Estoc Trials - Week 5 of Test Wars - War 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Tuc the 1/1 isn't for ur ko/sko

    The first number is how many enemy's u ko
    The second is for how many times u are koed or sko urself (just how many times u are put out total either by urself or by enemy fire)
  2. So a Tril in allies is worth about 250k cs. So you are trying to say that clans are jumping bfa so much that it would effect the matchup? That would be trillions on each war by multiple people. This doesn't happen. They have monitored it since season 1 and I have not heard of anyone even being close to getting punished for taking bfa up to high.
  3. There have been clans warned about it yes none punished as far as I know

    They go from 500 bil allies to 2.5 trill allies with 4-5 accounts and several much smaller ones it does have an effect
  4. This only really applies to larger clans where bfa really has an effect at ur size or really 99% of kaw players size ur right wouldn't be an issue but there are some players who can easily move trillions of bfa on and off an account
  5. Devs these random ko times are destroying ee wars if you can't track opposition then we will inevadably end up back with all turtle wars as an end result mark my words there needs to be a set regen time this stops people from being able to turtle
  6. There is nothing wrong with random times, if anything it's more fair considering the amount of clans that used bots to track. All it takes is for you to pick a target and spam or sweep as a group, if you are too lazy to adapt then you shouldn't be warring
  7. Bots are not rewired to track, a pencil and paper are all you need to track ko times to the second. The new system is not just a matter of sweeping. For people like me with my main account not linked to PC, the amount of sweeping required is impossible due to lag.
    I have a separate account for PC, so I can't link this one, and I cannot hope to compete in these button mashing wars with PC accounts.
  8. Old wars were far better then this.

    See where listening to a few forum whiners gets you devs?

    Yeah no where.
    Who would have ******* thought?
  9. The match up was too strong but then again I haven't mastered the full build.
  10. Where is war 5
  11. Rus it's nothing to do with lazy the amount of
    Work my clan puts in each war great as is. So we are not afraid of working hard. It is more the fact it was boring.

    Many members of my clan are hoping this system never comes back due to even though we won all our wars it wasn't any fun doing it.

    I war for fun and this was nothing close to it. Just a turtle fest full of koed targets.
  12. No strategy required at all in these wars, it's plain n simple! By amending one kind of builds ability in wars has a knock on effect on another build. Random every 5 mins just allows your opponent to pop up attack twice n sko and your waiting again, very frustrating IMO
  13. Well I enjoyed this weeks wars myself! The only suggestions I would make is 10-15 minute regen. Random time. I hate having to wait on a set time to come back in, I think it's more challenging not knowing when ur opponent comes out of pin. It keeps the other clan from being able to set on u. And yes I think there can be more strategy to random times then set times. Cause once the other clan gets u in there loop it's over No Comebacks. With Random times its a lot harder to do so, and a better chance of making comebacks.

    All in all it's just my opinion nothing more:
  14. If ur stuck in ko ur stuck in ko whether u sko or get say on and koed if ur side doesn't figure away to get out of the ko "loop" there is no coming back lol

    The only difference is that with random ko it's a game of turtling for down side and spamming Att for upside

    In anything close to an even war there should not be time for players to be completely say on if u are u are doing it wrong and only way to learn is to give urself the opportunity to see the strategys that work u can't do that if u have to constantly spam and sko u need structure to test and figure out wat ur doing wrong
  15. I don't understand why people whine about set time both clans start the same no advantage. Strat or mismatch gets you control. Yea they can't time u now coming out big deal you are worthless from pin in these wars anyways. 5-10 mins not enough to do to a big build tanking ur hits and laughing
  16. I have also noticed that my regen after ko has been uneven. 5 min after ko I was at 4% troops and 8% spys.
  17. So I guess that's a "no" then to the requests about war 5.
  18. Apophys i like what u say about times but.. You even dont know when u can hit so it makes no sence.. If enemy ko you before you can check your regen i just makes a lucky war staying 2 hours spamming buttons trying to do something.

    In my opinion, time lost..
  19. the new system is basically a sko system,bring back the set timer so we know who to hit and when.also allies should not be part of the matchup u need to do more of the 2x epic as a initiative for big and small kingdoms to coincide in one clan.there should a kind of war or epic system that rewards mith and money to everyone everyone no matter the is important that everyone can hit it this will increase clan unity and strenth.This willl in turn increase acces to war .the epic should have limit mith payout as to still encourage people to war and will give more initiative to war.this will allow smaller clans to be able to do bigger epics with the help of using spells.