I think devs are very giving and very friendly. They keep on seeing opinions. They keep on making tweaks. Its just sad that games should be played by how the Developers do it and how devs want it to be played But because of the losers who cannot make the right formula for war. and they want to change it for there own platforms. Its all about outwitting the system. Making the system to meet your side. Having what the system is giving you and not changing the system. Impressively worms, poc, rising hawks, warlor, rca and others outwit the system. And those who cant just keep on complaining. Lost. try to think why? Use your mind sometimes. This is war game. if you dont think your soldiers will always bleed. This is not: "Hey devs we want to win so change the system for us" "Let the good clans lose for us" So devs. is what redstar's bfa is an exploit if he will try ee because he is playing this game for so long. Or sotra's equips an exploit because you give them when the time they outplayed the system and take the advantage for their winnings? Or happy_cop build and his clan an exploit to because they learn how to win the game and manage to outlast opponents? Or what about ifarmers, they outplayed your system with swollen. To think this guys are genuis, they should deserve respect that this clans mentioned above are the guys who really dedicates their time to learn the system. And to mention that clan Night's watch of castle black Rise from underneath. Because this clan mamage to learn the system. Aint you see. Everytime you tweak the system for a few, the number of clans warring going down too. The developers are the guys who are making the rules. Not the complainers. Or you just want to believe the costumers are always right? Let them use their mind--- not just accepting complaints. Or they dont want to use some braincells to win wars. I am not against anybody. Instead, i admire and salute the guys and clans who keeps on winning despite the fact that the system keeps on changing. Good luck
I could of geussed same cry baby king me on every thread forget about bfe it doesn't count as every one has equipment so stop crying
BFE stands for Bonus From Equipment. That's what it should be. A Bonus. Don't start counting it in the match-up programs. That would nullify any Bonus and long journeys to get and upgrade all this Equipment. MD
What he said...BFE should not be figured in it should stay as a bonus and to earn you not only have to war but learn to win at war. Guess one guy on this thread just can't figure that out
BFA is BONUS from ALLIES. Don't count those too. Redstar, Laoda, and Cella should be counted as regular HLBC accounts Devs c'mon! Right?
If you're being sarcastic it's not working. Because I don't think BFA should be counted either. Like you said, it's bonus. But there is a limit on BFE. There is no limit on BFA. That's why devs have to draw a line somewhere. MD
There is a limit. They removed reset bonuses remember? Each account gets 550 allies. So that's the limit. 550 hlbc allies. Why should Devs draw that line? How many accounts in KaW have are close to that? Why disenfranchise people who have just started out or have been here in the beginning and worked on their BFA?
I agree on having at least a BFA cap in wars. This souks solve a lot of issues. Not only would it solve BFA jumping/jacking issue, it would also lead to better match ups. People wouldn't have to constantly add/subtract allies in order to war.
I would like to add to my post where I had posted I was gonna remain silent about BFE, because i had forgotten what i really wanted to say. But Its true that I wasn't gonna say anything about BFE not being factored in because I was working on a strategy that counters BFE. In a previous post of mine, I stated it was exploit/strategy. I'm the strategy type person. I don't see any of these as exploits. Yes, in the past, I admit we used land tricks, upgrades after matchups, BFA stacking after matchups. If you see these as exploits, I don't. Because its the same on both sides. both sides had the ability to land trick, "baby KO'ers", both sides had the ability upgrade after matchup... etc etc... when I first learned about towers, I was amazed and saddened about them being nerfed, but if devs say no, they say no. adapt, and overcome. That's strategy, not exploit. If you think I'm suddenly changing my mind, then your wrong. I've always stayed quiet about these issues. And honestly, I really don't care whether they include BFE or not in next season because we'll be ready. But like I said, it was because of an earlier conversation that i had with VAL (W32_SQLE_WormlllIIIlIIIllIIIlI) is when I decided to take this "exploit" issue to the "eyes of devs." and I guess, yes. I'm not gonna stop posting on this topic until BFE is counted into matchups. It's kinda sad, because I was wanting to test my "strategies" against the super clans, but because I'm now focusing on trying to get them included in match-ups. I may never get to use them. I can SS conversations about our strategies to counter a BFE clan with a non-BFE clan if you don't believe me in a third party app. Dates are current, non-photoshopped. And Pre-dates any forum posts I've made regarding BFE. Happy Kawing everyone! And thanks Val, I feel liberated now because I feel like more of Forum Community And thanks to all my worm fans! I look forward to our continued debacles
@kaw_admin "If you're serious about warring, please lower it." really? so are we not serious about warring? please check our week 6 war 7, 8 bfa in compare with war 1, can you tell us what is the difference in bfa between those wars, I dont understand why sometimes we are ok and the next day with same roster our bfa is 6x higher. we don't change our roster size just in case you want to know. If you can give us the number, it will really help us something like Your war 7 wk6 bfa is 65 and war 1 wk7 is 400 Thanks
And to ya post saying about new players warring lol then don't let them war simple they won't be good
King_ME, you don't need to understand simple mechanics to get the fact that the more things you need to match with a small number of participants will result in less matches.
@jam, that's fine. I personally think matches should be prestige based, and not stat based. don't even match BFA, BFE, Builds. This way, these top 2 clans aren't getting a clan that opened up 10 mins ago, and haven't yet gotten a chance to know each others skill sets.
IMO, prestige based matches seems more logical with 25-33. If you're good, then you fight the good clans, regardless of stats, BFE, BFA, etc etc... Yes, in the beginning a completely noob clan can battle a number 1 clan, but after time, it'll filter out don't you think?
But my suggestions are going by what Devs are trying to accomplish, an that's stat/build equality. For such I feel I'm entitled to post my personal feedback on how these matters could be more even. And not factoring BFE, doesn't make clans even, it makes the stronger clans stronger.
Second to super. Our roster almost the same each war. The point is other clans lower their bfa to avoid us, then we become "not serious" to war since our bfa too high? Show us our bfa each war to see if we are not so "serious". I doubt you will reply.
@kaw_admin I agree with Rising Hawks members, not only is their clan being subjugated for being consistent, but you're doing the same thing to other clans as well. you say that 2 clans could have matched so lower numbers, and tell the other clan to raise numbers. the next war to come around, these numbers and clans are switched. thus the reason we did not reduce our numbers the few times around because many times we have seen 37, 40, 36 etc... in an attempt to see if the same clans sign up and we could match, but the more you dictate what you want, the more we are forced to eliminate BFA strategies, team strategies etc... I prefer 1 team of 10 people so 40 people = 4 teams. but the more you dictate our size, strength etc... you take away strategies we've prepared. I have signed up my clan numerous times with the same roster and we've been given different avenues to take but nothing is changing within our clans. It's the people who sign up and the ability to predict who signs up is not a task we're capable of. set the standards, set the rules, do what you need to do but don't penalize or threaten the clans that are just abiding by what we are allowed to do created by you. give us a swing set, then you tell us not to swing to high, but that's how innovators are born, by working within the system that's allowable. or maybe we should all wear silver jump suits and and all wake up at exactly the time you dictate. is this what youre attempting to do? create a system of robots? keep in mind we do have cognitive thinking. at least allow us some freedom. in short. create the rules, we'll abide by them. But don't threaten us because we follow the rules, it's your job to analyze the data and make a system that's works for us, the KawMunity.