Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3/4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Where is the war 4 update?
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Devs I'm from Dragons Rising I like to ask how come my clan can match up with Tgia when we lose on STATS n BFE? Due Respect to Tgia they are a Great War Clan but by matching us with them to me it's a crazy match up . Please reply thanks
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Hi Dev, could you provide us with more insights into your "algorithms"? I really dun see how u have managed to match my clan of 26 people with 29 people (SOTUW). First, we (Dragonsrising) already have a shortage of players against them, that equates to 6 more xstals on their side. Secondly, our BFE is not as great as theirs. Lastly, they have a larger BFA than us. After yesterday's match with TGIA Reborn, I am starting to wonder how your system calculates the number of "successful" hits/BFE/BFA. Developers,I hope you understand my feelings and my clanmates feelings when we have seen the matchup you have made to us. No offence to the above mentioned clans, we enjoyed ourselves nevertheless.
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Me too. We got them war 4, n our bfe was not in there league. Can we please get some data on how these new matches are made? Your explanations are pretty vague. Seems like a dice roll to me.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Developers, please do not ignore these comments that we have made. I understand that all of you are busy with making the game better. But if you do want more people to participate in season 2 of the Rancor wars, please kindly adjust your "algorithm" or whatever system you are using now for matchups. There are a few suggested ideas by other players which are plausible, take a look at them even if it is just a glance that doesn't interest you.
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    No algorithm will work as long as there aren't enough clans signing up, and that isn't being adequately addressed, so I guess all noobs clans have no choice but to get their assess kicked before giving up and breaking.

    Whatever, devs enjoy burying their heads in the sand.
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Using the flip a coin algorithm
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 7 - Test War 3

    Seems to be a common response to your request for feedback devs. We all want to war but are losing faith rapidly. While a small band of clans are growing in BFE due to their, fairly, may I add, mithryil powered purchases, we also rans and trial fodder are finding it hard to attract ppl who want to get slapped every weekend. We can live with the lag, sort of, but its the match ups thats killing the EE wars. Oh well time to cast WoC short to see who's turn it is to batter us tonight.
  9. God damn so many people crying in forums again.
    All those who dont have the shiny mithril equipments and no experience,where is your maxed EB equipment and towers you must have built with the trillions you must have collected in the last 7-8 months?
    Use what you have or should have rather than complaining about things you dont have because you were too lazy to war when EE wars had started
  10. Thank you devs, for matching us up with Rising Hawks twice in a row.In war 4 their number 1 had a bigger BFA than our whole clan and every one of them had a 350mil BFE. Our clan had 50% of members above 350mil BFE so it's great to see your calculators are working great.
  11. Has anyone else noticed that prestige points are not being given for wins but prestige is being taken away for losses? It's been that way last week and this week...

    Devs- Please fix so that prestige is accurate!!
  12. These matchups are getting rediculus old system was 1000% better almost every change y'all have made since season one gets a 
  13. Dr IT and lordsavan;

    Respect to your clans. I totally agree with how mismatched they were, but we are also heavily towered making it seem even worse.

    I know it won't replace pots/time spent but much respect for giving it your all. The only solution is to get more clans warring or we'll see too many no matches. Please keep up the good work and keep warring while adjusting builds!
  14. If want more clans to war make it worth their while my clan wont war cause rewards arent worth it we can grow faster jus doin ebs. Here an ideal giv losers a small reward. By the time i buy potions an mirth for spells id go broke warin an never grow
  15. Really we were weakest? Lol i had no idea, we had at least 40% of the ppl who signed up at my size and a good bit bigger and another 40% 2x my size and bigger with the exception of a few smaller players joining in, as we also had a good bit of bfe. Was the other weakest clan bigger or smaller? And how far out of matching range to us were they?
  16. were's the review for war # 5??
  17. If concearned about participation make a clan requirement to be in at least __ wars a season this is kingdoms at war not kingdoms at ebs they can lose thier charter or something
  18. There will be more clans warring if thay could join ee war with less members, there are allot of new clans that have a range of 13 member, let them in ee war and there will be more WAR ACTIVITY.
    Thank you.
  19. Might be a good idea, two roster sizes. Is it possible? Can you devs do a 19 man roster as well as 29? I can put together a roster but we will get a match that we can't win. Smaller rosters = more clans
  20. If you make 2 roster sizes, you should put in the dtw system in the small one so that weak guys won't be bullied and strong guys won't come And take off the dtw system in the large one cause it'll be more fun for the serious guys