Estoc Trials - Upcoming War Changes *IMPORTANT*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Can we please take the ******* dtw/dts mech out... its annoying as ****....
  2. Hmm... A suggestion for the devs: after the test wars end, would u consider giving everyone who fought in them a small reward? Say 10-20 mith... Of course we are rewarded by the pleasure of warring and by any mith earned. At the same time most have prob been through some rough match ups or otherwise suffered through the evolving game mechanics... And come back for more, thereby helping test out the system (contributing to a lasting benefit to the devs and the game...) I'm in no way saying this is necessary. More that it would be a generous gesture on the dens part... :)
  3. *on the devs part
  4. I will not take place the devs tests, any longer... When they have a season 2 mechanic. I'll look into it. But these wars are CRAP
  5. Why not use the dts/dtw mechanic for the matchup, then remove it for the actual war?
  6. Schroeder, you're not really big enough to participate in these wars anyways...
  7. The weaklings who btch and complain deserve to lose. Learn to adapt to win the EE war figure out how did you lose.I became fast due to training and mastering techniques.

    ~The fastest Player in Kaw
  8. Can't seem to figure out what's the big issue. I see no logic in arguments
  9. About time, nothing but applause 

    It's really funny to see how thought out and well reasoned most arguments for this update to matchmaking are, and how childish and ignorant the whining is about it

    Good war clans will still win because they're good!

    The devs didn't do this to cater to whiners and EB nobs lol.... Do you guys whining about your unfair advantage being taken away have any idea how hard it is to get a clan warring?

    Do you consider anyone other than yourself?

    Give the devs some time to figure it out with feedback, but Devs Please DO EXPLAIN how you are factoring in BFE to the matchups as this could provide a whole new strategy deployed by clans!!!

    I disagree with those saying let us switch equipment around during war simply for the fact that locking it in place can let clans war in completely new brackets.

    There are plenty of long standing clans that have like 5-10 very big players with a host of loyal members that warred a lot but weren't winning. Let them war their bigs with no equipment with rest of clan fully equipped to get matchups they can compete in.

    I do not war for equipment, I war because its fun!!! Thanks for doing your best to keep it that way devs 
  11. I really can't understand why you are all moaning. Is it just the fact that you will no longer get easy match ups? As far as I can tell you will now get matched on clan strength and bfa and also bfe.

    Ok you can't change your equipment mid war, I can understand why that would hinder you, but it's not that much of a hinderance.

    It may create a two tier system. The haves and have nots. And this will give the have nots a chance to get the equipment. But surely you can see the bigger picture? Kaw season 1 and the ridiculous bfe rewarded from it, made changes that resulted in a complete imbalance and if it was not addressed was likely to result in the end of kaw.

    Yes you all worked hard to get your equipment. But how many of you abandoned your home clans to join a specialised war clan to ensure you got easy match ups to get that equipment???

    At the end of the day it's a 'match up' system. The clue is in the title. The aim is to match u to a clan of equal strength. Can you not accept that including bfe is the only way to do that?

    Now your ability as warriors and strategies will really be tested. The cream will rise to the top because of their ability and not because their ridiculous bfe gave them an unfair advantage.
    I'll be interested to see who that is at the end of season 2.
  12. Great that ur updating KaW. But what about ur other games. Future combat
  13. Thank you for striving to get the match up system worked out. Any match up system that does not include cs, bfa, and bfe is doomed to fail.
    Stop complaining cuz your BFE doesn't come into much play now and you can't outmatch the other clan--now it's much more on clan strategy and team cooperation!
    I myself have huge BFE I see this as an awesome change because it gives much more fair matches!
    As for "not getting the advantage"? So you mean you take off equip for EBs and/or farming?
    On the side note..OMG SOTRA LOST D;
    Maybe proving for the bfe update to be "working"...
  15. Great changes devs...Appreciate it.. Wars may now be more balanced :)
  16. Every change y'all have made since season one ended had somehow made each war more crappier please brin back set ko timers and no bfe counting all horrible ideas
  17. Love the changes full support 
  18. what equipments?
  19. Dtw and dts is dumb and our match up sucked for bfe. Was not fair and they had 1 more than us
  20. @ yam jam

    FC a gaw are lame ass games that only people with limited brail cella enjoy. That's why