Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. I can't cast wave of conflict? Please help devs.
  2. I don't think any of us can
  3. Guild hansels should be left the way they are, if you feel guild hansels has an advantage then try to be a gh and see what they go through to get eq. They rejected alot from big ebs and the only way they get accepted into top clans is through war. Be a gh and don't tell your friends or use your main to ask for to be let in then go eq hunting you have to beg to get accepted make promises of using mith, all pots and xtals to help out. Devs don't listen to peeps complaining about guild hansels they should make a guild hansel kingdom if they don't like it and see what other gh are going through in the game.
  4. WOC isn't working yet - just fyi :) thx for all the work you all go to in order to make wars possible ;)
  5. Alice is right. I'm not even a GH but I have the option to build my kingdom that way if I so choose as does EVERYONE ELSE. No one forced you not to be a GH.
    Grab a straw and suck it up and move on.

    The more changes they make the more people will complain there is something they don't like or is unfair even though they have the CHOICE to do the same.
  6. What in the freak is going on.. I for once am against the GH changes *IF* its for the benefit if others and the GHs. I would recommend making other builds better rather than messing up us GHs
  7. Why can't I cast WoC? :|
    Devs fix it quick please
  8. Yes why can't we cast?! I need this war to restart my ee timer
  9. @alice- I have so many things to say to your comment.
    First, ATA is looking at changes with guild hansel in relation to ee wars. You are rambling about epics.
    Second, the reason you aren't let into large clans is because they are T5 clans and you are a T3 build.
    You do very little damage on the eb. That is why no one wants to let you in.
    So buck up and pay the price to build a decent kingdom and stop playing victim that your 50 land gh that cost you the same price as ONE level 2 upgrade for the rest of us doesn't get to join clans that are out of your stat range.
    3) the higher tiered equipment isn't even programmed in to drop for you! Because you are too small to hold that equip without gaining a large advantage over other accounts that are t3 range.

    What I can tell is that the guild hansel is like the kid who plays house. You don't have a real house or a real mortgage. You can easily build your imaginary house with a few well placed cardboard boxes. If you want to play with the big kids, grow up and build some volaries. Or stables. Stables rock.
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    This the single greatest thing I've read on the forums in the year I've been here. And, as it seems, was largely overlooked because, as stated above, it contains more that 6 characters. Well done LP!! :lol:
  11. What about a handicap system?

    If Devs r so hell bent on trying ot make things somewhat equal

    Count CS / BFE and BFA into the equation. Rank each Clan accordingly.

    Clan A is 50% stronger than Clan B.

    Matchup tolerance - lets say - 10%.

    Give clan B 40% increase to meet the 10% tolerance.

    I am sure there would be need to be more to this. Clan size etc etc. unless u do one size.

    Random matching - adjust strength calculation of lower strength clan to be within the matchup tolerance.
  12. Can you activate woc please asap :)
  13. plz wall me if ur doing war 3 and war 5
  14. Anyone else notice pvp mechanic changes today?
  15. Pay out changes ... Try hitting ur farms or having smaller players hit them ... As I understand it the payouts are different now
  16. I will go try it out when my bar's full again, stat :D
  17. As I'm hearing it smaller players pvp are making less and larger players making more depending on build make up of the two involved maybe ... Just wondering if anyone else noticed a difference in payouts
  18. The new changes sound interesting, though i will never get to try these test wars because they are always on the weekends when i work. Would it be possible to have some sheduled for the weekdays? Greatly appreciated and thank you.