Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm + Rules)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    20 wars that are mismatched with at least a 20bil lead. Keep searching for the holy grail devs 

    Indiana Jones found it but you never will 
  2. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    so now guild hansels and everyone are going to be matched up with only people that aren't normally DTS?
  3. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    What's made worse is that the numbers in each team isn't equal. Bfe and bfa not counted? Hmm that doesn't count for different numbers in tea, just to balance the strength in each team. Very unfair!
  4. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

  5. So would it be wise for them to do this but account TS(true strength)? That would indeed solve some of it would it not?
  6. Coming out of ko in 10 min is not cool lol..hardly any time to sko ..especially with lag..this "trial" sucked hard
  7. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    FORGET DTW/DTS as a means of determining matchups. It's 99% irrelevant and honestly can't believe devs would consider it as the foundation for matchup algorithm. Just plain senseless. Sorry devs but I gotta call it as I see it.
  8. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    Hi devs. Here's a few suggestions to assist you with your new algorithms.

    First. Take the branch of code containing every one of this weeks changes and burn it with fire. Every single line. Don't waste your time trying to salvage a single line. It all need to go to /dev/null.

    Second. Grab the guy heading up EE project and stick him on gardening duty. He really needs to think about his future.

    Seriously guys, what the crap are you doing? What ever it is, you're doing it wrong. You've managed to created a very complex matching algorithm. THAT BLOWS! You've regressed the match system to the same crap state we had at the very start of the EE beta wars.

    The mechanics you had last week were fine. All you needed to do was factor in BFE and you would have had some pretty even matches. That's all. Most of the rest was fine. Tinker with GH and you're basically done.

    DTW mech and 10 min fixed KO. No BFA or BFE accounted for. What the hell are you thinking? In all of today's wars, there was 1, maybe 2 close battles. Goodness me.

    At the end of the day, this isn't hard. You're making it hard BY CONCENTRATING ON THE WRONG THINGS!!

    Seriously, bin the branch of code. Don't wait for wars 2 and beyond. And start working on the one or two things required that would make EE a success.

    You've got a good thing on your hands with EE and you're rooting it.
  9. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    Well I can honestly say that war sucked! We were matched against a clan mainly made of Hansels, we never stood a change. Don't get me wrong, they fought a good war, every time we came out of KO at least 3 of them hit you at the same time. We just loved being sat on for nearly 2 hours. I don't think your new match up system worked.
  10. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    @giskard. For as lousy of a mood I am in after taking yet another beating from zd, you seriously made me laugh out loud. Well articulated and completely in 100% agreement. 5 out of 5 stars
  11. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    Total crap I'm done with EE 
  12. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    Well that really didn't work. Not allowing for bfa really screws with the matchups. I don't think I've ever seen so many mismatches before 
  13. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    I must say I agree with Giskard, Devs you have royally screwed up what was close to being right. Deal with the guild hansel issue, and add in BFE and things would have been great. But instead... You're back to square one. Not sure I want to waste my time and pots while you guys play at getting this right
  14. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    So wait. You try to make the GH less effective by making them unhittable by 80% of the clan? Pure genius.
  15. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    I'd suggest ALL clans sit out this next war. Devs might actually sit up and take notice. They're too busy contemplating their navels ATM.

    Revert the changes devs. I've already heard from several clans, saying they won't fight with these mechs. (Not just the clans that lost).
  16. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    Oh and another thing. Just remember, while you guys are up there "ironing out the problems " we're down here spending money getting screwed. These beta wars should have free xtal usage.
  17. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    I thought the DTW And DTS actually worked. I as a GH was only able to get 25m a hit max. Normally iD be getting over 45
  18. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    You can't hit GH, nor can you be hit by one. Simple.
  19. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    I like a challenge but that was ******* ridiculous. How can you still ignore the calls to factor total strength CS BFE BFA into matchups. There have been plenty of alternatives offered by the community but you choose this?
  20. Re: Estoc Trials - War 1 (New Matchup Algorithm Rules)

    Your graph 2 is more telling than graph 1 Devs, and if you add in bfe you'll likely see what went wrong with match ups today.

    I find it strange that you continue to ignore the calls for bfe being addressed in match ups. We just a bunch of dumb hicks who don't understand why we are getting our asses kicked when we get a bad match?

    Stop messing around with this stupid crap and fix the match ups already!!!! Season one was great except for bad matches, factor bfe and bfa properly and let's move on.