed now, we refuse to ff. They deserve the spoils of war, they beat us fair and square. Worried about a few pots? That's ridiculous. No ff in a 4 hour war!!
  4. Since when is it cool to take a beating? Let them keep the ff. just reward the winning clan some extra mith for pounding the enemy into submission.
  5. The wars you guys do arent even fair you beat a clan called titan 40billion to zero.
  6. I don't think that FF should be banned. Take your winnings and be happy
  7. Why would I sit around and let my ass get beat. Removing ff turns estocs edge into a for, of pwars
  8. Moose the ff isn't the issue. The penalty of loss mith is what is concerning. I compared two wars that I did where I had exact same amount of actions and plunder. I hit with max pots so the cost to me was the same for both wars. But the one in which team pressed ff earned me about 40-50 less mith. Honestly in the end I am just satisfied with victory. But the mith penalty could be looked in to.
  9. I don't see a problem with giving the winning team some extra mith if the losing team FFs. I'll talk to the devs about it (no promises)
  10. when a clan enters a four hour war then they commit to a four hour war, everyone knows that there has to be one winner and one looser. Just because a war does not go your way then does that give you the right to deny the winner their prize? Either FF button needs to be removed or Mith payout for war ended early needs to be increased as this is not fair on clans who put in the effort.
  11. It's not about the winnings usually.. I want to war not hit a dead clan. Tell them to put like 2 2hour wars on weekends or something.
  12. The winner has NOT been denied their prize. The winner gets all the mith they spent back PLUS, they get mith for the actions that they have successfully completed
  13. Also, if a loosing tea, is getting their asses collectively handed to them, this is a way for them to hurt the wining side, so it seems fair to me
  14. For those that like specific number examples or might not now the actual impact a ff can have...

    War A: actions-290, plunder-3.9 bil, KO 14/1, mith-105.
    War B: actions -283, plunder 3.7 bil, KO 11/0, mith-52

    Closest comparison I can find and I'm sure you can take a guess which involved ff. That's an insane amount of difference in payout. Both wars were before the recent mith payout increases.
  15. You would see nothing wrong with it moose. You must be Canadian, or French.
  16. I did 3 wars this week. 1st i Loose -14mith then i win war 2
  17. And war 3 with ff (used 14mith) win 30 mith --> so 18 mith (60win 42used) for 3wars
  18. Then Try to Upgrade Ring Level 8->9 use 16 mith failed Ring Level 5 --> so i made 2mith Ring -3level for 3 war's --> thats xxxxx