Estoc Trials - Week 8 of Test Wars - War 4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. I want to retract my post on page 1.

    The brewery is back in business. There is whine everywhere! Grab a cup, and bring some Preparation H.
  2. For you to start failing against hansels you realize how much BFA they would need to have added?
    And with the ally marked being frozen and all...not likely.
  3. its very easy to add that bfa using a bank.
  4. ally market not frozen.
  5. Question for the crying female, If you had won would you still be crying?

  6. Ok, you're omniscient, always in the right and every war you lose was a bad and unfair matchup.
  7. This was for the one above, sorry
  8. Stop. Just stop. You're just making yourself look silly. We had two great wars this week, and we'll probably have more to come. Look forward to the rematches rather than back at your very respectable defeats. You guys fought great, and I still respect your clan and your efforts even with the whining.
  9. i cant wait till a rematch!!! i hope this time devs will moniter trails gotta love it!!!
  10. funny that you post this and your guys are in clan of question now.
  11.  We got nothing to hide, look forward to seeing you all again
  12. wow...expected everyone to be happy witg war results, but some are complaining...
  13. Just to clearify a few things... We are not whining. We are stating an overlooked fact by the devs. They are not enforcing a rule that they said the would with significant swings of BFA.

    That being said. If this was a fair matchup as you say... Why is their such an imbalance in CS matchup. We don't have any single category of CS that was greater than oG Alliance:
    Total Clan for Killers United in War 4 Test Week 8:
    Atk CS: 55 Million
    Def CS: 48 Million
    Spy Atk: 50 Million
    Spy Def: 88 Million
    Total: 243 Million
    Average CS Per Person: 8,383,606

    Total Clan for oG Alliance in War 4 Test Week 8
    Atk CS: 83 Million
    Def CS: 87 Million
    Spy Atk: 52 Million
    Spy Def: 89 Million
    Total: 312 Million
    Average CS Per Person: 10,755,199

    Total Difference in CS: 69 Million
    28% CS Difference

    To me, that doesn't seem like a fair matchup. I think the devs need to fine tune their formula. That being said... We did the best we could with the match we were given. War #1 against oG Alliance was over 80 Million CS difference. Things that could influence us to match them... BFA and BFE:
    1) We have consistently been marked as too low of BFA in the old matchup system. So this couldn't be BFA Related as we have not made any significant changes
    2) BFE... Yes we have a pretty good record, but our BFE is not that significantly better.

    The POC and SOTRA Matchups were great machups. Fair to both sides as their BFE Made up for the CS advantage we had. The numbers dont lie.

    Btw... regarding this allies mess. If you didn't buy allies after matchup, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I personally believe the devs should post the swing in BFA in the forums... because I don't think they have a number or a % that they qualify as significant nor do I believe that they actually look into BFA swings after the response we received in email from support. If I knew that they weren't taking BFA swings into account and that it wasn't against the rules, I would be banking my allies in a bank before war and then bringing them back out after we match --- This was consistently done in the old 4hr EE wars by pretty much every clan. The easy fix is to lock allies after signup like they did with BFE.

    The biggest slap in the face was from the devs. I mean we put hundreds of real dollars into this game... and all they give us when we email them is an auto-response. Their "support" team is worse than Dell Support.

    ḲɩḶḶэṜṢ - ɄᴎɩㄊэḌ

    **Update... in order to overcome the CS difference... we would need 3.45 Billion more BFE than oG Alliance to makeup the difference.**
  14. Nice post skip 

    But what I think you guys may be overlooking is the BFE disparity between our clans. Most of us here have little in any paladin equipment as we were busy oswing while others were eeing. I'm not saying that there may not have been a BFA spread, but perhaps your BFE makes up for it. I'd like to see the devs weigh in on it.

    Please do try to keep your members from accusing others publicly though, or you may piss people off. We here at oG fight honorably, and get a little miffed when accuses otherwise.

    Happy kawing, I'm sure we'll fight again soon and I'm sure it will be another great fight.
  15. *accused. I could try to blame spelling assist, but I won't 
  16. our bfe? we had 5 people with decent bfe, bfe does not even come close to evening this out. but ty for admitting this wasnt fair match up.
  17. Honestly I don't know it was fair or not. I'm not the devs, and I don't know all of what they really look at. I do know it was quite hard fought on both sides. Well done.

    An apology for accusing us of cheating publicly would be nice though.....
  18. on average we would need 119 million more bfe averave per person to make fair. this is before your bfa
  19. Again, as you're obviously upset by the matchup, I'd like to see a dev response as to how they chose the matchup.

    But I do feel an apology is warranted. I worked hard in cc keeping our rowdy bunch of oswarriors from taking the accusation as a reason to start doing what they love.