Estoc Trials - Upcoming War Changes *IMPORTANT*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. We do ensure that it is balanced against the static based equipment.
  2. Jesus so many complaining. I can't argue with you all at this time, so il just say it: wars are now balanced. Go QQ somewhere else, this is a good change.
  3. Equip needed to be factored into matchups. While I don't like not being able to switch equip during war, I understand the need to lock equipment and therefore believe this to be a good starting point not a huge fan of dts/dtw being a factor for matchups but ill roll with it.

    Thanks for the effort devs. While everyone has an opinion, no one can fault your efforts. You've obviously put a lot of time, energy and effort into it. Hoping for a successful algorithm
  4. This is a test to see if we can incorporate equipment into the matchup system to create better matches. How would you suggest we take into account all possible combinations of equipments in our matchup? We are open to trying something else if the results are poor.
  5. Station.

    This is a game. And the reward for being good at said same is the equipment.

    Now kaw has taken away the reward that comes from the time and effort...and money...spent by those that have earned it.

    We aren't asking for easy match ups. We are asking not to ruin the reward we worked hard for. Which this does.

    Call it what you want. It won't change the fact that this will kill system war just as taking away the reward killed the old system wars.

    This game has become way to big brother. What made it cool was we the players controlled how we played. Now we play on ata's time, by ata's rules. It rubbish.
  6. This sucks. Especially the equipment part.
  7. Devs so why even create all this equipment?
  8. I'm sure everyone can deal with it for one war. With all the complaining they'll most likely change it back...
  9. Thank you Devs for listening to our feedback from Giskard's BFE thread a couple of weeks ago. I look forward to these changes.

    It is obvious that most players doing estocs have BFE>BFA. Most static stats come from BFE but they haven't been included in the matchmaking assessment. Static stats become more important when players are most likely playing near KO.

    If this adjustment works then it's a great addition to the Estoc mechanics. If this adjustment fails to produce better matchups then at least we can say that we tried. What better way to prove someone wrong than to provide empirical data? 
  10. Glad I wasted 8 weeks getting equip for nothing you ******* tools.
  11. Devs, have everyone's equip automatically set to 0 during war. May as well take away all attack, defence, spy Att, spy def pots. So all there is, is your build. Then make all
    BFA 0.

    Problem solved. 
  12. Refund all our equip at 2x mith price, in gold.
    No point having it, let us upgrade.
  13. I support this change if its gives better matchups. Ppl been complaining about that the most and we can at least try to know if it works or not.
  14. Devs what the hell? Why would you give us equipment if we won ee wars, yet your going to tell us now its a disadvantage?! Insane. Might as well get rid of all equipment why waste money?
  15. Just a heads up guys, Estoc wars aren't the only form of PVP, your equipment will also help you in a type of PVP where there is no war system involved, otherwise known as OSW. Hopefully this will help you realize that your equipment is in fact not useless, and this change is just to ensure more equal match ups.
  16. This is so easy to get around anyway devs you fools.

    Guild Hansel clans just need all to equip Morning Star/Sword, ect.

    Do these idiots even think?
  17. I like how KaW_Admin is commenting on questions and such on this thread. That is a big improvement to be able to get direct feedback. I don't agree with the BFE change tho. Ppl worked hard to get that equip to have an advantage. Don't take that away. I do like how you guys are trying hard with different stuff to make EE wars better. Thank you
  18. It's not taking away ur advantage if ur matched to a higher cs because of ur bfe it just makes it close

    Ur rewards are always there ur equip fills holes in ur build and if u really are a great ee clan u will still win only thing this does is ensure good matches more often and will help keep new players coming in to ee for a long time to come

    Ur reward isn't for ee to begin with these ate suppose to be "matches of skill and teamwork" not who has more equip and can pound some poor noob to hell

    U have that equip advantage over every other player in kaw forever (as long as u don't reset) every other part of the game except u don't get quite the large advantage of 4-8 mill cs of ur build hidden in something that's suppose to be as even a "match" as possible
  19. Boo this sucks leave bfe out of it