Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    **Disclaimer for Kaw players: this post is not intended for people with short attention spans with a proclivity of posting TL;DR -target audience is for the devs and is extremely wordy. Read at your own risk**

    Darling Devs. What. Are. You. Thinking? Lololol

    I was finally getting some hope you were on the road to understanding your own game mechs and were thinking through the impact of your changes, but you are reinforcing the cliche of you can't teach an old dogs new tricks. Why you insist on trying to fix **** that isn't broke and then spin it like an "improvement" is beyond comprehensible to me. Do you really think that poorly about the intellect of your player base? I mean sure we have our noobs who don't know better and then the general handful of vocal intellectually stunted people, but really? Y'all are gonna try to pass off decreasing bfa effect WHILE widening the strength tolerance in matchmaking as an enhancement? What the hell is it enhancing? Who thought this crap up? They need to be put on idea probation for awhile, sit them in a corner and have them face the wall, it's more productive to bettering the game than this worthless "test" lol

    *Taking a deep breath before going on, before extremely long winded logical beat down of said "test" items for this week*

    To start, I am assuming from your post, since you did not specifically outline a certain player population in #2 of points contained in matching related change, that it will effect EVERYONE by the all encompassing pronoun of "your". I am also assuming since you also didn't give a vague disclaimer that I and many in the kaw community would hammer you on, such as "adjustments to bfa effect is dependent on actual bfa of the individual", that everyone's bfa will be effected equally. So first I want to know which monkey among the apes who slept through middle school math classes decided that to allow more players with large bfa differences to participate you needed to reduce the effect of everyone's bfa.

    Now unless I'm missing something, in essence what you plan on doing to accomplish a lowering effect on bfa is to deflate it. Which means yes you will be removing some raw stats from the matching equation...but umm if you are deflating everyone's equally you are not diminishing the gap in strength of player to player. So if player 1 with 200m in bfa stats has his/her bfa cut in half and player 2 with 100m in bfa stats has his/her bfa cut in the same amount, the resulting difference is 100m vs 50m....guess what player 1 is STILL 2x stronger than player 2. What in frozen hell does that accomplish in terms of allowing bigger bfa players more of a chance to participate?

    If I have read your analysis from matching each war correctly or rather analysis of no matches, y'all don't determine match-ability on bfa stats alone. You base it on multipliers...i.e. clan x your bfa was 4x higher than any opponent close to your stats. Now if you are equally decreasing everyone's bfa, that multiplier is not going to be changed, meaning the same clans with their big ole bfa players will still be too strong for anyone in terms of comparable strength. Hopefully a monkey who stayed awake during math class is reading this and can understand my point.

    "But wait!" one lil monkey says while scratching his head, "there are two parts to this! We are allowing for 'VASTLY' larger bfa differences in our match ups!!!"

    Well now allow me to retort! Monkeys. You already tried "vastly" larger bfa differences in match ups, that is what you have spent the last 3-4 months trying to fix  I have already explained that just b/c raw bfa stats are lowered that will not help to lower strength differentials between players as long as the change is equal across the board. So why are you even screwing with the effect of our bfa at all? You can accomplish the same failure you did at the beginning by not considering bfa appropriately in matches by just again widening that bfa tolerance in the matching algorithm again. To quote on of my favorite movies: "Sticking feathers up your butt wont make you a chicken", just like dressing up this widening of the bfa tolerance in the matching algorithm won't "create" more opportunity for players with large bfa to participate. It's a superficial "fix" to a problem that actually doesn't exist, and I'm calling y'all out on it. We are not that dumb, we can see through your rouse.

    Now for the banana bonus round! Let me tell you darling devs what you have "won" through this epic miscalculation!

    1. A fabulous trip back in time where players again complain that their opponents strength has created a statistically skewed match!

    2. To keep you warm on those cold lonely nights on your fabulous trip back down feedback nightmare road, you have an excuse of "well we lowered the effectiveness of bfa so it should be fair for you" accompanied by an elephant in the room of "yes but we lowered yours too, so the effect of the "lowering" cancels out any productive effect we were trying to sell"

    3. Most importantly you get a fancy 1st rate dining experience at "oops we didn't consider the effect of lowering bfa against normal build mechanics resulting in screwing over other aspects of game play!"

    Oh you have not heard of #3? Well let me give you the tourist version until you arrive at your destination and experience it for yourself! Many Kaw players take into account the static stats their bfa provides when creating their builds. I.e. I have "x" in spy def bfa therefore in order to keep out "z" level of attk build spies and reduce # of attempts by "y" stat spies, I need "Q" # of towers.

    By changing the impact of our bfa and not even giving us the amount it's gonna impact us doesn't even give us a chance to intelligently change builds to compensate for loss of static stats we count on to defend against normal build stats, bfa not even a consideration. Granted build changes for one weekend of tests won't spur a run on the bank phenomenon for build changes; however, should you choose to make this a permanent "enhancement" to EE wars, there will be.

    I know y'all have watched the evolution of the tower trend, at the beginning of EE wars tower reqs to participate in wars were non-existent and only for those crazy osw clans. Now you will be hard pressed to find any clan that regularly does EE wars without at least a 1m tower req. If players are being turned away and denied participation b/c they don't meet minimum # of tower reqs now when they have their full bfa to supplement some static def from just regular build mechanics, what do u think will happen as those tower reqs increase to compensate for the cut in bfa effectiveness?

    If you haven't caught on darling devs, players are still struggling to build and meet the current reqs, now you are going to incite clans to raise them more? It makes me wonder if you guys even want this system to succeed.

    As anyone who has read any of my other posts know, I could go on and on and on about impact this seeming "small tweak" to a singular aspect of the game has. ill spare your eyes the strain and say without going into detail, reducing effectiveness of bfa potentially will negatively impact payout per hit meaning potentially lower mith payout due to plunder, give spies, who are typically "ally light", yet another advantage against now "ally lighter" attk builds, discourage importance of building allies to new players, take away the one aspect of the game that players new to EE wars had to fight competitively against experienced clans with EE equipment (i.e. instead of needing 200m in allies to match the eb vs EE item differential now they will need that PLUS whatever said decreasing factor equals), etc etc etc.

    So darling devs, you have my attention again. I truly do not understand what you are trying to accomplish with this test, unless you believe bfa is skewing the results of Bfe analysis, which if that is the case...I suggest you come clean before you lose all credibility y'all have worked so hard to build over the past months. While i will be watching and waiting for my i told you so moment, I will NOT be assisting in this bull **** "test" of something that you already tested and fixed and are now not only going back to after you already determined it had a negative impact on success of EE wars, but are making its negative effects more pronounced in other aspects of the war system dynamics and mechanics.
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    I agree with you vando I am no where even close to triple digits on ally lb but I would not want to punish others because I wasn't as dedicated. The argument that station made about people not being able to war because their bfa isn't great is silly. They can get into a clan that's similar size as them then guess what they will get matched up with a clan in the same boat. Now the clans that are top heavy are at a disadvantage so they might want to send those big guys to a clan that more suits their size.
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    This is somewhat off topic but why do devs insist on unnecessarily complicating things? If you want balanced matches don't compare things in 3, 4 or 5 different buckets. Find a single measure that includes all facets of a players strength and compare on that. Perhaps player strength = BFE(using best possible item (by total item BFE) owned at each slot) BFA tower CS ((some multiplier (0.2 to 0.5ish)) * non-tower CS). Simple, no matches would be minimized, wars competitive and won by strategy and activity. Perhaps spy stats get weighted slightly more heavily than attack stats ( or vice versa), still a simple calc. Come on devs this isn't rocket science.

    The solution for hansels should be simple as well...make them pay better than they do or earn less than they do as they earn far more than a build their size should for each hit and pay far less than they should (just factoring in BFE when determine size of target being hit for payout calculations might be enough to even that discrepancy out).

    Love that you are trying things out and working on a more fair and enjoyable system but really it should not be very hard at all to fix matchup and even GH issues.
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Ok so what I hear when I hear devs wanting to mess with BFA, is that if you are a noob and complain loud enough and post enough bad reviews you get your way. Every person who has a BFA advantage, either worked hard or spent real cash to get it. Bottom line seems to be that those who complain the most get their way. Funny thing is the loudest complainers are the ones who want things handed to them and they don't want to work for it. Like the saying goes about fair. "The fair comes around once a year and I don't want to hear about it until then." Stop complaining because you don't have the stats of a player who has been playing for years and do something about it. (ie. be more active or spend some cash.)
  5. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    When can we cast?
  6. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Hey lol answer me???!! It's 24hrs b4 easy of #1 AND #2...and I can't cast "action would do no effect"
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Adjust bfe?you might consider changing the use of towers.those with the tower build(38 towers for hlbc) which goes dtw for attacks with 0 gold out.
    Now all the poor hitters out there will stop warring to save for a few towers while the rich LB guys will sell allies to make 38 towers.need to change this tower mechanics.
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Also bfe adjustments will create an easy way to exploit to get no matchups and make free miths.
    Now bfe is counted in matchups.we need a no matchup to get free what can we do to get no matchup?
    1. Sell all our allies and reduce bfa.
    2. Send all our big guys out so we go smaller than other clans.
    3. Or we can all just unequip and wait for the vanished paladins eb to start :>
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    I believe that the Devs are trying this new BFA mechanic out in order to make it easier for high BFA players to war. I have seen high BFA players who wanted to war turned away from war clans because those clans were afraid that the high BFA would result in either a no match or a bad match. This way such players will be able to war without needing to sell off massive amounts of allies. So I suspect some high BFA players may end up supporting this change.
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    This seems so idiotic that I much post a reply.

    My main goal in playing is to have fun. in a war being in either side of horrible match ups is a wasite of time and money - certainly not fun.

    Devs since obviously you are very slow lets try to spell it out for you in easy to follow manner:

    in order to have as even match ups as possible please do the following:

    1. Count all BFA - ppl worked hard to get them.
    2. Count all BFE = ppl worked hard to get them.
    3. count ppl complete building stats
    4. Combine all 3 to give as close a match up as you can.

    5. Get rid of all GH advantages in the war - it is a built from 4 years ago - fix it already!

    6. significantly decrease towers advantages - the wars became who has more towers - not who can fight, strategy, etc. (maybe limit the total number of towers any kingdoms can have.

    7. number of ppl in a clan. Like you did in the OSW create a alternate list for each clan. If one clan has a few hitters more then the other clan in order to even it out let your system pick from this alternates the ones that will be added to the clan to equal the number of hitters in each clan and the total CS of each clan.

    8. Inactives. After certain amount of time allow clans to kick inactives. Again your system can bring in alternates in that will keep the match as even as possible.

    If you don't understand the points above please quit KAW and go develop other games!
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    don't know why u all hated devs, its not easy to read everyone's post at the same while finding/fixing the problems in the game.
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Bfa/bfe change is a mistake.
    It's good that your trying to adapt the game but this is a mistake
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Slow Clap in order
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Total Joy Kill

    1 hours wars leave little room for strategy. Pure hack and slash.
    Give us 2,4 and 6 hours wars please.

    The original Ko sys was better.
    10 or 15 min fixed ko-time please.

    Killing the BFE and BFA advantage
    Peeps have invested time and money in S1 to get their equip, and time and gold for their BFA.
    Please stop balancing the game !! Why would we commit to war if you kill the equip advantage.
    Why should we all be the same? Putting together a mixed roster takes skill, and i think the kawmunity likes a challenge.
    Sucking up to noobs, making everybody equal is such a joy kill.
    Why would you bother to learn bout mechanincs if you kill the advantages they each give.
    Why would you invest time and xtals if your BFE don't count.
    Why would big guys war if their BFA don't give them advantage, they might as well make gold instead.

    More strategy - make knowledge more decisive
    - And ONE (1!) wc for all
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Agree PoD! Way to go DEVS, you guys are awesome. As for all those pissy little GH...nice equipment, pity your stats suck
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    Equipment will eventually be replaced
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars

    NO NO NO. I even not going to test stupid things which i don't like. How that can allow higher level of participation? :lol:

    Seriosly, many players paid for their BFA - your most valuable customers. This is very unethical towards them to even up them with lower-bfa builds.

    This applies same for guild hansels, the only way they play those wars - they like their builds + bfa, you take this from them, they won't do wars anymore.

    So again, i am not wasting my real life time this weekend for testing your stupidity.
  18. A lot of LB and bigger accounts are already not warring, I wonder why that is? Now you trying this? Lol
  19. Leave the bfe alone and as is. What's the point of giving out this "rare and powerful " equipment you spoke of, if it's just going to be equalled out. Let the ones who earned the advantage have the advantage and let the cry babies keep crying
  20. Also the one hour wars are great fun and the two hours are perfect. The majority of the people who war, from my experience, don't and didn't like 4,hour wars, were just too long