Estoc Trials - Week #2 Updates

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. You had 34 actives and we had 32?
    You had 50% more BFA at signup and 38% more BFA at war start?

    We were stronger but not that much stronger. And man... 32 vs 34 with more BFA!
    When wars are fought largely coming out of KO?

    I will take those odds any day.

    If you look at the stats of the war and what number of what type of actions were done you will get some good tips there on strategy too.
  2. U CAN'T block ally hires or sales at roster lock. Many times 3 to 5 of my allies sell in the last 10 min b4 matchup as ppl are trying to bank. With the no ally hires/sales in effect ppl would have to bank several hundred billion in bars and pots and of course could easily exploit this action by stripping ppl b4 war start

  3. Agree -
    Some ally traders kick it into overdrive during EE cause they know people are more likely to hire back
    I sold over 40b in allies during that most revet war. If I had to bank that in pots I would be pissed.

    No making fun - 40b is a lot to me these days :cry:

    Clans in OSW would not be able to complete in EE at all.

    Wanna take out the competition? Threaten to strip them during EE wars if they compete together.

    No Support.

  4. I just wonder why they started the season if they are still tweaking match-ups...I thought that was kind of the point of all the testing before the season started?
  5. A week or so ago I created a thread in the feedback forum called Restricted vs. Unrestricted EE Wars - A Modest Proposal. In that thread I suggested things like locking the clan roster completely at matchup (meaning no ally trading, name changing, etc.) so that the clans stay locked at their matched level and we avoid the tactics used by clans to try and switch names and other exploits.

    In my mind, adjusting your stats after matchups is akin to trying to move to another weight class in wrestling after the weigh ins (some people will undoubtedly say that wrestlers cut to make weight, but try to stick with the analogy please). Changing the strength of the clan AFTER matchup (either through ally buying or some other means), means the matchup is not the same as it was intended to be. You are trying to have the benefit of wrestling outside of your weight class because you KNOW it gives a competitive advantage which you were never intended to have. If we want fairly matched wars, we should not try to game the system, which is exactly what these exploits are trying to do. Frankly, with enough people gaming the system, it will discourage the vast majority of clans who try to war and we will be left with a handful of clans who fight each other--all to the detriment of the EE system, IMHO.

    Just my two cents.

    Happy KaWing. Kage.
  6. ) The clan size restriction was pitched, and was rejected by the community. We do feel this will help in creating less no-match scenarios. Please discuss this in this thread, maybe there is a solution here. Was the reason you voted No because of the higher clan restriction on weekends? If so, let's only clamp it on weekdays.

    I think the reason you got "No" vote is because you only here from those that are currently unhappy. The overwhelming "No" might be because most of KAW is happy and you don't hear much from the happy Kawers until you try to make change they don't agree with. I'm sure many people signing up for these wars would love if Devs would stop trying to make changes during season. I for one, am pleased with everything at the moment and I'm sure I'm not alone. I feel Devs did a great job in trials and should leave it alone until AFTER season 1.~ Texas Made
  7. I completely agree with Poc. I'm not voting in the poll because my preferred option, "leave as is" is not available.
  8. The people thinking that BFA jumping is a huge problem don't understand the mechanics of how the builds work. No one is jumping so much it makes a huge difference, let alone a whole clan doing this. The builds and experience of players are what is making the difference along with equipment, that gives more of a boost to most, than BFA.

    To help with banking why not let Bronze Bar be bought and sold at the same price? Its only use in the game is to sell for gold? why not be able to bank you r money there and not have to lose 25%? I am not the only one who has said this, and it could fix alot of these minor ally issues within the wars.
  9. Does that mean most of the discussion here is on the wrong thread?
    No surprises you have trouble organising a war against Regs if you don't even read Kaw admin threads well enough to know where to post your complaints, lol.

    Thanks Kaw admin, doing your bit for the economy over there, hiring new people just to look over our weekend wars!!
  10. I am an ally trader and people constantly buy my allies even during war at times even when my banner says not to buy. As a result I am constantly buying allies before match-up, after match-up and during war so that I do not have gold out, and it is not done to exploit the system or create an advantage. This is not something I can control as I spend lots of time buying underpriced allies that I know will sell within a few hours when I ally shop. Even when my allies are hidden they sell as people search the market as opposed to my profile.

    So disabling the ability to buy allies during war (market wide and by those just in wars) would greatly hurt many players including myself. I could easily lose hundreds of billions in a 2 hr war if a few of my allies sell after match-up and I am unable to restock. As a side note, today's war started 2 hours early and I woke up with 1.2tril in gold out and we already had a match-up. If u decide to implement a penalty it would be unfair to apply it to War 3 as this was not my fault or an intention to cheat the system.

    As others have said I think creating a bronze bar that can ONLY be bought after match-ups and during wars would be beneficial and possibly a solution to the problem. However the bar WOULD HAVE to trade at 1:1. You could disable buying allies by those in war, but only if u offer a 1:1 bar so that gold is not lost. If you disable ally buying during war or penalize clans who have players with large bfa ally traders u will hurt many clans and many will quit warring, including myself. I war several times per week and always use xtals etc. I'm a very active player and your decision here could really hurt the game.
  11. Last week was the best warring i've had yet in KaW. We were ranked between 10-20, and had some amazing wars that were balanced and pushed back and forth both ways, we won some, and lost others. Your "tweak" to matchmaking has matched us at rank 2 the past 2 wars putting us against a clan that is MUCH larger, and a joke to try and beat. we had the same number of signups as them last week and they got a "no-match" because their BFA was 50%+ higher than other clans their size. So why has my clan gone from rank 10, up to rank 2 without any major changes? I love warring, and i know there will be some bad matchups both ways, which makes for a no fun war, winning or losing. Please re-look at the past couple matchups and see what is pushing us up to rank 2 so we can start fighting clans our size.
  12. Ill ask the same question that was asked before, why does pre-season prestige count into season standings? Cant think of any other even or tourney that it does. Given that you were still making changes to matches etc during pre-season, the thought was this was a week designed to see how the matches would go and some clans allowed themselves to war outside the norm in order to test the limits of the matches/no match system. Penalizing these clans for doing exactly what your suppose to do in pre-season is stupid and does not truly reflect who is doing best since the actual tourney started, Please update prestige to reflect the tourney only, not pre-season.
  13. Ill ask the same question that was asked before, why does pre-season prestige count into season standings? Cant think of any other even or tourney that it does. Given that you were still making changes to matches etc during pre-season, the thought was this was a week designed to see how the matches would go and some clans allowed themselves to war outside the norm in order to test the limits of the matches/no match system. Penalizing these clans for doing exactly what your suppose to do in pre-season is stupid and does not truly reflect who is doing best since the actual tourney started, Please update prestige to reflect the tourney only, not pre-season.