Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Well clearly your not listening to the people again. Lowering bfe is a joke. What was the point of doing rancor wars in the first place then. Never mind the thousands of mith spent on red paladin eq. If you want better bfe then fight and win wars to get mith to buy better eq. Stop crying about it.
    Lowering bfa is another failed. What was wrong with your matching algorithm was that 1-2 players with high bfa drew a much bigger clan. If you had 1-2 players from lb with high bfa you drew a clan with collectively high bfa and then half the clan could not hit anyone in opposing clan. You need to tweak the algorithm to recognize the % differences from active players in clan. The clan I warred in we had 1-2 sometimes 3 players in top 200 on ally lb. then me rounding out top 10-15 active in war at 2000. That's a major drop from 1 to 10. Then we draw a clan with 5 or more on ally lb and the rest of clan not far behind in top 10 and that carried down through the whole clan resulting in 75% of our clan could only win atks on 25% of theirs. Thats a huge difference. That's what needs to be fixed not the overall bfa of individuals. The bfa of 1-2 players should not be affecting the match ups that drastically. If your algorithm is running properly.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    There not lowering BFE lol.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Nvm i took that first sentence wrong.
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    bfe should be left alone players have worked hard and fought for that advantage.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Some people worked just as hard and got no equipment.
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Oh look, another scheule wherein i work during every single war. Its quite frustrating that we have a disadvantage due to not being able to participate in ee due to work. Items were the worst thing to happen to kaw. Hard to osw against some nerd who doesnt work and has insanely beefed up ee items due to no life, and no way to get a matched bfe due to work schedules :/
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

     that's what everyone does on these threads. The reason why devs have changed these war formats are a direct result of the criers on forums. Instead of whining, maybe offer some sort of constructive criticisms and suggestions and maybe we will have a war system everyone is happy with, although I know that won't be possible.. There will always be whiners in this game. Devs I commend u for trying to please the masses... But also understand that those same people who cried that they were sat on all war will again be crying about something else once the good clans figure out a good system to win regardless of what system u put in place.

    People complained about lag. When u let people choose when they come out of pin... Yes u will see possibly more exciting wars... But u could be more than half troops and be Ko'ed by 30 members all coming out of pin and Ko'ing u before u get ur first notice. I guess more things for u to complain about.

    I'm torn about BFE because if u wanted to truly war, u could eb away and get miths. How would BFE be managed and calculated? One suggestion is that you can equip prior to match up the highest stat equip u want to use during a war, and have the ability to switch during war to a lesser cs BFE equipment but higher stat equip is locked... I am not for the "equip once and u can't change again until end of war". Equipments are supplements and being able to change to more defense or more offense depending on match ups should be allowed as long as u can't increase ur BFE after match ups are done.

    BFA: I beleive (and I don't have high BFA) that those who worked hard for their BFA should be able to keep it. Can't hit them? Then don't. Simple concept no? I've seen clans such as warlor last season win without Ko'ing the top person even once. It's all about strategy as long as match ups are somewhat fair.

    Match ups- this is probably where the devs needs the most help. More match up algorithms should be looked at. I beleive someone had suggested that there is one math, but not true. You can get lots of different results using different algorithms. Devs you have a whole season worth of data to analyze match ups. Go to the wars that was within 0-15 bil difference and use those as ur parameters for testing ur different algorithms. As for my suggestion on match ups-- don't base it on combined stats then bfa. Treat them as one single number (hit power). For example, if you have 5 mil attack stats, and 50 mil bfa on attack, u are essentially a 6 mil attack. This can be done with BFE if u choose. Then get the sum of those stats and multiple it by 5 for a 2 hr war and 3 for a 1 hr war (3 fb unloads plus 2 xstals). This will take into account the number of people (
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Ok,I know I am a noob. I have spent a nice amount of cash between this on and the one on my phone. Why would anyone want to spend real money if it doesn't give me a return on investment. I see two easy fixes for the matchup issue. Rank everyone and add up the ranks Ina clan warring and match with a clan at a similar total. Or add up the cs BFA bfe= a total. Again match up with a similar total. All I can say is if you take away the benifets of spending real cash I will thank you. My pockets will be full.
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    This will take into account the number of people (and xstals) with their true hit power. Run the algorithm through past wars and match ups and see how it fared.

    Sorry to make this post so long. It was mainly for the devs to read as they typically respond to my emails with "thank u for ur suggestion, please post on forums."

    Good luck to you all for Season 2. Hopefully people give enough thought out suggestions (not whining) that the devs will be able to come up with something that most will enjoy 
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    I don't see how these 2 changes will improve game play, think they are kind of dumb.
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Can we call ee something else besides war ? I don't really consider ee as a war .
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Oops forgot a few other suggestions--

    Lock bfa strength at match ups, allow people to buy allies but don't allow it to be added to their strength thus removing the bfa exploit.

    Also a point about my previous match up suggestion: if a clan chooses to have someone with extremely high bfa, and u actually factor bfa into one single hot power stat, then u are actually putting all ur power into one or few members who have the same number of actions possible as anyone else... To me, that's more of a handicap than something to cry about (assuming total hot power is accounted for). Something to think about for those crying about bfa.
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    FYI so we are clear, big BFE is equally available to everyone in KaW for a fairly reasonable price, the cost of a few xtals ($20 got more than a few people to lvl50 EE) and considering we are all using phones/computers that cost hundreds of dollars, a few xtals isn't that big of a deal.

    On the other hand, unless you have been playing KaW since day 1, over 1000 days ago, big BFA is only available with a BIG check book/bank account. IE everyone does not have an EQUAL chance to earn VIP BFE, I'm talking top 200 Ally strength.

    There is a LARGE difference between BFE, that is available to everyone, and BFA, which is not.

    BFE: Everyone has a chance to grow
    BFA: You have a large trust fund, a really good job or are in $100k of debt

    Now for you people who say, 'but I had work' or 'it was the middle of the night.' Life isn't fair. You made the priority in your life sleep, work or family and now your BFE is . Why should people who have up sleep, 2-3h of work, or god knows what else, be punished because they found a way to make it happen?

    If you buy a lottery ticket, and dont win, do you get to go to the lottery board and say this isn't fair! I want some of the winnings to because I bought a ticket? No. Life isn't fair. This isn't communist Russia where everything is 'even.' This is KaW, Kingdoms at WAR. We chose to war and as a reward, my BFE is 10x yours.

    You had the exact same opportunity I had, but didn't take it. Now you have to play catch up. Deal with it. Don't go crying to the devs, spam the forums and fill the feedback/email box because you were lazy. Grow up and go to war.

    Now if anyone has an intelligent rebuttal to the BFE argument, please respond, but at the end of the day, every player in KaW has had 7-8 months to EE war, earn mith and buy/win EE equipment, and you chose not to war. Only person who is to blame for having  BFE is you. And trust me, I will check your equipment if we get matched against each other, and when I see  BFE, Ill know I got you, and the only person to blame for the but whooping you will get is yourself.
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    The real question is how long do u want ee to last? 1-2 seasons then stop? That's wat will happen if in a dev controlled match things aren't factored into that match up ... If u want an intelligent rebuttal to whatever it is just just said I suggest u read "the bfa debate" forum in news and feedback but if ur no so inclined let me sum it up for u ... To keep ee going it has to have the ability to allow new people to join they can't if they can't get a fair match ... U will run out of people to war if no one joins even this season before the last week it was getting down to the same 40 or so clans warring that will only lessen over time after some get equip and have no further reason to war or get tired of fighting the same clans over and over again.
    Only way this keeps going is if its fun to do and only way that's maintained in a dev regulated tournament is if every time u war u have a least a shot at a close match and have the chance to play to win ... With our that ee will die off quickly .. U must remember thee are not wars they are trials of skill and teamwork the same thing u did to get ur bfe when this season started and basically everyone was on equal footing. Now bfe has the potential to imbalance the system to a great degree and needs to be measured if there is any hope to create competition instead of just repeated slaughter feasts ... And the worst part is most of the people who understand this aren't from losing clans most who u sweatband that in this system there needs to be balance at the time of matching are people who won a lot.... I personally lost at lot at first and won more toward the end of the season (not just the last week) I understand wat it takes to win but I also understand that to keep ee going long term we will need new players coming in
    These ee matches... When close are some of the most fun u can possible have in this game win or lose ... But a horrible miss match is no fun for either side and the greed of wanting an upper hand in something like this system purely in mechanics and not skill will kill the system we all really enjoy
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    This is a bunch of bs, take away from veteran players that worked hard to earn mith, win equip, upgrade the eb equip they had, build bfa, change our builds. Trial and error to build a winning strategy, 100% dedication during wars learning how to track effectively. None of this was given to us!!!! We earned it!!!! Quit giving free passes Devs!!!!!
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    WHAT !!!!!!! I don't usually post in forums, this is my second time ever posting in almost 3 yrs but this is BS. Bfa will be lowered for wars ??? There's other ways to fix the bad match ups without punishing players that have worked so hard to build up their bfa for so long !!! Yeah there's a lot of people that like the idea cause they don't have a lot of bfa and many wanna talk trash about the peeps that do but not everyone with bfa has a lot of money to spend on this game. I don't spend $$ except for xtals for wars
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    maybe use a couple extra a week for ebs. I've built bfa the hard way by trading allies for almost 2 yrs, have spent thousands of hrs on this game just building up bfa for it to not mean anything in wars ??? Wars is the reason I play this game and if my hard work has been for nothing then I might as well quit !! Looks like its about time to go 
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    How do i tell which one of these codes are for aussies????
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Plz don't have changes to BFE and GH because some people work hard on earning EQ, and GHs will have to change their builds which will cost billions of gold
  20. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Dem dev - u think gh so easy in war? We r soo easily kill that it makes the imbalance fair-unless u make us harder to kill as well.then bfe - u in ur right mind? U think my bfe i got for free? How many sleepless nite n lost of valuable time is that jst to earn this bfe-and ur balamcing it now? get out of ur seat dev-resign