Estoc Wars Guide [UPDATED]

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Excellent guide! Thanks for the breakdown and types! Easy access to all who need to know about EE warring!
  2. Mods, can this topic be sticked up? Very informative and comprehensive guide to EE wars.
  3. Why am I there... I came back after one year plus and my first we war in a long time I get thrashed by this.. q.q Not fair devs, it was a 900+ prestige up against his..
  4. Sorry man. Do you want me to black you out?
  5. No I want to get EE again. X-X
  6. If you do indies tonight maybe you'll get my clan...
  7. Will be updating soon with more screenshots and war lingo. Thanks for the feedback! :)
  8. Why isn't this stickied?
  9. Don't know. I emailed support about it and they said they'd look at feedback on this thread.
  10. Nice, few things I'd add, but this is amazing for someone who hasn't warred.
  11. What would you add? I can always edit op.
  12. Saved!!!! Greatness in the written word!
  13. Sticky this for all the indi noobs :lol: thanks for the guide legion.
  14. !!!!!!!! Ty!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Updated with screenshots of HTLFreak/Vadue's program.
  16. good thread
  17. Updated with a war tips section, special thanks to SylverDragon-OnThe-Battlefield.