Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars *UPDATE*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars

    You're kidding, right? :lol:

    Guild hansels pack the same power as any other hansel. Besides, you're a large hansel. Just about ANYONE can hit you. As for the pay, maybe you should look for other hansels with similar stats. I bet they pay good.

    I do not support Gh's paying any large amount of gold when hit by an account 5 times larger.

    The only time I'd support it is if pay out is based on the defenders defense stat compared to the attackers attack stat.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars

    Resilience i can tell your an expert on this subject. But i have a high bfa and a high bfe. I am very hard to hit. When you have 7 guild hansels on the other side. It is impossible to make up the plunder. So basically the devs are saying you need to have as many guild hansels as you can to win consistently. Hence guild hansel wars.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars

    Dev posts r almost basically useless. They generally talk about various general topics. They try to "keep users updated" but they r just buying time. Real posts = real stats; no stats have been delivered seriously. They haven't given even nominal figures. All is hush hush... Conduct a poll or a survey maybe to factually produce ur intell/improvements...many people think ur "improvements" are crap btw; if not already known#
  4. Thank you Wulf, Serge, and Alaska for seeing my point here.

    Truthfully this account barely goes to EE only my alts does :D
    Its so much more of an advantage when my gh and small hansel stacks up with equipment, and are able to hit players 3-5x the size and make decent cash
    (My small hansel acc is 3.3m CS with 1m static spy def and is able to smash down 10m CS with around <80m CS equips easily)
    The same goes with GH(my 700k CS gh is making the same cash as my hansel in haunts)
    As a forumer previously mentioned in another thread, the real fair matches should be based on TS (true strength = build bfa bfe)
    When new clans try to set up for EE, they (includes me) have to pray not to get matched up with equipment heavy clans, as its basically a loss already from seeing matchup.
    My alt is heavily equipped, around 230m CS in bfe , but i wish to have bfe added into ee wars for the enjoyment of the whole kaw community--more are able to participate(more xtals for devs), and enjoy the process other than getting smacked by heavily equipped clans.

    Whew i posted on my alt 5min ago dont know if anyone saw that LOL
  5. These new extended KO times make more sense to me. Random, advantage , like the old days, whatever. 10-20 minutes is key in my book.
  6. I would like to play one hour war.....
    Plz make one or two each week.
    Also you guyz not considering bfa as well.....
    You weren't before then you included bfa and now again you are not considering it...
    Instead plz do bfa+bfe while doing match up...
    That was just my thought....or may be stolen from others lol....
    But just think on it devs...
  7. Please keep the choice out of ko,I liked it but make it like after koed 10 miss, thank u
  8. 10-20 min ko times why do devs what turtle wars ill pass on this week
  9. Just my opinion i prefer the 1hr wars with 5min advantage. 1hr wars could maybe have a 5min advantage before 15mins and after 10mins.
  10. Random KO times just doesn't seem very KaW-like because all strategy in this game (in EE, osw, even ebs) has been based upon known patterns and precise systems - the only random part is when ur opponent is going to choose to strike. Introducing this random element just seems out of place.

    Choosing when to come out of ko between 10-15 minutes is my favorite so far, and gels better with the rest of the game.
  11. Soooo....we should all convert at tiny GH or better wait for another genius update? This is not only about war, lol. Even on eb GH plunder is just crazy. In ACC on clan with most members over 10m guess who's first on plunder. Yes, a GH.....ahahahahah i love this 9+ game
  12. Devs just try out my idea it is more balanced than this!

    #1 Change: Self KO should be controlled from 5-15 mins on success action (depending how you guys set the time) with this change it will reward for dodging the KO. From season 1 if you self KO or get KOed in a losing war it wasn't that great because you had players that tracked the timing easy and it didn't give the player a real reward for dodging the KO and losing 10% of plunder.Which is why I understand as a player on why you guys are trying new things with the different wars.

    #2 Change:Self KO on failed action should be random KO as the punish factor.With this idea it will allow some tracking if the player was paying attention to the new feed they can report that person failed Self KO.This will cause more interaction with the players because in season 1 three players was the only ones allowed to talk.This self KO can be traceable if you have three players checking on the person. This will be a risk factor to both sides if they can protect their teammate from getting jumped or if the three players are not cautious of the other players they can be punished.

    3#Change: If the player gets KOed that player will have to regen 15 mins. With this the clan that KOed that player will properly get rewarded on getting the chance to get that player.With this tracking will still be alive and other players from Season 1 will be expected to be happy.It can be deadly if the clan uses this factor correctly like from Season 1.

    These kind of wars Random KO wars are terrible too random!
  13. Let me try to explain it in another way...

    For me, Kaw has always been like one big game of chess.. where the only variables are player-based. There's no roll of the dice or lucky draw from the deck of cards. Just good old fashion strategy based on knowing the game (mechanics), understanding your opponent, and anticipating their next moves. This for me has been a huge appeal of the game.

    Putting a random ko time in EE wars is inconsistent with the way I feel this game was meant to be played. Instead it's starting to look more like monopoly - whoever happens to land on Boardwalk first wins.
  14. Like many I would echo for the 1 hour wars to be included.

    Also prefer choice of when to come out as to random (Constant spamming was a reason many disliked previous turtle wars).

    BFE and GH still need to be tweaked.
  15. I strongly second and support BFE need to be factored into matchups because it has been exploited!! Though not many clans are doing it at the moment, overtime if its not nib on the bud, more and more clans/players will be tearing down their buildings and upgrade their equipment to get easy opponent.
    Its a clear system exploitation, I must say.

    A suggestion if I may, KAW to limit equipment equipping to 6 or 8 ONLY (numbers of equipment KAW can dictate) to participate in Estoc Wars. Allow players to choose their best equipment before registration period ends. Once after matchup no changing of equipment is allowed.

    There's another exploitation going on, may be had been raised before. Some clans reduced their number of allies before matchup ie. get their friend(s) to hire their allies and after matchup they hired back their allies. This will create imbalance in clan actual strength before and after matchup.

    Counter-Measure - KAW block hiring of allies after matchup.

    1. Stop clan strength exploitation.
    2. Think most will be happy because no more risk of allies being hired in the middle of battle :ugeek:

    Those who have been doing it will surely air their discontentment :lol: :lol:

    *WAR IN PEACE* :cool:
  16. Hey just an idea here. Why not no equipment usage at all in EE wars? As fair as it goes, and equipment can still be used in non-EE wars this players who earned it still keeps their advantage(EBs, butt-kicking..etc). Only in war bfe is not allowed and everyone is fighting fair and square.
  17. Just want to agree that 1 hour wars are awesome and make me much more likely to participate.

    Thanks for all the work devs. All these changes show you're listening amd trying, which is awesome!
  18. My little feedback about wars last week:

    Did not like much 1 hour war. It cost more time to prepare than to war, especially for war leaders. During 1 hour its all about who has faster internet connection first 5 minutes or after using xtal, hard to use any of the strategy exept just hit for plunder as fast as you can.

    Did not like random KO time. The word 'Random' happens too much in KaW lol (like random equipment drops or resets). I'd like to choose / plan when i come out KO within given time window. Please, more strategy than lottery lol.

    Also i had a very annoying bug, when i was out KO and someone hit me, i received a few news but my spy and attack bars where without change, could not see how close to KO i was. Only way to refresh bars and see my level was to restart my game (usually too late lol)
  19. Dev perhaps have 1 hour wars on weekdays and a mix of both 1 and 2 hour wars on weekends? The 1 hour blitz are rather popular amongst the community...
  20. They messed with a good thing, nuff said...