Estoc Trials - Week 6 of Test Wars - War 5/6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Igerpums wasn't even in the war, yet has to blab his gums as if he were. Attn grabber from a weak player. So typical nowadays, but Igerpums is top of list as a no life loser who can't even KAW properly
  2. First off, No Talent No Future HUGE respect from all at rising hawks. Now to my question devs how in the hell can you go from giving us nwocb or poc both seasoned ee clans with good build ,bfe and bfa not to mention experience to giving us ntnf who besides being a man down on us where lower cs not to mention the complete an utter bfe mismatch my bfe alone was ntnf bottom two in wr combined. Now I get these are "Trial" wars but usually trial product are free or reduced price, now not saying I mind paying my xstal cause I don't especially if getting a match against top clans like aforesaid nwocb but those I do feel for are the ones on the other end of your failed algorithm matches. There have been multiple screw up from the bfe balls up of sotuw vs warthog which had both been equally equipped been a great war, however VAL being the man he is with a thirst for knowledge tested your bfe inclusion to the max and proved y'all messed up big.Now here is my suggestions first off obviously this weekend was a massive disaster so fire the muppets who put the algorithm in place, second when you have an idea of what the playing field will be for next weekend I suggest around say Wednesday contact around 16 clans that would match under your system and get them to beta the system then hold an open feedback thread with the owners of each clan relaying the good and bad of the system you have in place and now finally Please for the love of god don't leave update so damn late you are messing us up...... rant over
  3. Hey devs,

    Can you please explain how this dtw/dts system works? Why can a gh attack bigger builds but it is dtw for them? If it continues to work this way, it would only favor ghs more.

  4. Devs, I would greatly appreciate a response to my earlier post, it's been on my mind all day
  5. Random ko between 8 and 13 minutes sucked. Spent 1hr 45min of a 2hr war spamming kod targets. I actually regened from 0 to full cuz I couldn't find any opens. I won't be doing anymore wars with that ko setup. It's the most boring format I haven ever experienced.
  6. Towers are taking over wars focus more matching on towers. This system is so flawed look at all the complaints and sort it out!
  7. First of all its not like a GH can attack someone and they cant attack back.If you probably remember a Gh with towers was hitting you but u might be hitting a Gh without towers and getting dtw.Its only mechanics.towers increase stats so u can hit bigger stats as well.
    An irregular build might be a a haxor build or probably LB players and little GH warrimg together.Long ago when nomatchup system came out,wulf said in a comment that the nomatchup system would stop LB players warring with GH giving them an easy glad devs are finally looking into it..tank builds might also be considered irregular builds.would you like to a face a guy with extremely high bfa and bfe and stats like 1m/6m/100k/4m?i suppose No.would be a complete waste of ur troops.
  8. A few things to address;

    1st: Much respect to Rising Hawks for being the awesome war clan that they are, well deserved #1 prestige.

    2nd: Much respect to my clan No Talent - No Future for doing as much as they could in that massacre. Better than rolling over and just taking it up the tailpipe.

    3rd: No respect to the devs for creating these terrible mismatches this weekend, you managed to get a couple right but overall a terrible ee weekend. Furthermore you refuse to come back to your thread and answer legitimate questions, not just this week, but every week.

    4th: And finally, luckstar, keep your non warring, eb Pansy self out of the war thread. There is obviously nothing in this thread for you, yet you come in, bashing a player that does war. You make it apparent that, YOU SIR, have no life.
  9. I think the first that needs to be changed in the match up system is the difference in the number of warriors on each team. No team should ever have a 3 warrior advantage.
  10. Maybe Kaw_Admin only replies to helpful suggestions. Most of these posts just say "your formula is crap, fix it" which doesn't really offer any solutions.
    Please offer helpful criticism if you want useful changes.
  11. Actually ewoc my comment done two things,it said this weekend was crap and suggested a way to achieve genuine improvement.