Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Ummmm....So are we going to be able to cast WOC or what? Right now it's looking like no wars...
  2.  War 1 anybody??? Ugg war 1 is one of the only wars I can make cause I work weekends.. And barely. Geez Devs u making me hate this game!
  3. There is some good discussion of Bonus adjustments on this thread. In regard to BFA and BFE, I believe a fair assessment is that the two should go hand-in-hand.

    Since BFA was included in the matching algorithm, so should BFE be included. If the Developers do not intend to incorporate the Equipment Bonuses then simply do without incorporating the Ally Bonuses and let it ride.

    There are just some Kingdoms we will never succeed against, and I think the Community as a whole can accept that. I fear this War System matching is getting overly-complex without merit. The more logic added, the more loopholes will be discovered. That's just the nature of this beast. Much can be said for keeping things simple.
  4. stilCańt cast WoC spell for war1 time.
  5. Hey I was wondering why were not allowed to cast WoC or signup clan. It takes awhile for smaller clans to get there members etc ready to lessen the chance of Inactives. I suggest you fix the problem with people not being able to cast now!!

  6. As prior mentioned I believe half the problem with matchups is when one clan gets constantly matched against the same clan which inevitably leads to one clan getting constantly beaten. Ok doesn't always happen but a fair few clans suffered that in season one.
    So simple solution is leagues based on rough total combined numbers. Stats BFA BFE sets a clan in a league. Approx say 40 ml difference per league. More if needed devs can decide those figures.
    But think football league. Each team ( clan ) play every other team in league each season. Good or bad teams. Why not same in wars. Only control devs would need is to block the same clans facing each other twice in a week.
    Controlled slightly matches but random lineups
    No more no matches except odd man out.
    No chance of same boring win / defeat each war.
    Constant 50/50 chance of clan getting a good or bad match up that can go anyway. All clans will win and lose different wars. Best pure skill will always win but not always at the expense of the same losing clan so spreads the pain about and makes it more worthwhile for everyone warring.
    Of course that should mean every clan has to war with a set number of player.
    15 or 25 or 30 for examples most popular two choices get used.
    I say 15 to get more new clans trying wars without the need for lots of players they cannot get to sign up.

    Coming out of ko needs a come out button for a specific reason. And should be at a designated 1-2 minute only window so trackers are still needed but cannot totally destroy wars if devs want to maintain that players can choose when to control come out of ko. It allows some chance for both teams. Smaller window to spam attacks. And chance to get actions out.
    Troops need to regen at an increased speed for blitz wars IMO. 1/3rd faster at least would generate enough troops to become slightly more threatening coming out of ko. Whilst allowing attacker/ defender the ability to keep a lead over just giving troop regen to a ko'd player.

    Scrap mith eb and just reward mith based on minimum actions in war for losers and be son with it.
  7. Y is everyone crying about counting bfa/bfe this is the only way to get more clans involved if a smaller clan keeps getting matched unfair they will do one of to things swtch to gh or stop warring so changing the way gh performs might not be the way to go devs or eventualy u will have only 2 clans to match in ee bfe/bfa needs to be counted no need for the ee vets to cry about it it will just give them a chance to win with stratagy against someone there size and
  8. Agree with everything talking about timers down in THE DARK KNIGHT's post. Idk about the leagues though, not sure how I feel about that
  10. Thanks a lot devs... if we get a no match and the result is too high bfa ima be mad... i raised bfa by 100b due to your change, then you take it back!? What r u thinking... test out all the bugs before releasing... u dont think a big time game like runescape would release somthing then take it out due to bugs.... test harder/better before releasing stuff.........
  11. Devs, can you please explain to us all why you work so hard to eliminate the advantages of hard work and dedication? Everyone has the same opportunities in this game. We choose how we want to build our kingdoms and we work hard for equipment and allies. I personnaly have used quite a few xtals to build and obtain equipment. Why should I continue to do that if it doesn't make me stronger in war than someone who has not?
  12. Exactly why I made my proposition. 
    Answers both new and dedicated players concerns.
  13. Ok so they explained the 2 different ways ko will work in better more understandable terms

    The random time per war one looks interesting ... At least so that neither side has an advantage and that u are still relegated to waiting till both parties can't hit at the same time as penalty for being koed while still making trackers jobs far more complex ...

    That's not a bad option
  14. Re answering the guild hansel and paying when attacked
    Simple answer introduce for every build in the wars a basic minimum attack value.
    If a build is larger and would pay more naturally then they still pay more. But when attacked every build pays a set minimum level.
    Surely that would be a simple fix for all builds in war to level wars to an extent. No hiding behind small stats.
  15. And would even out even when smaller clans are just fighting each other ... I like it
  16. Totally agree with that empire, I've supported other suggestions that I've seen like that
  17. Dear ATA I thought I saw a post that you would not adjust BFAYou kidding us?
  18. These random ko times are retarded! Totally disagree with this trial update.
  19. why I had the half Allie bonus than when I hit out of war ?
  20. Matching teams that have better BFE with only those with better BFE sounds like people worked so hard to get rancor equipment for no advantage.

    Didnt even give us stats as to how many got lvl 50, etc.

    Point of working so hard was to get better gear to have 10-15% better stats....not just so you can face only teams that have same equipment and hit EBs harder. I warred entire 1st season and seems like a waste now.

    A team can use or have kept cheaper gear and get easier matchups.

    Understand issue with people that shrink to GH and use good gear to have boost but this looks to be an unfavorable change for winners of last season.