Estoc Trials - Upcoming War Changes *IMPORTANT*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. I do feel better. Knowing that I beat you just then in your crappy attempt to insult me.

    Go do something u...

    Oh wait you can't, sorry.
  2. Anarchy "Will just unequip and beat up on nubs who can't war" why not do it with equipment on? I'm laughing at some whiners on this thread and like Eric
  3. Val is an excellent player. Hats off. Much respect. Anarchy on the other hand is a rank amateur, standing on the shoulders of giants.

    Don't worry champ, Val will tell you what to do next. I imagine it will be something like, 'shut up monkey. I'm trying to think.' 
  4. Wow. Amazed at the intellectual incongruence. Devs I think you should give these peeps what they're asking for and offer a one time only 'buyback' of all 'earned' equipment. Call their bluff and see who actually does it

    After all, it's useless to these people so they will sell and be better off.
  5. Because I'm too nooby to hit anyone good.
    So I'll keep hitting bigger noobs and getting more useless equipment. :)
  6. I knew a lot of these EE fairies were relatively unfamiliar with OSW and PVP for the most part, but oh my god my sides. "Our 400m BFE is useless GIVE US REFUNDS NAO"
  7. If they let us sell equipment.
    I will do it.

    Feel free to try devs.
  8. Anarchy has always been a whiner 
  9. I'm a rank amateur and always will be. I couldn't care less what old gisky who is entirely irrelevant in now KaW days could think.

    Only a noob like me gets this mad.
  10. The problem: Val's too damn smart.

  11. Lol
    Eric and hatfied

    Just LoL
  12. Already said that Farmer.

    Surely you can think of something fresh?
    Surely? Ask gisky, his retorts are just prime.

    I do not speak on behalf of the clan.
    I am too nooby to do so and have been told I am. I speak purely on my own nooby and arrogant beliefs.

    The clan are far more civilized then my butthurt noob rage I am emitting. Please excuse my noobiness.
  14. I've always been irreverent in KaW. What's your point?

    I do however like to see devs make decisions that are right for the game.

    If that happens to affect a few idiots on the way through, well that's just the cherry on top. 
  15. Because giskard's previous statement is completely unbiased and would not be changed if he had a set of full RP equipment.
  16. Idiots always find something to complain about.

    Nice changes devs 
  17. ^By the looks of that war history.
    Another very unbiased statement.

    Thankyou for your input.
  18. If u had read the bfe thread u would have seen full rancor equip people posting support for the health of ee in the long run
  19. ima pull a moose and quote errything.
    originally was before ee /argument invalid (also static bonuses and to keep players in game)
    for nothing? i dunno if you noticed, troops go down. most equip (not % equip) stays the same. fighing from pin/ko is far easier. not to mention the eb potential
    thats stupid and obviously a troll. pots/bfa are available to anyone, without a random chance also.
    unless they scale equip far higher than stats (i would assume they scale its bonus the same as stats in the match maker) than any static bonus is an advantage. i would much rather have a stable and a lv 1 guild (for wars) but a 2m bfe than 2m cs. then my stats dont drop with attacks.
    what? i dont even? you assume the morningstar and sword dont get counted in? did i miss somthing?
    leave please, or give useful feedback
    dissadvantage? where? another thing to account for with dtw/dts, is that thats based on build. if you have high bfe, people who could actually hit you may see you as dtw. just another advantage of equips.
    do it. you own a big ee clan, so why the hell not if its so disadvantageous?
    same as val. again you are assuming stats=to your bfe is better than bfe, but its not. thats blatantly wrong.

    so yea, for some stupid reason everyone assumes static bonus is worse than stats because now its factored in, and the game is that much closer to balance. now please shut up and think for a bit til you realize it.
  20. Equipment was earned to gain an advantage. Honestly, what is the point to it in EE if it'll give no advantage? Might as well slap on another def/spy def pot to even out the atk pot advantage.

    Dante phrased it well - "we play on ATA's time under ATA's rules"