Please fix these match-ups. We aren't even in top 10 and we are matched up with #1 strongest clan in KaW and they have 4 more players than us. This isn't first time. Please use bfa in match-ups. Game is supposed to be fun. Big waste of time and money...
When is lag gonna b fixed? Just had 41incoming posted at once by 3 peeps n EE. How is 41 attacks not sent faster so im not ko from full bars b4 i know it? Kinda silly
And looking at our matchup, our biggest guys r size of our opponents number 20 guy? Lmfao. How is that a even war. Maybe you need a new system to match up clans. This one clearly isn't close.
Might be a crazy idea or a good one but thought I'd propose it and let it fly or die. Number one complaint in wars is lag. Number two and part of that is I don't get to do anything as I got ko'd before I was up. So what I propose for these wars only is a slight change to the attack mechanics. At the moment we have the curse of the spinner and lag. To reduce this and extend everyone's participation in wars and give everyone the chance to take part on both sides I would suggest that we switch to a live action attack scenario. Only the player hitting first can attack a player. If a team hits the same player the first to put the hit in gets the attack. The others have a retry option. Think of it as the same as hiring an ally mid volley. If they are being brought by someone else you have to wait a second and retry Why do I suggest this? Two reasons. Number one player involvement. Everyone gets to participate longer in wars and have a chance to get hits out. It affects everyone equally and favours no one. Better team work and builds will still win but everyone will at least feel like they can enjoy the war experience for longer than the time they swear at the screen as they have just taken 20 hits coming out of ko and gone from full regen troops to 0 in 1 second. 2 and a much needed part for the war requirement is to reduce the lag in the gameplay. By slowing the gameplay slightly it should reduce lag or at least perception of lag. 3 ok just added this one it should also slightly address the imbalance of various devices as some are far faster to war on than others. Like I said may be a crazy idea or not but there it is love or hate it. Improve it or say why it wouldn't work.
Dude everyone chill out mismatch this mismatch that I'm fighting someone I can't beat fix the system oh help oh help THEY ARE NOT GODS THEY ARE DOING THE BEST THEY CAN WITH THE WAR ALGORITHMS sorry I just had to say it...
Who me? Chilled purely an idea for all to see and think on. Doesn't do anything about matches just gameplay. Miss matches as I've always said can't be helped some clans will always have that edge can't be helped ever. The above idea is purely one to actually address the lag. Which I can't say beyond faster servers I've seen a suggestion that could address it. Like I also said it may be crazy or not who knows? Personally bye yes I hate lag who doesn't. I hate destroying the enemy clan just as much it kills the fun for all. A close war is a total laugh win or lose and I have the utmost respect for every clan we have warred with win or lose.
Removing ff option in two hour wars addresses the skewing of the clan roster numbers during war by preventing players from leaving war/clan at the one hour mark, thereby removing this type of strategy that I have observed some clans utilizing.
@ dark knight No support for changing the mechanics on getting multiple incoming at the same time. It would eliminate the advantage gained by organized and active clans. The whole point is to bombard players with multiple incoming and f*** them up before they can respond.
It is a firm belief of mine, that given the past few wars, BFA (Bonus From Allies) is not factored into the match-ups evenly. The match-ups are close in straight stat strength and number of warring members, however the BFA has changed the tides too much. It is damn near impossible to win a war (which should be winnable with activity and strategy) when your top members cant hit the top members of the opposition due to the massive BFA. I hope that because these are still trials, development will endevour to help factor both BFA and, as a sidenote, equipment, into the matching of the warring clans. These wars are great fun when it's close! I'd like to see the best, fairest match-ups possible and, that being said, hope that this issue is looked at a little more closely and some improvements made. Thank you for your continued hard work in improving this war system and keep up the improvements.
Estoc Wars are not actually wars, they are competitions. Wars are fights where both sides are losing, and the side that loses less wins. They are generally fought to beat the enemy, and they are generally ruleless. That's what OSWs are, and they do that pretty well. Estoc Wars are hard-fought competitions where at the end of it the winners and losers shake hands, farming doesnt happen after (typically), and they prepare for the next competition. So you don't have to make participants fight using all the tools of actual OSW aka pots. They don't add enough to the actual competitions to justify how expensive they are. since the enemy's weakest person can hit your strongest person if they use attack pots and your guy doesnt use any defense pots. Both sides waste all of their money they earn during the week in order to maintain their strength differences with their enemies. Removing pots (but not mith spells) removes the extreme cost hurdle for what is supposed to be a fun competition, and allows for warring to not be the opposite of the growing towards hlbc that the game is founded on. It's not like warring has to be the best money in the game, but if the winners make 110% ofwhat they put in and the losers make 90% (justan example), no one actually suffers from the system of fun you're trying to implement.
While we have been using BFA as part of our matchup algorithm, we will be examining the important over BFA over other stats to see if we can create more accurate matchups. The "Trials" in "Estoc Trials" is not done because we are still testing, but rather, that it is a Trial for players to go through as a test of their strength. -However-, we do want to make this the best possible system, and we continue to listen to what you are all suggesting and will use these suggestions to create the best system possible. Next Week's tasks: 1. Further Tweak the schedule, adding in 2 more wars and looking at what we can do with clan size limits 2. Start Season 1's Pre-season 3. See what we can do to make BFA calculations affect matchups more than they are right now.
So... 1. No FF in two hour wars 2. Better matchups ... Too many bloodbaths for me 3. FIX THE LAG.. It's better, but still annoying as ****!!!!
Support Pum on 1 xtal for 2 hour war and 2 xtals for 4 hour wars. And please bring back at least 2 4-hour wars. With 10 wars a week u should be making enough money to do the right thing and have 1 xtal max for 2 hours. Will bring more strategy back in the 2 hour war instead of just chaotic xtalling.
No support for 1xtal. Everyone has equal chance to xtal twice, the amount of mith earned is more or less same in 2hr as in a long er 4hr war, xtals are as much part of strategy as anything else in EE. Remove every challenge from ee and you might aswell bring back mithsales.