Estoc Trials - Upcoming War Changes *IMPORTANT*

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. I tried to explain why dts/dtw is not prudent for war before. You don't stop shooting a target because its too weak or too strong.

    I understand why dts/dtw exist for this game when people aren't locked in a system war, it stops larger builds from exploiting smaller builds and vice versa.

    EE is a locked system war of one clan vs. the other clan. There should not be hit restrictions at all because then it's not the whole clan vs. the whole clan anymore. It's only a portion of each clan fighting each other. You might as well let us make 2-3 different war teams with different chats then everyone can fight. Your taking away the whole idea and fun of actually having a locked system war in the first place!

    If someone big wants to hit a small or someone small wants to hit a big they should be able to in locked war! If they fail or succeed should be on them!
  2. Well damn so much for sounding witty when my ac makes me look slow :lol:

    Anyways you get the idea
  3. Support. This is a great change to these wars. It should increase match ups which is something people always complain about. You Devs really are working hard to make these wars better and we see it in these new results now. I started playing again because you guys really try and make the game better. This is much better than PIMD, GAW, and FC. Keep up the good work  
  4. Major BS match again devs. Our number 1 = swifty9 (HLBC).
    The Umbrella corp. #1 = 6m CS...

    How in the ******* world did we match them? They are so much smaller its not even funny
  5. Your still complaining If they beat you guys I will laugh.
  6. Lmfao u honestly think they have even a 1% chance of beating us? No. So why even suggest they may. Dumb fool.

    Complaining? Doesn't matter wether we got ****** over or they did. It's a major BS match that should never of happened. We matche man for man against Wolves Reborn. I've no clue how we didn't match them.
  7. Nice! Good job!
  8. NO. So screwed up. Sooo. Screwed up.

    Lets say one targets hansel

    The other attack

    Youd want your attack heavy equip for the attack
    And spy heavy for the hansel

    Solution? Hit one, change equip, hit other

    But wait


    ET wars? More like EBW.
  9. Why can we not just have 20% troop for dtw in mechanics?
    One answer is all I ask for .
  10. im in a war right now... that i cant hit anyone because of OTS and DTW.. so devs how??
  11. Just had one if the worst mis-matches ever, our top guy couldn't win against the the three top guys above him, our smallest guy well he sat and watched and the other clans smallest guy was the same size as our mid roster - can't have been fun for Battlegrounds either - oh did I mention being outnumbered too 
    I don't know what went wrong today but that was some serious bad mis-match.
    I know these are test wars but you are driving people away from them they make no sense lol
  12. As a TGIA member I can only offer my upmost "thumbs-up" and the proverbial "slap-on-the-ape's-back" to all matches this weekend.
  13. Just a note on EE. I was on holidays and could not war for 2 weeks. I lost all 4 levels of EE. I can understand 1 level but not 4. Please fix. Also give me 3 levels back. Thanks
  14. You don't win EE wars just so you get an advantage in more EE wars. If that was true then it would be unfair on new players. I know you went through hard work but think realistically..

    The bonus of EE comes into effect in EB'S and out of system wars. They are so overpowered.

    The items kicked down players who took years to build up allies and raw stats. Now it's your turn.
  15. I agree to a point. For the record I have also worked hard to build. To participate in wars you have to take plunder loss due to towers and it costs money to war. I agree that EE should have limits. That's why I say a level loss is fair. Not all 4 levels in one shot
  16. You need to tweak the sensitivity of the matching. Just being able to hit each other is not enough. Just because I can hit someone 2 or 3 or 4 times my size doesn't mean that I will actually make plunder off them. please include CS and BFA into matchups on-top of the new system. It would make for better matches. If you have to adjust a bit for impact that that each user has... do that, but it still seems a bit too wide of a net that you are casting in the matchups, because some matches are close (I believe this is by coincidence), but most are very 1 sided.

    Just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

    ḲɩḶḶэṜṢ - ɄᴎɩㄊэḌ
  17. I have a way to resolve this equipment problem. When making matchups take stats from best equipment each person hasn't each slot and use that for your algorithm. Then this way best stats per person's bfe is factored and their is no need to lock eq everyone can use what they like. Not only would this allow everyone who rightfully earned all their eq use them it would eliminate big exp clans from striping naked even though they have good eq to get matched up with a less exp clan for an easy win. As for this dtw/dts ordeal, what difference will this make when an hlbc hits a gh they make like no money which in return really doesn't help them in war anyway. But I have an issue with guilds paying so much when the rest of the kaw nation busts their ass on their stats those people are incredibly lazy and get themselves easy matchups due to their size, because they have no need to spend the 300b on low lands and 4.375t on highlands. Leaving them to buy as many allies as they want but still making incredible gold. Maybe you can try taking individual bfa and individual buildings not stats knowing hansels stats wont be quite as high either. if you break it down to building for building maybe your algorithm will work itself out. So in conclusion you have a way to factor in bfe, I suggest removing dtw/dts, and fix the GH mechanics make them put in as much work as the rest of us so they don't just get a walk in the park.