Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. You get a huge advantage outside of war too...

    What do you want to do? Smash tiny little clans like last season again? It's only fair that someone with high BFE could go against someone with no BFE. Same with BFA.
  2. It is difficult to give meaningful feedback until match ups are fixed. But I will say I don't care for the short duration random ko times. When my troops were regened and I could check time until out of KO, all were under 4 minutes except one 7 minute. It was tedious, not fun at all.
  3. if you really want to give some summer love to players how about make it easier for none hlbc and none hllc players get there faster maybe put 50% off land so people can buy them and promote it for 2-3 days im sure many people will buy xtals to use on eb's so they can get their land ready..! also since bfa isnt worth anything to you anymore its only right to help players get their stats up..i also hate the new mechs because my main cant hit lb players anymore because they are "seposebly" too strong how about i decided that for my damn self after getting the chance to attack them.. thank you :) :mrgreen:
  4. Devs, please consider scheduling some of these off season ee wars for during the week. I like many am an old warrior, with family and kids. Weekends for me are really hard to war, and in season 1 I did 3/4 of my wars when they were on a weekday.
    So please start scheduling more for during the week - you'll get more people participating.
  5. Ok lets end the argument once and for all.

    Player from clan A
    My clan set up a team and worked very hard to get equipment. I deserve a total god mode over other players and don't want any chance of an even fight.

    Player from clan B we had a great team to start then our players went to your clan to get a free mith ride as we kept getting matched against you and your increased bfe meant it became impossible to beat your clan. We all fought hard but couldn't overcome the difference early enough. ( btw don't you dare say I'm lazy and didnt put the effort in I did just as many wars as you put just as much effort in as you we just didn't get that same early run of good fortune.)

    Player from clan C we tried a few but got hammered and now all we will see is more of the same a certainty why bother??

    Player from clan A that's why we exclude anyone from joining us after taking some of the best players in. Now we don't want to lose our guaranteed advantage and want to further increase our god mode in season two. Stuff you all that's your fault.
    Your clan will get constantly matched against us with devs system so you will always lose but that's because your lazy and stupid not because of our god mode equipment that we don't want to lose the advantage from.

    Clan B well we can't ever match your clan so what's the point we aren't here to give you free equipment. . Ok enjoy your no matches try having your equipment with all the no matches when you have no one to fight. .

    Clan C we have no chance what's the point either we w ill stick to ebs too

    This is exactly why we need divisions with set differences in clan strengths obviously this will change with each war team that signs up but what does it mean.

    Clans A - G that sign up get placed in division one based on strength.
    Assume for examples sake the same clans sign up for 8 wars, clan A will fight clan B-through G no repeat matches. As such if they have high bfe advantage and the skill they will win all wars. The other clans will also fight all the other clans giving them equal chance for fighting stronger and weaker clans. Meaning everyone gets a fair shot at a decent war. One clan cannot be constantly destroyed by the same clan back to back and also that their will be no more no matches other than odd man out.

    Do this for each division. Based on strength. Strenght includes all factors stats bfa bfe then add a variable allowance to produce the required amount of matches for division one. Division two ect.

    Devs controls needed. Obviously devs will have to ensure that no clan regardless of war team goes against a prior opponent each weak this mixes things up and gives every clan matches and a chance.

    Set numbers of players. Manchester United do not get an extra 2 players if they play against Liverpool
    The single biggest complaint for matches is they have more members than us. Easy. Every clan must sign up with a set number of people. I would suggest 15 or 30 exactly.
    Why 15 to encourage more to war.
    30 most if not all experienced clans can easily front 30 players per war.

    If devs were to trial this for a weekend or two IMO their would be far more better matches less blowout wars and at the end of the wars best clans win and everyone had a good chance from sign up.

    Add that to the ideas on page 25 26 and give it a try devs.

  6. 1) definite  to random KO times
    2) unsure if I am a fan of the variable timer where ppl chose yet but ...
    3) out of KO in 5-10 min is a big 
    4) Out of KO in 10-15 min isn't so bad ...
  7. Please more one hour wars 
  8. Could someone define these terms for me? I've been away from KaW fora few months and this is all very confusing.


    And also why are guild hansels getting such a spotlight?
  9. I do not like these random KO times. By coming out of KO when we choose, the control is in our hands, it makes it harder to track and more exciting in my opinion.
  10. Deciding when u come out of ko is the worst idea they did ... Random ko times but being open at the same time u can be hit is ok but still away from wat made ee great .... U got koed ur penalty was u were out of the war for a little while and when u got up both sides knew when ... U had to use strategy to protect ur players coming out of ko not just spam a button for 10 straight minutes on one target hoping to catch 1 hit when they decided to come up

    Forced time out of ko worked for both sides and taught people to fight slower and smarter then going all out in first 2 minutes BECAUSE u would get sat on with out forced time out of ko u get complete chaos and no reason not to sko and never present a target
  11. Can kaw admin clarify if Sunday round 6 is EDT 4pm
  12. I like the idea of better matches but it seems the more the devs add in to try and tweak the matches the worse they become. The best way I see matches becoming better is more clans warring.

    Solution for EB nuts who want to now war but dont have the bfe? Fix the drop rate and improve the success rate of the T8 drops. It is ridiculously hard to improve that equipment right now. I failed 4 times on stingpoint trying to get it to level 1. Surely the reason behind that gear was to give something comparable to the war gear without making it better, so why not allow people to at least enchant it easier like the mith items with no fails? It is already expensive to upgrade them as it is all the way to level 10 then add in all the fails and resets and it isn't worth the time.

    I feel this is the best option for the bfe as clans will war naked or differently for better matchups and will complain for any type of mandatory assigned equipment. Give those who didn't war better ability to get their bfe up through the t8 gear and the difference will be between supporting the wars has a slight advantage versus those who didn't support the early wars but now want to.
  13. I am not a fan of making bfa less of an advantage. To many people I have sacrificed building there kingdoms stats for bigger bfa and now you talk of taking that hard work away so those who didn't want to build there bfa have an easier time warring them? I don't have high bfa but I don't want to see the hard work those individuals put in to get bfa instead of stats go to waste. Most people complaining about it aren't saving for more bfa they are using funds for lands and stats and should not be rewarded for complaining about something they don't want to put the effort for. Please do not not bfa or bfe weaker for wars and give the big middle figure to all those who chose to make war accounts.
  14. Hi, a bit concerned that our clan signed up with 33 folks on board and we got rejected when someone accidently woc'd after sign up. Isn't it supposed to lock to avoid this? Pls. Review
  15. They aren't going to look into a 'bug' that was intentionally put in the system. Your clan should have controlled that. Kick him, farm him, but asking for a review for something stupid is not going to get your war back.

  16. People can cast until roster lock doesn't matter when u sign up ... Sign up doesn't lock the roster
  17. Agreed with celestia said, make the enhance easier, took me ages to enhanced stupid ring failed and reset multiple times, by the time I got to lvl 7 almost all my red and purple eq are at max lvl, you want new player to join war without the red eq, at least make their eb eq easier to enhance. And less fail rate also encourage ppl to buy aqua and inferno.
    About the random ko, you said we asked for if, who did, few ppl on forum asked for doesn't mean most of us would like it, put it in vote like you did before, give ev1 a chance to select how they want play.
    Do not change the plunder for high bfa, it's a advantage for ppl like me, really not fair for those who spend yeas to put up their bfa.

    To station, you are all over the forum, ppl like you made devs make change after change, and nothing can satisfy you, just please stop all those complains or I should say stop complain the same thing over and over.
  18. Ok in progress as i post this another PERFECT reason the Devs should take into concideration BFE when doing matchups. Tomoanchan vs Achievement not even close.
  19. Devs I will not participate in another EE war until you fix the plunder ****. Better yet maybe just scrap this whole EE system and start again if you dislike the progress you made on it this far so much that you feel the need to recreate the problems you already fixed and blatantly ignore the problems that actually effect our enjoyment of it. In the meantime I will be finally looking for another game who's developers do not have their heads SO far up their asses. I will also be hitting the App Store with all my accounts since your ******* rate our app bull **** popped up during my last war after I had to reboot the app to get out of the ******* error messages that kept popping up through war causing me to get kod a ridiculous can bet on how many stars I will be giving.
  20. Changes you Devs should do for War to make it balance for a Season 2

    #1 Change: Self KO should be controlled from 5-15 mins on success action (depending how you guys set the time) with this change it will reward for dodging the KO. From season 1 if you self KO or get KOed in a losing war it wasn't that great because you had players that tracked the timing easy and it didn't give the player a real reward for dodging the KO and losing 10% of plunder.Which is why I understand as a player on why you guys are trying new things with the different wars.

    #2 Change:Self KO on failed action should be random KO as the punish factor.With this idea it will allow some tracking if the player was paying attention to the new feed they can report that person failed Self KO.This will cause more interaction with the players because in season 1 three players was the only ones allowed to talk.This self KO can be traceable if you have three players checking on the person. This will be a risk factor to both sides if they can protect their teammate from getting jumped or if the three players are not cautious of the other players they can be punished.

    3#Change: If the player gets KOed that player will have to regen 15 mins. With this the clan that KOed that player will properly get rewarded on getting the chance to get that player.With this tracking will still be alive and other players from Season 1 will be expected to be happy.It can be deadly if the clan uses this factor correctly like from Season 1.

    To conclude,if you guys can incorporate these changes this can be acceptable as the tournament rules