That is what we are planning, yes. It was announced earlier this week we will do that once the season starts.
I'm sorry but u guys just realized people were land tricking during war?? As a player it is our responsibility to use every advantage that other clans are using. Now baby alts land tricking is crappy. We told u numbers are key in matchup. A baby alt with pots can scout and land trick and do as much damage as any alt.
@ kaw_admin, It seems as though, to me, that this is unfair to certain players. So say you have 230 mithril, and you're hoping to get 250 by end of war, your clan is recruiting for EE off of WC, this guy joins, does this now bankable offense, and you get all your hard earned mithril taken away. If that was me I'd be pretty aggravated by this. I think that perhaps you guys should implement a different punishment system, as I can bet that come next round of EE wars, this will be getting a ton of hatred. By the way, can I have a pudding? Thanks
Oh, yeah, i do have evidence to support the peopla are not happy thing. I made a survey, and 11% of people were promoters of the game. (Question being, from 1-10, 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, how likely are you to reccomend Kingdoms at War to a friend?)
FYI: Nothing was ever deleted. That post is still there. As for "accusations", if there was anything suspicious going on, we woud have banned any users involved already. The point that was being made was that if you are a legitimate account owner, there is nothing to be worried about.
Hmm kaw admin finally talks maybe if they worked with the community not for the money (greed little buggers) then we would never had this problem would we think about that