Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Same can be said for you ski if your clan can't deal with the 4 or 5 meat shield. You do realize that the other 20 are smaller than you if top are so big and you got a match. Those are easy wars to control.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    As a T5BC account, all I have left to grow is my BFE and BFA. That said.., I understand the need to make EE wars available to all but if you nullify/balance/weaken the bfa/bfe that I'm working hard to obtain, what is the point of me spending the time and $ to obtain it? Just sayin....

    Simply put.., I am against this week's changes.

    As always, thanks Devs and May the FORCE be with you all.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Those aren't tournaments those are elimination sporting events with no illusion of balance in matching by their very nature
    That's why I used stock car racing the point is start out a even as possible and leave it up to skill
    In baseball basketball there is no balance other then the same numbers of players on the field for both sides
    Take golf for example there are matches (osw or all out war) where the biggest and the best get to strut their stuff in heads up play
    And them there are tournaments where they use a handicap to even the field to all players (ee matches) do the pros still have an advantage yes they do it for a living they are better and are capable of winning thru shear knowledge and ability it just makes them play harder
    Same thing in bowling and in championships (osw regular war 1v1) the better pro bowler on that day wins every time eliminating down to 1 winner
    But in tournament leagues with teams playing they have a handy cap in place to give the less skilled bowlers a fighting chance ... Not equal but a shot in hell of competing
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Yes, you are correct and in the many many matches against Warlor, -RCA, Zaft, Silver and Kruez (the clans with the HUGE meat shields) we have tried many many different ways to combat them, but when 80-85% of a clan fails 100% of their hits against the opponents top 2-5 , you can't win a war no matter what strategy you use.

    Successful actions win wars, without them you can't win. Huge BFA meat shields, I'm talking top 200 ally LB meat shields are a totally different story than GH's.
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Ski, trust me, those clans can be beaten lol. Not disclosing how though
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    I second what Station hiney said to a tee.
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Allow the larger bfa difference is good idea, but lower bfa stats is terrible, the lb are those who played hardest and longest, they are not suppose to be punished by those stupid nonsense forum whining.
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Here's the thing I don't think any of us so called "whiners" would have ever suggested this change at all .. I know I would not have

    But I can see the logic for some lager bfa players who want to get into ee but can't without screwing up matchups for whole clans with their shear size ... This is one way to let them play in this part of the game with penalizing everyone else

    Do I agree with it no do I see the logic yes
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Arbiter, I know. Look at our war record and the people on each team for the wins and losses. It's very simple, if you can win hits, you can win a war. If you can't win hits, you can't win a war. We have beaten ever team I listed except Zaft, they are really good. We had also lost to ever team listed, and look at the losses. 75% of them were because 2-5 people were so big 90% of us couldn't win hits. And if you can't win hits, you lose. Please don't take this as me complaining, I'm not at all. I simply pointing out that nerfing BFA ONLY for EE wars is an AWESOME idea. It gives more people a chance to war and promotes more wars with that both teams stand a to WIN, and with out both teams standing a chance to win, less teams will war, we keep facing the same issues we currently face, even less teams war, ATA then makes less money, and eventually the wars become not profitable, ATA decides to stop running them and we lose EE wars. (That was a really long run on sentence and I apologize.)

    I would like to hear Wulf's thoughts on this and will sit back and wait for his thoughts.
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    To balance the different builds we need to have the ability to create a build to enable us counter any other build.
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    we can call it "the one build" :lol:
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    How about a 24 or 48hr EE wars, no one wont get left out in all tz, bfa or bfe won't matter it'll all depend on how well u work together n not sleep
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    I think a 12 hour one could be a lot of fun :)
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    A long ee would be a blast
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    And a money pit. And a no sleep period
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    The devs are being smart.
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Well ski if that's the case why not remove bfe from ee wars also ? Can't get more level playing field than that. Oh wait nm that in turn would hurt you with your maxed out ee equip
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    12 hours 12 xtals :)
  20. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    My personal thought and probably the easiest to plug into ur system about guild hansels is. . .

    In ee wars only. When using scout actions, it drains oppenents sdp. This will cause more fails on guild hansels while scouting and will even the playing field i would think.

    Just my personal thought!