Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars *UPDATE*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. TrueSC had a very good point talking about sko and ko being different. If possible, I would like to see that implemented.
  2. Dear DEVS: can you please stop screwing the times for the UK! Week 1 they were very fair, but now there are only 1 or 2 wars I can do! Uf this is not fixed soon, I'm sure me and a lot of other UK players are going to get mad.
  3. No blitz wars 
  4. We want Blitz wars
  5. I thought the reason for the change was to make fair matchups yet you are adding in instead if random the five minute "ADVANTAGE" funny how that word seems fitting with the lag of the servers
  6. I would have liked to see a cheeky wee friday 1hr blitz in there now i will be late for work
  7. What does advantage mean next to 3 wars
  8. In the last weekends wars , When I was coming out of ko at the random time I would get one hit in and the game would lag and almost reboot itself. By the time i got back on the enemy's roster i was almost knocked out, I lost several actions that would of been successful because I was now being the prime target being low and coming out of ko the enemy roster had eaten up my troops and spies.

    BFE- most players that have great/good bfe had dedicated time and gold to get this bfe , I would be HLBC instead I choose to war and go for the special equipment that everyone had seen on the forums. ( cardinal ax ).

    Also I enjoy both of the wars the one hour was great actually enjoyed it , didn't take up as much time and the payouts were not bad being it for 1 hr . The problem with the wars is there never just 1-2 hrs they take time to prep, study roster . Then if you loose.. add another hr on for the Vp, so a 2hr war now has turned into a 4 hr occasion.

    I really do enjoy these wars and understand they are in testing and I don't mind helping test something that is actually pretty fun and brings a different aspect to this game.

    Please address the lag ,I have never had this bad of lag until last weeks wars. ;)
  9. Tibiame game join to this game or not
  10. Hey dev, can u bring back 1hr war pls.
    Makes it easier for those tight on time to try and join more wars. A shorter lockdown for those peeps in the war clan but not involved in the war.
  11. After Friday war 1 finished  we have under 50 mins to cast WOC and fill up the war roster for war 2  is it too close DEV????
  12. Too many trials if u ask me.

    I'd rather had just kept the original format and fix what we found wrong with that. Something to make it more interesting. Random KO times up to 20 minutes just seems too long. The set 15 minutes is still my choice. I said it before, now ill say it again, throw in an extra crystal to disrupt the tracking.

    Equipment was earned by players from doing wars. I understand factoring that in when making matches but don't take away the entire advantage!

    GH's enjoy too many advantages. They help
    lower clan CS drawing easier matches and the plunder is too big an advantage.

    SCOUTS: adjust these so the success rate isn't so high. Why should such an insignificant action weight so heavy?

    Developers are spending too much time on things that aren't as relevant to the overall war system. I think they should focus more on these then what they waste their time on.
  13. I still don't understand why you insist in making regen times random...

    A war isn't a beauty contest: the team that dominates must be able to crush his opponent or it can't be called a war. Season 1 fight mechanics were in that aspect quite good. A team put in ko would tend to react to get the hand back on war: it should be that way!

    The problem were matchups! An experimented ee clan is tougher to beat than a clan starting to war: they shouldn't match!
    The difference between an "ee noob" and an "ee warrior" is BFE: count it in matchup!
    Maybe not as accurately as BFA but at least refine matchups with it.
  14. Thing is with BFE people will exploit it like Gh good ee clans will just wear Crap gear for easier matches atleast I see that happening.
  15. How do we know more people than not like the random ko times? The majority of the people in war have never commented once in the forum about it. Even if the devs put up a survey on it we wouldn't get enough of the people warring voting to be a majority I believe.
  16. I really dislike these new wars. I warred nearly every war in season 1, but if season 2 looks like this- I won't be interested.

    Regardless thanks for trying devs.
  17. Perhaps try having a vote between the new format and old format with a small amount of tweaks to the system.
  18. This format is better use this devs you gotta realize that Tracking is apart of the EE series you can't take it away
  19. Biggy I got no problem with that as long as they are locked into the bad equip .. A close to even war is all that matters in match up ...

    It's up to the clans and players to build right and learn strategy

    I agree that season 1 mechanics were great nothing wrong with them ....
    When ever u were lucky enough to get a close to even matches they were epic fights back and forth till the end tracking became secondary at best but was how u gauged how the war was going u knew u scored a ko or made some one sko they were out for a set time and u had to worry about others ... crystal calling types of hits amount of hitting all these things went into great wars ... Part of the team work aspect

    The matches where the big issue u had to pray to kaw gods u got something at least close so u could really fight it out .. Wasn't the clans or the players u worried about it was the matching system

    Gh was big on a lot of lists but mine was only matching correctly

    Mechanics in season 1 was something the devs got really right for a fun stand up and fight kinda system .. U couldn't hide even if u got koed everyone knew when u were coming up the rest of ur team better be backing u up so u don't get say on adjusting strategy and tactics on the fly as needed while u were koed or the other team was koed u had a few minutes to regroup get data to ur commanders or troops and make adjustments

    Spamming for 5-10 minutes every 5-10 minutes is tiring and boring and leaves u no time to counter or adjust in war tactics
  20. Scout actions in ee should not be able to use pots since pots aren't used to defend scout. Failed actions shouldn't hurt opponents troops/spies. There should be some new def pots that could be purchased to counter the much stronger attack benefits from bfe and att pots. Sko should be discouraged by losing more plunder for your side than being ko'd. Mith payout should also be affected by ko's to where there's a bonus for not being ko'd all war or you make less and less mith the more your ko'd. Bfa