Estoc Trials - Upcoming War Changes *IMPORTANT*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]
    That's the last balance change to kaw that wasn't reverted.(look at the date) I give props to you devs, you finaly listened to feedback and made a change, and kaw is one step closer to balance. Bfe has been a huge problem in matchups, ie. the worms/warthogs.
  2. I love the sound of all you whiney little girls blouses waxing lyrical because you now may be matched with people who can actually hit you. 

    Anarchy. Suck it up princess. You're everything that is wrong with this game.

    On the dtw mech. Not sure this is the way to go, but will be interesting to see a match or two with this...
  3. This is so LAME debate come on people work hard for that armor
  4. The point of earning equipment is to have an advantage over those who did nothing, that's the point you thick morons.

    No one would have bothered if it did nothing but give a disadvantage.
  5. I have no idea how anyone could come to the conclusion that because devs are factoring in equipment it all of a sudden renders it uselessand you want to be refunded lol. Oh the entitlement generation...anyway, your logic follows just as well to bfa as much time energy money effort, etc goes into acquiring bfa?? A heck of a lot more than bfe for sure. Would you like devs to not consider bfa? And should I ask for all my money back because I worked hard to get it?? Of course not...your equipment (just as high bfa player's bfa) works to your advantage in all aspects of this game.

    Factoring bfe and bfa into matches is a no-brainier if you are seeking a fair matchup.

    If however you like to beat up on less equipped players and somehow think that makes you more deserving of even more equipment....well then I can't respect that position.
  6. Giskard no need to be mad because you're too much of an ignoramus player to 'war' which is apparently your forte.

    Go back to patting yourself on the back, you're the only wanker who cares.
  7. Sadly, no.
    I understand there are players who converted to guild hansel, and only play for EE wars and these are the ones who are whining about matchmaking finally getting closer to being balanced. But to say that you worked for nothing and that equipment is now useless is a ******* insult to this game, and reflects on your understanding of the game itself.
  8. BFA wasn't rewarded as a prise - to gain an advantage.

    You dumb ****.
  9. You idiots need to read. They didn't take away your equipment or its bonus. The only thing they changed is stopping people from changing equips after matchups. If you want to take all your gear off to get an easier matchup you still can. You just won't be able to put them back on after matchups.

    Remember read carefully and make sure you understand what is going on before you get all whiney and butthurt.
  10. What I'm trying to say, but better.
  11. Hatfield, i bet clans will take off their earned mith so yea useless.
  12. Hahaha anarchy, now all you noobs that dropped build to guild hansel because that's all you got going for you don't have your advantage anymore 
  13. Lol Anarchy. QED

    Devs, if you just make GH hitable (is that a word? ) to all builds in KaW we'll fix your other problem for you. 
  14. Heh heh, I can work with it, no worries

  15. I didn't drop build to guild Hansel you ignorant sack of crap.

    Always been one.
  16. Oops.. Earned equipment*
  17. I'm sure Val and clan will figure something out to beat the system once again anyways...
  18. Anyway, what do I care? We'll just unequip and pound some more noobs who can't war.

    Thanks for the useless fix devs.
  19. Suuure anarchy, whatever makes you feel better 
  20. Kk anarchy that's enough bro