Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars *UPDATE*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Me either station just pointing out what was wrong in season 1 was the fact a clan full of Gh with lb players could win nearly every war.I see the same thing happening with BFE if people are willing to drop builds to win they are going to do the same to fight noob or new ee clans so they get the easy win. Problem still stands is the matching system is to broad ranged already these trials have fought clans where can't touch top 10 except for maybe a couple in clan. Until they can figure out how to narrow the range at which you fight will still be an issue but I love war system so ill continue to try any and everything thrown my way.
  2. Biggy I think that might have only been the second fix needed a minimum pay out for gh in some way if they use crap gear and pay out at least a minimum not even that high but at least so it could even out over full bars of hits (ie gh makes 40-55 mil hitting big player (crap equip would mean much less sizable player btw) they may get 6-10 actions off full bar 300-500 bill if that same player returned hits he could only max at 14 (give or take) and make 1-10 mil per hit making only 15-150 mil returning fire ) if the return minimum hit was say 25 mill no matter wat then grew from there to where it lies now would even the field then when the devs match bfa plus bfe plus cs and match clans even a lb /gh clan wouldn't have the advantage over a regular clan would even out (also would make small clans fighting each other a little higher plunder but still an even fight)
  3. The devs only job is to make sure that the matches are mechanically close enough to allow for a fair fight ... They don't have to be perfect just close enough that's counting true strength of the clan that's signed up and fixing huge plunder mechanic differences between builds that can actually hit each other

    After that its left up to the players and the clans to build correctly and to learn the skills and teamwork needed to put up a good fight

    Ask the devs to try to match or handicap skill levels is an impossible task heck the same clan has 2 different rosters in the same day depending on tz and can hugely vary skill between the two .. Heck not having a good tracker for 1 match or the same wc could mean the difference between a good clan and a bad ee clan no way for the devs to measure that and they shouldn't be asked to

    If a clan wants to get into ee hire a guy to come in and teach them (just like training a new army u hire a merc to train them) or they need to understand there is a learning curve to winning it takes a few wars just to get ur feet wet will take time

    Heck some people have been doing these since beta and they still don't get it but that should be wat separates the clans not a miss match by the devs in mechanics ... Take that excuse away and ur left with a chance to win every time if u put the work in
  4. Just have Gh pay same as if u attacked a 8 mil cs hansel it won't eliminate Gh but will eliminate 10+ in a war. Just a thought
  5. Lol don't think it needs to be that drastic lol
    But a decent base line would suffice
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars

    If you're being hit by a guild hansel while you have your godly bfa and bfe, then you should be ashamed. :lol:
  7. I don't believe its to drastic maybe then they will want to grow like most do in the game.
  8. 10 mins margin to come out of ko...gonna b very tough for any tracker, 5 mins flexibility was good
  9. If your letting a guild hansel consistently hit you even though your 5 times stronger your pathetic and everyone keeps talking about GH......why not just drop to a GH then u reap the same benefits?
  10. 1 hour must be considered in week 4 as with 2 hours war. It will encourage more people participate. 1 hour war is more interesting and suits working people.
  11. Here is the thing that people miss about GH. It's not that they're overpowered per se (although their plunder gained compared to size is out of control) it's that the equipment they use is overpowered.

    Before, if you wanted to break through a player with higher stats you needed a ton of BFA which really was hard work to achieve. It took months or years to get enough BFA to make a difference.

    Now, equipment that you can 'earn' in a tiny period of 8 weeks can get you anywhere up to 20 trillion equiv in allies. That would have previously taken years or thousands of $ to achieve.

    Whilst BFE does need to be factored into EE it doesn't fix the underlying problem that equipment in general is vastly overpowered compared to the rest of the game.

    It makes me wonder if the devs are moving this way on purpose to try to reign in the power the bigger builds used to enjoy.
  12. Although having said the above.. Devs have consistently showed they don't understand the mechs of their own game so maybe this is just another example of that..
  13. War should be based on pins and damage inflicted. Not how much $ u make. This would fix the gh issue and get people to move toward power.

    P.s. enchantment fails should be allowed one per level. No resets. For all equip eb and mith. If u care about your players ud seriously consider this. Playing favorites to one group over another is a ongoing trend. The final armor set should be the hardest to enchant using both mith, aqua and inferno.
  14. GH???

    try to put 1 attack building and 5soslvl3 only.
    it for sure will have the same amount of plunder in ewars like the gh did.
    why??? ; its not based on being a gh. its because it is small hitting a larger opponent.

    all small builds makes more plunder during war;
    because as a logic; the larger the kingdom you attack, the richer the kingdom you attack the more money, gold, diamonds etc.. you can get if you successfully win against it.

    and you will lose more if you fail...

    so hit someone your own size!!!

    and please don't box yourself with that old saying; be an attack build...
    :lol: its only for eb now.

    and if your a huge hansel.. come on.. assass the guilds so they will not get too much plunder on you.

    no one told you that a big hansel is advantage during war.. you choose to do so..
    so stop telling us about your miraculous GH exploit... which is totally its only your own belief..

    :lol: :lol:
  15. Woohoo hopefully that is the end of the one hour garbage wars !!!
  16. Seriously, IMO BFE should be factored same as BFA in matchups. Keep the benefits of what you earned but match the clans as fairly as possible.

    There you go Developers straight from the Moderator (WULF) that has all the respect from most of KAW. Now fix the match ups including BFE and BFA for more evenly matched wars. If you can't see what is coming ahead your not very observant. You are chasing away more and more clans on a weekly basis due to your lack of not wanting too or your disbelief of clans exploiting your match up system. I have personally seen it happen in war match ups.

    I know I will not take part in anymore EE wars until you fix the way you compare clans for the wars. I hope a lot more will boycott your wars until matchups are done fairly.
  17. No support for any type of choosing when to come out of ko. No fun in spamming for 2hrs.
  18. Support for having a mix of 1 hour and 2 hour wars.
  19. 10 mins is way too large of a gap to spam to find an open target. THEN you give the option to come out after five as an "advantage?" FAIL


    All you have done with this brilliant bit of decision making is allow for increasing # of people NOT actually fighting. Since the lag does not allow you time to return fire on someone they simply come out early, make plunder, sko, and repeat. ONLY inactives will ever reach 10 much less 20. Why would they? Get4 a lead, xtal to increase plunder, sko, and stay out of harms way.

    Solution: All wars stay 2 hr wars (1 is crap, 2hrs of prep for 1 hr of war = fail). Hrs are 60 mins long so get factors of 10 out of you head please. 12-20 min random time only. That comes to 2 or 3 max regens. No player opt in. As the set KO regen time seems to have gone the way of the dodo then at least give people a break in the # of times they have to see "player is currently knocked out."

    As for bfe, I'm good with the factoring in of it. Want some bfe? War, spend mith, do ebs for drops, and mix in a pro pack or 5. Wars cost $. **NEWS FLASH** If you do not want to win don't spend $. Just repeat action and chat with friends. Anyone who knows anything know that even in a FREE game the benefits are in tbe $ spent. Factor bfe, bfa, cs, and give us a "fair" fight within reason.

    NO there will NOT be a perfect match up. I will take "as close as possible" 10/10. We went through the entire season with ZERO not matches. NONE!!!! And we got jobbed as the underdog a # of times. But had the advatage the same #. We did a LOT of wars too. Check the cp. And that's is a lot of xtals burned. If the final product moving forward is anything close to the garbage we are seeing right now I have a feeling a lot of people (not just NWoC ) are going to forgo a 2nd season.

    For the love of all that is holy in he world just cut out the poor ko return times. 15 mins is WAY too large of a gap. As for now we'll be patient and do some of thses wars as people do want the EE maintenance and mith. But I don't know that is enough to warrant the amount of money it takes to do a whole season to receive the 2nd set of VP equipment. RWP ain't that much worse and I gots plenty. =)
  20. First I agree with silver wing

    Second can we have a few 4 hour wars back?
    12-24 hour wars .... Let's teach people what endurance was about?