Estoc Trials - Week 9 - Test War 1 *update 2:05pm*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Well, we weren't planning on running any EBs this weekend or on running this one as a double gold EB. We've never done a weekend Summer Promo and likely won't do them again in the future. You still got double % drops on items for the EB over the last 2 hours and you'll likely earn a lot of extra gold over the weekend as a result of the EB running all weekend. We think that it's actually a pretty awesome promo for the weekend all things considered. So apologies for the EB being posted up incorrectly and we hope you enjoy the extra perks we put in to make it up to you.
  2. Anarchy, take what theyre giving you and stop complaining. You're taking the customer is always right motto too far. Stop being rude bro, and carry on playing.
  3. Thanks, that's cleared it up.

    I will shut up now and stop bothering you.
  4. Why are you asking for pot refunds? It's not like you used 50 mith+ worth of pots in a minute and 50 mithril is much more than you used on the war anyway.
  5. Slayerbob, I am allowed to question why I was mislead, I got a one word answer...

    You can feel free to shut up, I was simply trying to get an answer like what was posted. Which I did.
  6.'re just downright nasty. I'm not one for perm silences but I would be thrilled if you got one๎—. Please be respectful and considerate
  7. That doesn't allow you to talk like you live in Detroit. Have some respect for someone who is trying to help. They made a mistake, they know. Calm yourself.
  8. Shame I've done nothing against ToU or anything to earn a forum ban.

    So you'll have to put up with my noobness. I just say it how it is. Get over it.

    Got a problem, I'll see your alt in my newsfeed. Otherwise. ๎„
  9. What about all those POTS we all used??? they costed us a lot
  10. Twice in one hour I agree with Kaw_Admin. What's the world coming to?

    Also off topic Anarchy, this is war thread ;)
  11. Thanks for that Slayer. That was a very useful response. There should be no frustration in any of this, I forgot.

    (Protip #69: kissing the devs ass won't get that mod spot you've been trying to get your whole KaWreer.)
  12. Not complaining, but just curious.... So those who ee, and many who would have lost, gain all spent back plus 50 mith AND an ee level? May as well just give everyone 50 mith and recomp those who spent... And you can skip me, im just stating its an already unfair system bias towards those with more time on their hands, them to comp people that woul have not recieved mith anyways is lame.
  13. Hate to keep bothering u devs but every has got refunds and I have only got 1 message not confirmation of a refund please sort me owt ASAP for war 2
  14. @ anarchy

    If you would get out of pin you would see me in your news feed. I hope your as good of fighter as you are a talker .
  15. Thanks Devs for the 2 minute war. Very interesting, but I vote "no" for this war duration....

    And thanks for mith compensation. Mistakes will happen but it is nice that when they do happen, that you take care of your customers. It is appreciated.
  16. We receiving this soon or sometime next week?
  17. Devs what about pot lost as well? Lost about 3bil in pots in 1min
  18. King you have exactly five minutes to let me know what account it hitting me.

    If I don't find out. I'll assume it's your bottom members.

  19. @ anarchy

    I believe that's suicide to anger my clan but do as you please.
  20. Also Dev's,

    Thank you for the double gold, double drop FoD's.... That was awesome and a top request to repeat soon.
    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You......